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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Would you be OK with Nintendo killing the Wii U so early?


Are you ok with killing the Wii U so early?

Yes 320 53.60%
No 277 46.40%

If I get my Animal Crossing U, then yes. :)

village boy learns to jump.

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I'm okay with it even though I just got the Wii U on BF ($250 splatoon/smash bundle). I already have a PS4 and XB1 so probably won't be purchasing NX unless there is something I really want to play.

Who gives a sh%@. I have 0 interest to play zelda nr. 17 and mario nr. 92. Keep your kid games and give me good games. 

I lost interest in mario on the wii and interest in zelda after windwaker (which was faaar better than ocarina)


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The only recent indicator that the Wii U isn't already dead was the release of Xenoblade Chronicles X. Gamecube's run is extremely overrated, it was a long dull period for Nintendo.

The NX can't come soon enough.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

It would be disappointing, but not really, as trying to keep the Wii U alive is pretty difficult now.. I don't see me jumping on the next system any time soon, but it would be nice to have some cross gen games between the Wii U and the next system though!

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Not happy with the Wii U not getting a 5th substantial year, but still buying the NX Day 1 regardless.

I understand why Nintendo would do it from a business point of view, but as a Wii U owner who has no intention of buying an NX, it is disappointing.

After Wii U, I think I'll get back into retro gaming. This generation has been such a letdown, and I'm not interested in once again spending hundreds of dollars on a console that gets like 5 worthwhile games a year.

RolStoppable said:
Anyone who remembers the GC's fifth year will be happy that the Wii U is done after four years.


This. I'd be perfectly happy for Nintendo to move on now. Rather than have it linger into disappointment. The brightest stars burn out the fastest and all that yadda yadda.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

baloofarsan said:
barneystinson69 said:

I'm not a wii U owner, but the answer is no for me. Though it is obvious the next nintendo console is coming this year.

Wii U gonnal be LEGEN - (wait ten years for it) - DARY!


Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

4 years is just one year less than usual, and the 5th year of past nintendo consoles never had great support anyway.