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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: In some years, Nintendos console will be the most successful and last relevant


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Your text is to long, im to lazy to read it. 51 15.84%
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Disagree 169 52.48%
Results 30 9.32%
fatslob-:O said:

That is not a trivial issue and you've yet to still elaborate on what is stopping the other alternatives from doing the same to Nintendo ... 

Nintendo's difference have netted them less than 15 million for the WII U when is all is said and done so what's stopping them from going any lower ?

the people who bought a wii u bought the console mainly because of the nintendo games (mario kart, smash, super mario (maker)). 

Those games belong to Nintendo. Nintendo wont release them on smart tvs. So these games will never be available on smart tvs/smartphones whatever.

Call of duty, assassins creed, Grand theft Auto, The elder scrolls and co do all belong to third party companies. Those companies will bring the games to smart tvs/smartphones and co as soon as those systems got strong enough. Its already happening. Assassins Creed Identiy gets released next month on iOS.


So the 15 million people who bought a wii u will probl also buy the future nintendo consoles. Because thats the only ways to play nintendo games. At the same time the actual ps4 player will not buy a ps5/6. This will make the fusion nintendo console the most sucessfull, even if its just selling 15-20 million.

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You have a very narrow view of things OP.

graphic quality might reach a peak, but the content within them wont.

CPU: Ryzen 7950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5
TheBlackNaruto said:
I disagree with quite a few points. But I have a question I understand 100% when you say Nin will be the last but what about when you say most successful? What are you meaning when you say most successful ?

it will sell more then the competition at this time (if there will be any competition left). Like Nintendos 10th gen console will sell better then xbox 10th gen and ps6. 

It will not be more sucessfull then older generations (ps2).

RolStoppable said:
potato_hamster said:

Really? What's there to explain? You don't think the people at Sony and Microsoft are just as passionate about making video games as Nintendo? You don't think the people that work 60-80 hour weeks for months straight to get a game out on time and on budget don't love what they do? Because you don't put yourself through that crap project after project after project if you don't love what you do. The people at Sony and MS, and pretty much every video game studio on the planet absolutely love what they do.

As for unity, it depends on what you meant, but in the sense of unity meaning togetherness of feeling like being a part of something bigger, the only difference between Nintendo fans and Sony and MS fans is that Nintendo has been around longer. There are Sony fans that are just as diehard as Nintendo fans. There are MS fans that are just as diehard as Nintendo fans.

Nintendo isn't unique in anything they bring to the video game industry except for the types of games and consoles they make. But it doesn't take anything extra that Sony or MS don't have in order to make Nintendo-like consoles or Nintendo-like games. Sure they do things differently, but that doesn't automatically mean they do things better.

"Except for the types of games and consoles they make." - Those are some pretty big exceptions.

Don't be so obtuse.

You're acting like others can't make games like those. Sony chooses not to make games like Nintendo's games. MS chooses not to make games like Nintendo's games. It doesn't mean that either Sony or MS aren't capable.

If Sony or MS wanted to go toe-to-toe with Nintendo on Nintendo's playground, they would. There's just more money in their own playground, and if you haven't noticed, Nintendo's playground keeps getting smaller.

JNK said:
fatslob-:O said:

That is not a trivial issue and you've yet to still elaborate on what is stopping the other alternatives from doing the same to Nintendo ... 

Nintendo's difference have netted them less than 15 million for the WII U when is all is said and done so what's stopping them from going any lower ?

the people who bought a wii u bought the console mainly because of the nintendo games (mario kart, smash, super mario (maker)). 

Those games belong to Nintendo. Nintendo wont release them on smart tvs. So these games will never be available on smart tvs/smartphones whatever.

Call of duty, assassins creed, Grand theft Auto, The elder scrolls and co do all belong to third party companies. Those companies will bring the games to smart tvs/smartphones and co as soon as those systems got strong enough. Its already happening. Assassins Creed Identiy gets released next month on iOS.


So the 15 million people who bought a wii u will probl also buy the future nintendo consoles. Because thats the only ways to play nintendo games. At the same time the actual ps4 player will not buy a ps5/6. This will make the fusion nintendo console the most sucessfull, even if its just selling 15-20 million.

Not quite. I think a fair chunk of casual gamers bought the WiiU originally as a residul effect from the Wii's success with that audience. Obviouslt it didn't catch on all that much.

And I'd argue that there's more people out there willing to buy a PS5 based on brand alone that people willing to buy the NX for the Nintendo IPs.

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hiccupthehuman said:

The software for PS4/One will also get better, just like the software for PS3 and 360 did. Why do you think this generation different?

And you are ignoring such a huge component of gaming today: multiplayer. Multiplayer is only increasing in popularity and are among the best-selling games nowadays. I doubt that the mobile multiplayer scene will ever even get near to the experiences on consoles. Competitive gaming will never be feasible on a mobile, because you need a controller/mouse for the fastest and precise gaming. Furthermore, unlike console manufaturers, whoever manufatures smart tv or mobile won't have robust servers or the facilities to host reliable online services and be as robust as PSN or Xbox Live. 

Furthermore, gameplay is also another important componenet of gaming todayGames on mobile may look okay, but they don't play okay, ) making consoles/PC still the best place to play. 

 Finally, the majority of mobile gamers are casual, and play casual games that are not high in graphics fidelity. Mobile gamers dont buy mobile games for graphics. None of the 11 graphical powerhouses of mobile ( ) feature in the top 100 top-grossing mobile games ( In fact, pratically no graphically impressive game is in the top 100. The highest ranking mobile games with graphics is Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, and that is definitively not PS3 graphics.

All in all, I disagree with your points. In fact, so far, the rise of mobile gaming has not made a dent in PS4 sales, and the Xbox One is outpacing the 360. It is only Nintendo that has been drastically affected by it.


This is crysis 3 running nativly on Nvidia Shield (an android tv box). It runs android and uses a ARM cpus (the same cpus that are used in smart tvs/smartphones).

The iPad Pro (a9x chip) is already stronger then the nvidia shield and completly mobile. Mobile performance is getting better by factor x2 every year. At this rate, we will see very, very soon ps4 like graphics on mobiles. Its probl already possible on the ipad pro (the device is capable of editing 3 4k video tracks at the same time with no problem).


Xbox Live or PSN arnt necessary for multiplayer. Ever played on a pc? There are first and third party solutions (uplay, steam, battlent, origin) and some games dont even need that. 

I dont see a problem using a controller on a smart tv in the future if they are capable on deliviering ps4 like power.

RolStoppable said:

They don't make another Wii U. Simple answer.

Easier said than done ... 

deskpro2k3 said:
You have a very narrow view of things OP.

graphic quality might reach a peak, but the content within them wont.

which game content on the ps4 or even on the ps3 wasnt possible on previous generations (like ps2)?

We already had big open worlds in GTA San andreas and Elder scrolls morrowind as an example.

The content is already the same. Only the graphics are improving.


Lawlight said:

It's like comparing a PS2 game with a PS3 game.

no thats exaggereted.

Keep in mind bioshock mobile versions runs on iPhone 5 and above. So this versions only uses the iPhone 5´s power as an base.

The iPhone 6s is already ~10-20 times stronger then the iPhone 5. 

Check this gameplay of crysis 3 running nativly on nvidia shield. Thats an android tv box using an arm cpu (same cpus used in smartphones). The a9x cpu used in the ipad Pro is already stronger then this.

JNK said:
TheBlackNaruto said:
I disagree with quite a few points. But I have a question I understand 100% when you say Nin will be the last but what about when you say most successful? What are you meaning when you say most successful ?

it will sell more then the competition at this time (if there will be any competition left). Like Nintendos 10th gen console will sell better then xbox 10th gen and ps6. 

It will not be more sucessfull then older generations (ps2).

Oh okay got ya. Well of course anything can happen BUT smart TVs and smart phones replacing consoles....I can't see that happening. It is leaning more towards consoles becoming more as the center of entertainment in homes. For movies(DVD/Blurray), streaming movies/shows, gaming, social media etc. Multiplayer gaming just keep getting bigger and bigger esepecially online gaming. It seems more like Nin has become stagnant IMO which will hurt them in the long run.

They have some amazing games and franchises but they have been around since the dawn of video games almost. They really rarely if ever make any new games that take off. They always make high quality games don't get me wrong but those games are usually from established IPS that have been around for a while. Splatoon and Bayonetta 2 are the onnly ones that really come to mind that did okay recently. And while Splatoon sold well if I remember correctly Bayonetta didn't sell as well as expected to be such a high quality game.

Also while 3rd parties do carry a heavy load with MS/Sony they also give them mor efreedom to try new IPS and take chances. A liberty nintendo doesn't really have because they have 3rd party games. I don't know....I guess I just can't see your scenario happening.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23