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JNK said:
fatslob-:O said:

That is not a trivial issue and you've yet to still elaborate on what is stopping the other alternatives from doing the same to Nintendo ... 

Nintendo's difference have netted them less than 15 million for the WII U when is all is said and done so what's stopping them from going any lower ?

the people who bought a wii u bought the console mainly because of the nintendo games (mario kart, smash, super mario (maker)). 

Those games belong to Nintendo. Nintendo wont release them on smart tvs. So these games will never be available on smart tvs/smartphones whatever.

Call of duty, assassins creed, Grand theft Auto, The elder scrolls and co do all belong to third party companies. Those companies will bring the games to smart tvs/smartphones and co as soon as those systems got strong enough. Its already happening. Assassins Creed Identiy gets released next month on iOS.


So the 15 million people who bought a wii u will probl also buy the future nintendo consoles. Because thats the only ways to play nintendo games. At the same time the actual ps4 player will not buy a ps5/6. This will make the fusion nintendo console the most sucessfull, even if its just selling 15-20 million.

Not quite. I think a fair chunk of casual gamers bought the WiiU originally as a residul effect from the Wii's success with that audience. Obviouslt it didn't catch on all that much.

And I'd argue that there's more people out there willing to buy a PS5 based on brand alone that people willing to buy the NX for the Nintendo IPs.