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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Twilight Princess HD is the most dissapointing Zelda remaster


Do you like the current TPHD?

Yes, because... 88 51.76%
No, because... 82 48.24%
bunchanumbers said:
This game could have been awesome as a NX Launch window game. I bet it would have sold and sold well with a real jump in graphical power. Fans probably would have flocked to it. But now? I'm not so sure. I'll still buy it but I do wonder what could have been.

I don't think it would be wise at all to release one Zelda HD port and one completely new Zelda game at same time at launch of new platform.  :)

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Miyamotoo said:
curl-6 said:

The lighting tech in TPHD doesn't look any different than the DX7 era stuff in the original, while WWHD was updated with HDR and per-pixel illumination.

WW HD definitely has better lighining than TP HD, my point is that even with lightning like that TP HD wouldn't look much better or nearly beautifule like WW HD because it wouldn't have same effect because huge differences in art styles.

TPHD could have looked much, much better than it does with some simple lighting upgrades. WWHD used Wii U level lighting, TPHD still uses Gamecube era lighting.

Art style is a matter of preference. Aesthetically, I think TPHD looks better than WWHD already.

Miyamotoo said:
bunchanumbers said:
This game could have been awesome as a NX Launch window game. I bet it would have sold and sold well with a real jump in graphical power. Fans probably would have flocked to it. But now? I'm not so sure. I'll still buy it but I do wonder what could have been.

I don't think it would be wise at all to release one Zelda HD port and one completely new Zelda game at same time at launch of new platform.  :)

But that's assuming that Zelda U is gonna be on NX. I mean it probably will be, but I think that it would have been a smart move. Especially for people who wanted some of that nostalgia right off the bat. Well at least we'll see Skyward Sword HD without motion controls on NX

bunchanumbers said:
Miyamotoo said:

I don't think it would be wise at all to release one Zelda HD port and one completely new Zelda game at same time at launch of new platform.  :)

But that's assuming that Zelda U is gonna be on NX. I mean it probably will be, but I think that it would have been a smart move. Especially for people who wanted some of that nostalgia right off the bat. Well at least we'll see Skyward Sword HD without motion controls on NX

Of Course with that assuming, and in that case would be stupid to have one hd port and one completely new game like launch titles.

curl-6 said:
Miyamotoo said:
curl-6 said:

The lighting tech in TPHD doesn't look any different than the DX7 era stuff in the original, while WWHD was updated with HDR and per-pixel illumination.

WW HD definitely has better lighining than TP HD, my point is that even with lightning like that TP HD wouldn't look much better or nearly beautifule like WW HD because it wouldn't have same effect because huge differences in art styles.

TPHD could have looked much, much better than it does with some simple lighting upgrades. WWHD used Wii U level lighting, TPHD still uses Gamecube era lighting.

Art style is a matter of preference. Aesthetically, I think TPHD looks better than WWHD already.

I dont think so, like I wrote, WW already look solid, art style aged great, and with just higher resolution and better lighting game looks beautiful again. Basically they didn't need to change anything else, no textures or models. TP on other hand did not look exactly breathtaking even on launch in 2006, but today looks horrible, so just better lighting definitely wouldn't had some impact like has on WW HD.

That's your opinion, but reality is that WW HD looks beautiful while TP HD definatly not so beautiful.

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Paatar said:
What Twilight Princess mainly needs is an overhaul of models.... like the characters and buildings. If it had those two I feel like it would look better than it does. Cause the textures are vastly improved.... it's just the character models and buildings look outdated af so it takes away from the work put into it.

I agree, but that basically would be remake, this is a more HD port.

Looks great to me. I played TP on wii recently it looked utter shit. Seeing TPHD in motion I thought it looked decent. Stop hating on shit till you A: Know everything about the game and B: Have actually played it

Pavolink said: Isn't the NGC version cheaper?

No, it's not.

 The GameCube is now old enough to be considered "retro" and because retro gaming is a big thing now, the value of many GameCube games have skyrocketed. Not to mention, the GameCube version of Twilight Princess became hard to find about a year or so after its release. If you have a Wii U, you might as well get the new one.


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This seems to be a standard for remasters.
Look at Kingdom Hearts. I didn't notice any difference until there was a head to head comparison.
Legend of Kay.
The Last of Us.

Though it is disappointing when held against the other Zelda remasters.


Miyamotoo said:
curl-6 said:

TPHD could have looked much, much better than it does with some simple lighting upgrades. WWHD used Wii U level lighting, TPHD still uses Gamecube era lighting.

Art style is a matter of preference. Aesthetically, I think TPHD looks better than WWHD already.

I dont think so, like I wrote, WW already look solid, art style aged great, and with just higher resolution and better lighting game looks beautiful again. Basically they didn't need to change anything else, no textures or models. TP on other hand did not look exactly breathtaking even on launch in 2006, but today looks horrible, so just better lighting definitely wouldn't had some impact like has on WW HD.

That's your opinion, but reality is that WW HD looks beautiful while TP HD definatly not so beautiful.

There is no "reality" when it comes to subjective preference. Whether either game is beautiful or not is a matter of opinion and cannot be right or wrong, true of untrue.

My opinion and Wind Waker looks horrible is no less "reality" than your opinion that it looks beautiful.