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JNK said:
TheBlackNaruto said:
I disagree with quite a few points. But I have a question I understand 100% when you say Nin will be the last but what about when you say most successful? What are you meaning when you say most successful ?

it will sell more then the competition at this time (if there will be any competition left). Like Nintendos 10th gen console will sell better then xbox 10th gen and ps6. 

It will not be more sucessfull then older generations (ps2).

Oh okay got ya. Well of course anything can happen BUT smart TVs and smart phones replacing consoles....I can't see that happening. It is leaning more towards consoles becoming more as the center of entertainment in homes. For movies(DVD/Blurray), streaming movies/shows, gaming, social media etc. Multiplayer gaming just keep getting bigger and bigger esepecially online gaming. It seems more like Nin has become stagnant IMO which will hurt them in the long run.

They have some amazing games and franchises but they have been around since the dawn of video games almost. They really rarely if ever make any new games that take off. They always make high quality games don't get me wrong but those games are usually from established IPS that have been around for a while. Splatoon and Bayonetta 2 are the onnly ones that really come to mind that did okay recently. And while Splatoon sold well if I remember correctly Bayonetta didn't sell as well as expected to be such a high quality game.

Also while 3rd parties do carry a heavy load with MS/Sony they also give them mor efreedom to try new IPS and take chances. A liberty nintendo doesn't really have because they have 3rd party games. I don't know....I guess I just can't see your scenario happening.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23