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Forums - Movies & TV - Leonardo Di Caprio reveals he turned down the part of Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequels - Could he have done better?

It may have been a good choice for him but I can totally see him owning those roles and probably would've done better job then the ones chosen.

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Wow he was offered alot of big roles.

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binary solo said:
The_BlackHeart__ said:
Good call. Those were not good roles for him, and he doesn't really need the extra cash.

With that being said. Even though it may be a bad decision, I want to see him as James Bond one day.


The only requirement is that the character is British, the actor can be any nationality as long as he can pull off being British.


OT part of what made the prequels crappy was the mediocre performance by Christiansen. Di Caption would have played Anakin much better and the movies as a whole would have been better for it. But they still would have been rather meh movies so Leo made the right call.


In terms for superhero movies I want to see him as a recurring villain like Tom Hiddleston is with Loki.


Leo is unquestionably the a superior actor to Hayden but a lot quality actors were subpar in the prequels. Lucas for all his creativity is not the greatest director.

Given that the prequels managed to suck the acting talent out of Liam Neison, Natalie Portman, and Ewan McGregor (who are not necessarily amazing, but all capable of putting in better performances than Lucas got out of them) I don't think DiCaprio would have done much better. Hayden Christenson was an unknown who had any career he might have had destroyed by the prequels, so we may never know how good of an actor he can be with a competent director.

I don't think it's an accident that A New Hope, the only original trilogy movie directed by Lucas, also had the most awkward dialogue and acting of that trilogy.

I'm glad. Anakin wasn't ruined by Hayden Christensen, he was ruined by Lucas. That role could have ruined Leo's career. 

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No one could have done any better as Anakin or any other character in the SW prequels with George Lucas writing the dialogue. So glad that hack finally sold the franchise so we can finally get some solid SW movies.

There's a TV interview with Lucas from '05 after Episode III had just come out where, after insisting he'd never make anymore SW movies, the interviewer asks him what if someone else wanted to make the movies or buy the rights to future films, would you do it? And Lucas says... no, absolutely not.

Good job with that prediction, Georgie boy!

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

Darc Requiem said:
binary solo said:


The only requirement is that the character is British, the actor can be any nationality as long as he can pull off being British.


OT part of what made the prequels crappy was the mediocre performance by Christiansen. Di Caption would have played Anakin much better and the movies as a whole would have been better for it. But they still would have been rather meh movies so Leo made the right call.


In terms for superhero movies I want to see him as a recurring villain like Tom Hiddleston is with Loki.


Leo is unquestionably the a superior actor to Hayden but a lot quality actors were subpar in the prequels. Lucas for all his creativity is not the greatest director.

You're right about that.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Why does this man not have an oscar yet!?

He deserves another award for being smart and not acting in a movie that's not fit for him!



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.