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hiccupthehuman said:
JNK said:
hiccupthehuman said:

The software for PS4/One will also get better, just like the software for PS3 and 360 did. Why do you think this generation different?

And you are ignoring such a huge component of gaming today: multiplayer. Multiplayer is only increasing in popularity and are among the best-selling games nowadays. I doubt that the mobile multiplayer scene will ever even get near to the experiences on consoles. Competitive gaming will never be feasible on a mobile, because you need a controller/mouse for the fastest and precise gaming. Furthermore, unlike console manufaturers, whoever manufatures smart tv or mobile won't have robust servers or the facilities to host reliable online services and be as robust as PSN or Xbox Live. 

Furthermore, gameplay is also another important componenet of gaming todayGames on mobile may look okay, but they don't play okay, ) making consoles/PC still the best place to play. 

 Finally, the majority of mobile gamers are casual, and play casual games that are not high in graphics fidelity. Mobile gamers dont buy mobile games for graphics. None of the 11 graphical powerhouses of mobile ( ) feature in the top 100 top-grossing mobile games ( In fact, pratically no graphically impressive game is in the top 100. The highest ranking mobile games with graphics is Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, and that is definitively not PS3 graphics.

All in all, I disagree with your points. In fact, so far, the rise of mobile gaming has not made a dent in PS4 sales, and the Xbox One is outpacing the 360. It is only Nintendo that has been drastically affected by it.


This is crysis 3 running nativly on Nvidia Shield (an android tv box). It runs android and uses a ARM cpus (the same cpus that are used in smart tvs/smartphones).

The iPad Pro (a9x chip) is already stronger then the nvidia shield and completly mobile. Mobile performance is getting better by factor x2 every year. At this rate, we will see very, very soon ps4 like graphics on mobiles. Its probl already possible on the ipad pro (the device is capable of editing 3 4k video tracks at the same time with no problem).


Xbox Live or PSN arnt necessary for multiplayer. Ever played on a pc? There are first and third party solutions (uplay, steam, battlent, origin) and some games dont even need that. 

I dont see a problem using a controller on a smart tv in the future if they are capable on deliviering ps4 like power.

''Xbox Live or PSN arnt necessary for multiplayer. Ever played on a pc?'' 

Um yes.  I  mentionned controller/mouse combo as the best way for multiplayer. Still, there are entrenched communities on PSN and Xbox Live, and many people like console multiplayer. Do you expect everyone who likes multiplayer to switch from traditional console to Android, and get their multiplayer fix from the PC? What? How illogical is that?  Why would anyone do that? 


Look at how many are coming out every few months! And most of meh. That's not gonna instill confidence in the general public. IThere's too many options, limited number of games that can be streamed and they cannot do anything that consoles can't do better. Their aim is not even to compete with the consoles for the hardcore gamers. Their aim is to be able to stream media, and play games on the side. There are devices that only stream that are cheaper than the Androids and offer the same experiences on one side, and on the other side and the PS and XBox that are dedicated to gaming and do that better.


Again, Android consoles have minimal impact on the traditional home consoles. And even if it did, it's mostly only Nintendo that is being hurt. Android consoles are ideal for families with children who want a media player, and also stream casual games on a big screen. Hmmm... which of the three manufacturers specializes more in casual games and is the most family friendly... oh that's right that's Nintendo! 

Nope. There will be similar services for android/iOS as they are on pc right now.

At the moment they are meh, right. Thats why ps4 and co are still very sucessfull now. But in the near future their chips will be on ps4-level and they will get the same multiplats like ps4/xbox one or ps5/xbox two with very similar graphical settings.

Sorry but i highly doubt you even understand my standpoint at all.