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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: In some years, Nintendos console will be the most successful and last relevant


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Your text is to long, im to lazy to read it. 51 15.84%
Agree 72 22.36%
Disagree 169 52.48%
Results 30 9.32%
JNK said:
hiccupthehuman said:

The software for PS4/One will also get better, just like the software for PS3 and 360 did. Why do you think this generation different?

And you are ignoring such a huge component of gaming today: multiplayer. Multiplayer is only increasing in popularity and are among the best-selling games nowadays. I doubt that the mobile multiplayer scene will ever even get near to the experiences on consoles. Competitive gaming will never be feasible on a mobile, because you need a controller/mouse for the fastest and precise gaming. Furthermore, unlike console manufaturers, whoever manufatures smart tv or mobile won't have robust servers or the facilities to host reliable online services and be as robust as PSN or Xbox Live. 

Furthermore, gameplay is also another important componenet of gaming todayGames on mobile may look okay, but they don't play okay, ) making consoles/PC still the best place to play. 

 Finally, the majority of mobile gamers are casual, and play casual games that are not high in graphics fidelity. Mobile gamers dont buy mobile games for graphics. None of the 11 graphical powerhouses of mobile ( ) feature in the top 100 top-grossing mobile games ( In fact, pratically no graphically impressive game is in the top 100. The highest ranking mobile games with graphics is Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, and that is definitively not PS3 graphics.

All in all, I disagree with your points. In fact, so far, the rise of mobile gaming has not made a dent in PS4 sales, and the Xbox One is outpacing the 360. It is only Nintendo that has been drastically affected by it.


This is crysis 3 running nativly on Nvidia Shield (an android tv box). It runs android and uses a ARM cpus (the same cpus that are used in smart tvs/smartphones).

The iPad Pro (a9x chip) is already stronger then the nvidia shield and completly mobile. Mobile performance is getting better by factor x2 every year. At this rate, we will see very, very soon ps4 like graphics on mobiles. Its probl already possible on the ipad pro (the device is capable of editing 3 4k video tracks at the same time with no problem).


Xbox Live or PSN arnt necessary for multiplayer. Ever played on a pc? There are first and third party solutions (uplay, steam, battlent, origin) and some games dont even need that. 

I dont see a problem using a controller on a smart tv in the future if they are capable on deliviering ps4 like power.

''Xbox Live or PSN arnt necessary for multiplayer. Ever played on a pc?'' 

Um yes.  I  mentionned controller/mouse combo as the best way for multiplayer. Still, there are entrenched communities on PSN and Xbox Live, and many people like console multiplayer. Do you expect everyone who likes multiplayer to switch from traditional console to Android, and get their multiplayer fix from the PC? What? How illogical is that?  Why would anyone do that?

I see you ignored all my other points. You're just repeating the same thing (mobile is getting stronger bla bla). I just thought of another problem about the theory of Android game boxes taking over consoles... there are too many of them!

Look at how many are coming out every few months! And most of meh. That's not gonna instill confidence in the general public. IThere's too many options, limited number of games that can be streamed and they cannot do anything that consoles can't do better. Their aim is not even to compete with the consoles for the hardcore gamers. Their aim is to be able to stream media, and play games on the side. There are devices that only stream that are cheaper than the Androids and offer the same experiences on one side, and on the other side and the PS and XBox that are dedicated to gaming and do that better.

Again, Android consoles have minimal impact on the traditional home consoles. And even if it did, it's mostly only Nintendo that is being hurt. Android consoles are ideal for families with children who want a media player, and also stream casual games on a big screen. Hmmm... which of the three manufacturers specializes more in casual games and is the most family friendly... oh that's right that's Nintendo! 

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RolStoppable said:
Now it's time to ask the most important question:

Who is the mod who changed the thread title?

I don't know how, but makes sense and doesn't make any sense at the same time

JNK said:
leyendax69 said:
I just read a comment from you saying that pc gaming is dead and now this. I have no words

this happens if somebody is not a fanboy (happens REALLY rarely today) and is capable of seeing things objectivly.

Nop, you are basing this by the fact that Sony and Ms don't have exclusive franchises that appeal to you, that's not objective at all. For me their franchises are more interesting that everything Nintendo has done in the last 15 years and looking at the sales I'm probably not the only one.

Also, could you explain to me how is PC gaming objectively dead as well? I don't see it

JNK said:
Lawlight said:

It's like comparing a PS2 game with a PS3 game.

no thats exaggereted.

Keep in mind bioshock mobile versions runs on iPhone 5 and above. So this versions only uses the iPhone 5´s power as an base.

The iPhone 6s is already ~10-20 times stronger then the iPhone 5. 

Check this gameplay of crysis 3 running nativly on nvidia shield. Thats an android tv box using an arm cpu (same cpus used in smartphones). The a9x cpu used in the ipad Pro is already stronger then this.


Bioshock was removed from the store so there's no way to know how it runs. Now, show me a game that's currently playable on an iPhone 6S that looks as good as a PS3 or PS4 game.

RolStoppable said:
potato_hamster said:

So your logic is that because Nintendo literally has no competition from third parties, and accounts for practically all game sales, this somehow means that their games are better than Sony's or Microsoft's whose games have to compete with legitimate third parties? Okay. Tell me, do you think Sony and MS's first party titles wouldn't sell any better if gamers on those platforms didn't have games like Fallout 4, or Metal Gear Solid 5, or the Witcher 3 to choose from? I assure you, they would.

Nintendo isn't winning without third parties. Nintendo isn't beating anyone right now - not where it matters at least.

Sony's and Microsoft's games would sell worse without third party games on their platform, because the userbases would be significantly smaller. For example, look at the Vita. In 2013 it was already devoid of legitimate third party titles in the American and European markets, Sony launched Killzone and Tearaway, and both of them flopped. On the other hand, Capcom can put Monster Hunter on the 3DS and Nintendo's games still reign supreme; the same held true when Dragon Quest hit the DS.

And yes, I know that Nintendo doesn't win where it matters, simply because as soon as Nintendo wins, the rules for winning are rearranged to make Nintendo's victory not matter.

 Listen to yourself. Just re-read what you wrote. How can that actually make sense to you?

Now you're going to use a handheld as an example of what would happen to a Sony/MS home console if they lost third party support? A handheld that promised console quality games that never once delivered the experience? Have you considered that perhaps the reason games sold so poorly is because the concept that playing the exact same game as you can on your console, except worse in every way on a much smaller screen isn't very appealing? No. It must be the lack of third party support. It only had the likes of  franchises like Metal Gear Solid, Borderlands, Assassin's Creed, Fifa soccer, Persona, Call of Duty, Minecraft etc.  you know, some of the most popular third party franchises in the world. Big deal, right? Besides, you're cherry picking games. Uncharted and LittleBigPlanet pulled respectable numbers, and Killzone sales actually weren't too terrible either - it definitely didn't lose Sony money. Also, need I remind you that the PS Vita actually has quite a reasonably healthy following in Japan? Maybe not the best example to use  - but I digress.

Also, you're meaning to tell me that the likes of Mario Bros, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Zelda outsold the likes of Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest on a Nintendo console?! Colour me surprised! Its almost as if those games have quite almost always sold better than Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest regardless of the platforms those games are on! But I should also probably remind you that Monster Hunter sold better on the PSP on a much smaller install base, and two of the top 3 best selling Dragon Quest games are on Sony consoles, so those are also not great examples to prove your point. Third parties don't sell as well on Nintendo consoles as they do on other consoles. It's been that way for decades. You'll be hard pressed to find a mutli-platform third party game that sells better on Nintendo than they do on Sony or MS consoles. There's a few, like Just Dance, but the vast majority sell much much better.
No, Nintendo's win doesn't matter because it's winning in a dwindling market. The home console base appears to be expanding in spite of Nintendo dropping the ball so badly with the Wii U, and the hand held base is shrinking dramatically despite Nintendo having virtually no competition. There were over three times as many PSPs and DSs sold at this point in their life than 3DSs and Vitas. That isn't shifting the goal posts. That's a realistic perspective. You might claim that Nintendo forced Sony out of the 3DS space, but the truth of the matter is that they read the writing on the wall that says its getting harder and harder to make a successful handheld video game console, and decided to put their time and effort into expanding their presence in an expanding market. There was more than enough room for the PSP and DS to exist, there's certainly no reason to think that the 3DS drove the Vita out of the market when the 3DS is selling less than half of its predecessor.

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JNK said:
DakonBlackblade said:
JNK said:

nope your saying graphics (animations, details and co are all graphics) and physics + co is game content and thats wrong. Not beeing able to show one single video about your points just prooves this.


good day.

Youre basicaly reducing the very engine of the game to "graphics". But anyways its clear this is  an impossible conversaion, its like a scientist talking to a fervorous religious about evolution, the religious doesnt need to have any facts or know anything cause he believes he already has all the asnwer, therefore he debunks anything presented by the scientist with unfundamented belief, its like talking to a wall. Also what videos ? There are videos of TloU runing on PS3 everywhere, just google it. What I want to see is a video of a game runing physics, animations, contextual interactivity, AI, expressions and handling all these system together as well as TLoU does on a PS2, youre the one saying PS2 can do it, so plz show me PS2 doing it, with some technical breakdwon explaining exaclty whats going on there and why thats the same as TLoU.


This was my last reply to you, keep believing on "Noas Ark" cause as I said this is not a debate theres no argument coming from your side, a debate needs 2 sides presenting arguments, not 1 doing it and the other saing "show me video" or  "send me a link".


Ps3 GOW 3 boss battle:


Ps2 Shadow os the colusses boss battle:




Silent Hill 3 ps2:


your welcome:


ps: your probl right, but your not the "scientist" ;)

Sorry I had to reply this was too funy, Im rolling in the floor laughting. Altough trying to compare Shadow of the Colossus to GOW3 Titan was kinda good, mechanicaly those fights are widly different, Cronus is a living scenario basic, Shadow of the Colossus is more analogus to what happens in Dragons Dogma combat albeit its way more clunky since you know PS2 was limited as fck when compared ot a PS3/X360.

To school you just a tiny bit Ill do a very small part of your work for you, this is a direct quote form a Santa Monica dev:

“Dynamic environments mean we can take literally anything in the game, including creatures or in this case, extremely large thousand foot plus creatures,” reveals Sony Santa Monica’s John Hight, “And turn them into an environment that Kratos can now navigate, battle on, find treasures.” The idea was mooted during God of War on PS2, but only PS3’s technology allowed the developers to build it. A similar technique was employed by Naughty Dog in Uncharted 2, but Hight claims GOW3’s approach is more advanced. “Ours is a soft body collision which allows us to take any organic character, and turn it into a level. We’ve been working on it for almost two years.”

Now the Silent HIll 3 trailer to say thats the same as TloU (wich you also linked a trailer that incidentaly doesnt actualy happen in game, wich makes things even funier) was pure comedy gold, theres an abyss of mechanics, systems, animations, AI so big between TloU and Silent Hill 3 (wich isnt even a good Silent Hill game) its not even funy. If your definition of what makes TloU what it is is it has cutscenes, than heck this game could be reproduced bit by bit on a Atari, would be totaly the same game. Youre either just playing your fervorous religious card again or never played either TloU or Silent HIll to understand just how retardedly far apart these 2 games are froma  technical/technological standpoint.

fatslob-:O said:
Soundwave said:

Phones are a little ways away, but tablets are already there, the Apple A9X is likely well beyond a Wii U and could probably even run PS4/XB1 ports at a lowered resolution. The A9X is a 12-core PowerVR 7XT series which they peg as even with a Nvidia 730M ... that processor can run things like Witcher III and AC Unity (next-gen only games) that are playable enough. 

The A10X is coming this year too, so these chips just get better and better every year. 

At "lower resolution", the game will look like an aliasing mess compared to consoles when you have to render on a bigger screen ... 

An A9X at it's BEST can match a GT 730M but in the average case it will most likely get beaten and maybe the latter can run those next gen games on a low preset of course ...

The A10X is still going to be made on the same transistors they designed on the A9X so don't get your hopes too high up on large performance gains ...

Better luck next time for mobile devices on the next shrink (10nm) I guess ...

the a9x is just 2 cores (a8x already was tri core).

They can easily improve performance by adding more cores and still work on the same semi conductors.

hiccupthehuman said:
JNK said:
hiccupthehuman said:

The software for PS4/One will also get better, just like the software for PS3 and 360 did. Why do you think this generation different?

And you are ignoring such a huge component of gaming today: multiplayer. Multiplayer is only increasing in popularity and are among the best-selling games nowadays. I doubt that the mobile multiplayer scene will ever even get near to the experiences on consoles. Competitive gaming will never be feasible on a mobile, because you need a controller/mouse for the fastest and precise gaming. Furthermore, unlike console manufaturers, whoever manufatures smart tv or mobile won't have robust servers or the facilities to host reliable online services and be as robust as PSN or Xbox Live. 

Furthermore, gameplay is also another important componenet of gaming todayGames on mobile may look okay, but they don't play okay, ) making consoles/PC still the best place to play. 

 Finally, the majority of mobile gamers are casual, and play casual games that are not high in graphics fidelity. Mobile gamers dont buy mobile games for graphics. None of the 11 graphical powerhouses of mobile ( ) feature in the top 100 top-grossing mobile games ( In fact, pratically no graphically impressive game is in the top 100. The highest ranking mobile games with graphics is Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, and that is definitively not PS3 graphics.

All in all, I disagree with your points. In fact, so far, the rise of mobile gaming has not made a dent in PS4 sales, and the Xbox One is outpacing the 360. It is only Nintendo that has been drastically affected by it.


This is crysis 3 running nativly on Nvidia Shield (an android tv box). It runs android and uses a ARM cpus (the same cpus that are used in smart tvs/smartphones).

The iPad Pro (a9x chip) is already stronger then the nvidia shield and completly mobile. Mobile performance is getting better by factor x2 every year. At this rate, we will see very, very soon ps4 like graphics on mobiles. Its probl already possible on the ipad pro (the device is capable of editing 3 4k video tracks at the same time with no problem).


Xbox Live or PSN arnt necessary for multiplayer. Ever played on a pc? There are first and third party solutions (uplay, steam, battlent, origin) and some games dont even need that. 

I dont see a problem using a controller on a smart tv in the future if they are capable on deliviering ps4 like power.

''Xbox Live or PSN arnt necessary for multiplayer. Ever played on a pc?'' 

Um yes.  I  mentionned controller/mouse combo as the best way for multiplayer. Still, there are entrenched communities on PSN and Xbox Live, and many people like console multiplayer. Do you expect everyone who likes multiplayer to switch from traditional console to Android, and get their multiplayer fix from the PC? What? How illogical is that?  Why would anyone do that? 


Look at how many are coming out every few months! And most of meh. That's not gonna instill confidence in the general public. IThere's too many options, limited number of games that can be streamed and they cannot do anything that consoles can't do better. Their aim is not even to compete with the consoles for the hardcore gamers. Their aim is to be able to stream media, and play games on the side. There are devices that only stream that are cheaper than the Androids and offer the same experiences on one side, and on the other side and the PS and XBox that are dedicated to gaming and do that better.


Again, Android consoles have minimal impact on the traditional home consoles. And even if it did, it's mostly only Nintendo that is being hurt. Android consoles are ideal for families with children who want a media player, and also stream casual games on a big screen. Hmmm... which of the three manufacturers specializes more in casual games and is the most family friendly... oh that's right that's Nintendo! 

Nope. There will be similar services for android/iOS as they are on pc right now.

At the moment they are meh, right. Thats why ps4 and co are still very sucessfull now. But in the near future their chips will be on ps4-level and they will get the same multiplats like ps4/xbox one or ps5/xbox two with very similar graphical settings.

Sorry but i highly doubt you even understand my standpoint at all.

leyendax69 said:
JNK said:
leyendax69 said:
I just read a comment from you saying that pc gaming is dead and now this. I have no words

this happens if somebody is not a fanboy (happens REALLY rarely today) and is capable of seeing things objectivly.

Nop, you are basing this by the fact that Sony and Ms don't have exclusive franchises that appeal to you, that's not objective at all. For me their franchises are more interesting that everything Nintendo has done in the last 15 years and looking at the sales I'm probably not the only one.

Also, could you explain to me how is PC gaming objectively dead as well? I don't see it

Im not. Both have exclusive franchises that are appealing to me. I have 11 Ps4 games right now, 5 are exclusives (Last of us remastered, Nathan Drake Collection, Bloodborne, Order 1886 and Until Dawn).

But those exclusives are nowhere near as POPULAR as nintendos franchises. Please learn the difference between POPULAR and my own personal preferences. 

In terms of console game sales, sony and microsofts titles dont move much consoles. People are getting the playstation and xbox to play FIFA, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Battlefront, Grand theft Auto, The Elder scrolls, Witcher, Fallout, Destiny, Assassins Creed, Batman Arkham, Metal Gear Solid and co.

In the top 10 of playstation 4 titles (sales whise) there is just one single exclusive (The last of us remastered) on rank 9.

In the top 20 there are 2 playstation exclusive titles.

Now check Wii Us top titles.

fatslob-:O said:
Soundwave said:

Phones are a little ways away, but tablets are already there, the Apple A9X is likely well beyond a Wii U and could probably even run PS4/XB1 ports at a lowered resolution. The A9X is a 12-core PowerVR 7XT series which they peg as even with a Nvidia 730M ... that processor can run things like Witcher III and AC Unity (next-gen only games) that are playable enough. 

The A10X is coming this year too, so these chips just get better and better every year. 

At "lower resolution", the game will look like an aliasing mess compared to consoles when you have to render on a bigger screen ... 

An A9X at it's BEST can match a GT 730M but in the average case it will most likely get beaten and maybe the latter can run those next gen games on a low preset of course ...

The A10X is still going to be made on the same transistors they designed on the A9X so don't get your hopes too high up on large performance gains ...

Better luck next time for mobile devices on the next shrink (10nm) I guess ...

Yeah but the mobile version only has to be a on 5-6 inch screen so aliasing doesn't matter as much. The home console version can run at 1080P with AA, it doesn't matter so much on a portable, you certainly don't need 1080P for a small portable screen, hell I find for resolution 960x540 on the Vita looks perfectly fine for image quality at that ballpark of screen size. 

PowerVR already has the GT7900, that's even beyond the A9X, Nvidia likely will have the successor the Tegra X1 later this year too.