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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - the Wii U is not getting replaced this year, guys

Thunderbird77 said:
Conina said:
Thunderbird77 said:
Miyamotoo said:

Yup, proves my point you don't know nothing. Pure fact is that they announced Zelda for Wii U in Januar 2013. At E3 2014 they just showed that Zelda U that already had announcement.

No, by logic (not just mine), announced software is only software that Nintendo confirmed is working on, (like they done with Zelda U in Januar 2013), not software we asussiming Nintendo is working on.

Do you realize your posts don't have any sense!?

In that case, Zelda U was announced in november 2011 and NX was announced either early 2011 or late 2012. See how that doesn't make any sense? But that's what you're saying anyway.

  • doing/developing something, but not talking/writing about it in public: no announcement.
  • doing/developing something AND talking/writing about it in public: announcement.
  • rumors are no announcements

Now you can check the dates:

  • When did an Nintendo official talked/wrote the first time about NX in public?
  • When did an Nintendo official talked/wrote the first time about Zelda U in public?
  • When did an Nintendo official talked/wrote the first time about Pikmin 4 in public?

Whenever nintendo said they're always developing the next hardware is when they announced NX, according to that logic. Same for Zelda. Pikmin is the only different one.

Nintendo said that in March 2015, not in early 2011 or later 2012 as you wrote before.

You also wrote that "in that case Zelda U was announced in November 2011"... can you provide some links where Nintendo officials are talking about Zelda U / Zelda for Wii U before 2013.

You also wrote "Except that we never know if a new pikmin is being developed untill nintendo says so." But a Nintendo official spokesperson already announced it publicly a few months age:

"We can confirm that Pikmin 4 is in development but that is all we can confirm at present."... I'm pretty sure, that Mr. Miyamoto had the okay of Nintendo's headquarter to give that information in that interview.

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Soundwave said:
Nintendo has been doing shit to piss off certain portions of their fan base since the early 90s at least. 

Which might have something to do with the fact that outside of the Wii, their console userbase has declined with every generation since then.

You can't keep pissing off your fanbase forever. They'll eventually get fed up, and you'll find yourself without an audience.

Conina said:
Thunderbird77 said:

Whenever nintendo said they're always developing the next hardware is when they announced NX, according to that logic. Same for Zelda. Pikmin is the only different one.

Nintendo said that in March 2015, not in early 2011 or later 2012 as you wrote before.

You also wrote that "in that case Zelda U was announced in November 2011"... can you provide some links where Nintendo officials are talking about Zelda U / Zelda for Wii U before 2013.

You also wrote "Except that we never know if a new pikmin is being developed untill nintendo says so." But a Nintendo official spokesperson already announced it publicly a few months age:

"We can confirm that Pikmin 4 is in development but that is all we can confirm at present."... I'm pretty sure, that Mr. Miyamoto had the okay of Nintendo's headquarter to give that information in that interview.

I was very clear but looks like I have to write even more. It is widely know that nintendo is always working on new hardware, nintendo didn't say that just in march 2015 but also many years before. telling us the codename of a hardware project and no other information isn't an announcement, as we already knew the project existed. Zelda is always being developed, repeating that is not an announcement.

curl-6 said:
Soundwave said:
Nintendo has been doing shit to piss off certain portions of their fan base since the early 90s at least. 

Which might have something to do with the fact that outside of the Wii, their console userbase has declined with every generation since then.

You can't keep pissing off your fanbase forever. They'll eventually get fed up, and you'll find yourself without an audience.

There's nothing about pissing fanbase. In certain generations, the market bought more of competitors hardware. In the wii case, their strategy wn the 7th gen market. There's no "people leaving", consumers flow all the time.

Thunderbird77 said:
curl-6 said:

Which might have something to do with the fact that outside of the Wii, their console userbase has declined with every generation since then.

You can't keep pissing off your fanbase forever. They'll eventually get fed up, and you'll find yourself without an audience.

There's nothing about pissing fanbase. In certain generations, the market bought more of competitors hardware. In the wii case, their strategy wn the 7th gen market. There's no "people leaving", consumers flow all the time.

Going from 60 million NES owners to 22 million Gamecube owners isn't "people leaving"?

Around the Network
curl-6 said:
Soundwave said:
Nintendo has been doing shit to piss off certain portions of their fan base since the early 90s at least. 

Which might have something to do with the fact that outside of the Wii, their console userbase has declined with every generation since then.

You can't keep pissing off your fanbase forever. They'll eventually get fed up, and you'll find yourself without an audience.


And it may come to that. I enjoy their games a lot, but by the same token I wouldn't be surprised if NX is their last hardware line. 

They make too many bizarre decisions constantly and thus are fairly easy for Sony to pick apart. 


bigtakilla said:
Pavolink said:

So, all those TP Wii sales were because the different crowd.

No, it was because it was the first release. Now that it could be becoming a habit, that changes things a bit.

Let me ask you this. If you were a casual gamer that once in a while picked up a Nintendo console for Legend of Zelda but you know every game is going to be cross gen and pick up NX to get Zelda U, what would be the point of this person getting the console after NX. It will have the cross gen at the end of NX's life cycle, and you could just wait for the console that proceeds after the console after NX to get "Zelda NX". There would be no point.


Then the problem is the big development cycle and because the games take so long to make. If it was done in a reasonable time, they will not have other choice but release it. But hey! Let's keep defending delays, because everything will be justified.

Save this in your mind and never forget: if the game was not delayed and released as promised in 2015, nobody will be talking about a dual release and only minor whispers about a possible enchanced port later will be happening now. Do you want to be satisfaced with your console and not be pissed because they are going to release this game on another console? Then start demanding them to release the game in the promised date and this speculation would have never happened in the first place.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Thunderbird77 said:
Pavolink said:

I'm not the one acting in an imaginary world where a fanbase will be pissed for a dual release when the last time that happened nobody was pissed and the franchise saw a rise in sales. Basically, the opposite of your premise.

The rise in sales wasn't because of the dual release, people were simply more hyped for TP than for other Zeldas before. If the wiimote and nunchuck were capable of playing GC games, TP sales would be basically the same.


So you believe TP would have sold 8.8M on the GameCube?

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Pavolink said:

Then the problem is the big development cycle and because the games take so long to make. If it was done in a reasonable time, they will not have other choice but release it. But hey! Let's keep defending delays, because everything will be justified.

Sabe this in your kind and never forget: if the game was not delayed and released as promised in 2015, nobody will be talking about a dual release and only minor whispers about a possible enchanced port later will be happening now. Do you want to be satisfaced with your console and not be pissed because they are going to release this game on another console? Then start demanding them to release the game in the promised date and this speculation would have never happened in the first place.


If Nintendo had kept their promises and released Zelda on time instead of having another bloated 5-year production cycle, this wouldn't even be an issue.

Instead we have this ungodly mess, because of Nintendo's inability to release games in a timely fashion.

I lost track of the discussion. Any charitable soul can resume things up to this point, please? :3