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kowenicki said:
thismeintiel said:

Yea, and thank God they aren't MS.

That's some wishful thinking right there.  I know it sucks that MS is going to lose every true exclusive list from now on, but there is absolutely no reason for Sony to switch to PC, too.  And I think you're last two sentences more accurately describe the PS4.

Sony execs dream of Ms like success. Sony know that hardware isn't the future. Software as a service is. Fans need to suck that up, it's what will happen. No question, no doubt.

Well, I would respond, but so many have done it incredibly well already. 

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Chazore said:
It's not going to be on Steam as predicted.

Good luck trying to sell that game on PC lol.


I guess add that to yet another market MS tries to claim, yet enters way too late to really do anything.