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fatslob-:O said:
Soundwave said:

Phones are a little ways away, but tablets are already there, the Apple A9X is likely well beyond a Wii U and could probably even run PS4/XB1 ports at a lowered resolution. The A9X is a 12-core PowerVR 7XT series which they peg as even with a Nvidia 730M ... that processor can run things like Witcher III and AC Unity (next-gen only games) that are playable enough. 

The A10X is coming this year too, so these chips just get better and better every year. 

At "lower resolution", the game will look like an aliasing mess compared to consoles when you have to render on a bigger screen ... 

An A9X at it's BEST can match a GT 730M but in the average case it will most likely get beaten and maybe the latter can run those next gen games on a low preset of course ...

The A10X is still going to be made on the same transistors they designed on the A9X so don't get your hopes too high up on large performance gains ...

Better luck next time for mobile devices on the next shrink (10nm) I guess ...

Yeah but the mobile version only has to be a on 5-6 inch screen so aliasing doesn't matter as much. The home console version can run at 1080P with AA, it doesn't matter so much on a portable, you certainly don't need 1080P for a small portable screen, hell I find for resolution 960x540 on the Vita looks perfectly fine for image quality at that ballpark of screen size. 

PowerVR already has the GT7900, that's even beyond the A9X, Nvidia likely will have the successor the Tegra X1 later this year too.