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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - AMD Confirms Nintendo NX 2016 Launch?

Neodegenerate said:
Ultrashroomz said:
I'm not buying it.

It's prolly just related to something else, like Ouya.

I am banking on the Microsoft discless thing to compete with Apple TV that was discussed a few weeks back.  That rumor seems too perfect for it not to be this.

Its for Nintendo, this basically same chip design win AMD mentioned at end of 2014, and only Nintendo back than worked on new console.


"We would have at least one to two semi-custom design wins and I’m pleased to report that we have those design wins, the work to design the products that has already started, the contract assigned and those parts get introduced in 2016.

We didn’t say at which space it is in. I’m not going to give too much detail. I’ll say that one is x86 and one is ARM, and atleast one will be on gaming, right. But that’s about as much as you going to get out me today, because the customers from the standpoint to be fair to them. It is their product. They launch it. They announce it and then just like the game console or the parts you find out that its AMD’s APU that’s been used in those products."

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Can't wait until Nintendo breaks their silence with the NX.

ohmylanta1003 said:
No. No. No. No. Nooooooooo!!! I'm so sick of people on VGChartz using the word confirmed in unconfirmed situations. If it's confirmed, it's confirmed. This is not confirmation. So don't use that word.


I want the NX out this year, but I'm not going to spread lies about it. It's annoying to see "this is confirmed" or "it's gonna have this, it was confirmed" when the only piece of evidence is an ambiguous quote about an unknown client

RolStoppable said:
Arlo said:
ohmylanta1003 said:
No. No. No. No. Nooooooooo!!! I'm so sick of people on VGChartz using the word confirmed in unconfirmed situations. If it's confirmed, it's confirmed. This is not confirmation. So don't use that word.

SERIOUSLY.  The word "confirmed" with a question mark after it is an oxymoron.  It's not confirmed until it's literally coming from Nintendo.

It isn't an oxymoron, it is a question.

The real question is  a oxymoron a  idiot welder or an idiot in a oxygen tent .

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

WOW it's a Youtuber that should tell you the gist of it!!! When has a Youtuber with a 1000 suscribers broke news!!! Think people!!! These damn NX threads need to stop they are getting annoying

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These NX threads...

Own:Nes,Snes,N64,Gamecube,Wii,WiiU,Gameboy Pocket,Gameboy Advance SP,DS,DSi,3DS XL,Sega Genesis,Sega Dreamcast,PS1,PS2,PS3,PSP,PSVita and Xbox 360.

Looking to get: Original Xbox 

A significant portion of my soul died with the first "SMT X FE" footage reveal.

Add me on PSN: afnanthekooltrex 

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Maybe they'll ship them to China for mass production. 2017 release date confirmed.

It could also be handheld NX.

Nice, now we can finall y assume it will come this year. Party time! I'm already hyped for E3!

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

More guesstimation. Why am I not surprised?

Yes it will. Believe!
People are really expecting them to avoid christmas sales? Look at how wii u and 3ds are selling right now, there's no way they are going to sell well for another year, wii u selling like shit, almost no games coming for it... november-december 2016 look obvious to me. I might be wrong of course, but I still think it's the most intelligent thing to do.