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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who is the biggest personality in gaming?


Who is the biggest personality in gaming?

Kaz Hirai 24 6.70%
Satoru Iwata 25 6.98%
Aaron Greenberg 0 0%
Phil Spencer 13 3.63%
Shigeru Miyamoto 149 41.62%
Michael Pachter 7 1.96%
PewDiePie 25 6.98%
Gabe Newell 9 2.51%
Hideo Kojima 47 13.13%
Shuhei Yoshida 59 16.48%
Chazore said:
ganoncrotch said:

Strange that only 3 votes for Lord Gaben, considering that Valve/Steam pretty much revolutionized PC gaming and made a platform so successful and inviting it's actually made gaming on the PC so much easier and cheap that it is a great deterrent from piracy just having such a platform in place to track all of your games and to handle patches and updates for you, as well as the ability to have games download for you before release and ready to play as soon as launch minute passes.

Praise be to Gaben

I would have voted for Gaben but I found Miyo to be the most memorable guy who did something for gaming a long time back when they just got back from the brink of collapse, though Gaben also happened to aid with PC gaming back when MS left it on the line to dry. These days though him and Valve are more or less a private company that act as a middleman client that sells games, their Steam machines push is them going for a totally different crowd and the Steam gamepad being iffy along with no sign of HL3, TF3, L4D3, Portal 3 being nowhere in sight, I just find Miyo doing that bit more with Zelda that's enough to interest and push things forward for the franchise a bit more, maybe veen inspire some other devs but on Valve's side I'm not really feeling the same kind of vibes.

At the end of the day I would give props to Gaben for what he's done and still do, they definitely pushed a lot harder than MS ever did for PC (the end result I mean).

That said I definitely do love how Steam has changed things for the platform and how it helps kill some piracy in the process (especially if we go by Gabe's speech some years ago on the piracy issues) while also bringing some innovations of their own to the table (while also taking a note or two from Origin while Uplay takes notes from no one =P).

I'm not sure what his speech was regarding Piracy I just mean from a simple... you want to play a game on the PC, look to a torrent of it, getting a crack, potentially ending up with malware on your system, the game wont be able to update without extra work, you wont recieve patches/updates which could cause memory leaks crashing, you miss out on online play a lot of the time.... or you open up steam, buy the game for €2-3 euros in a sale... sorted.

Steam fights piracy by being so good to the paying customer imo, when you have stuff like Origin with Sim City trying to absolutely make the paying customer jump through hoops with always online drm then you push people towards downloading a pirated version which has the drm features removed, it should never be harder for the paying customer to enjoy the product than a pirate imo.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

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Fear_Me_All said:
Shuhei Yoshida

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

ganoncrotch said:

I'm not sure what his speech was regarding Piracy I just mean from a simple... you want to play a game on the PC, look to a torrent of it, getting a crack, potentially ending up with malware on your system, the game wont be able to update without extra work, you wont recieve patches/updates which could cause memory leaks crashing, you miss out on online play a lot of the time.... or you open up steam, buy the game for €2-3 euros in a sale... sorted.

Steam fights piracy by being so good to the paying customer imo, when you have stuff like Origin with Sim City trying to absolutely make the paying customer jump through hoops with always online drm then you push people towards downloading a pirated version which has the drm features removed, it should never be harder for the paying customer to enjoy the product than a pirate imo.


His specch was basically talking about piracy being a "service" issue where companies made it irksome and annoying to deliver their games to you or you having to scramble to find them, finding a torrent was much easier at the time to doing that which was what led Gaben to talk about it and of course before that he invented Steam as a means to combat piracy (There isn't really such a thing as a way to completely obliterate piracy since it happens and exists in many forms and has done for hundreds of years if not longer).

WHen you are like EA and decide you want some of that Steam pie, they for example took their ball and went home with it (taking their games to Origin), trouble with that was that their client was absolute crap for the last 2 and a half years and only roughly this year have they gotten a few things right that eventually Valve was called out on missing (customer service still being worse than Origin's, refunds etc) and eventually sorted out for the most part. THe other issue is that Origin still isn't all the way there like Steam is and Uplay and others are guilty of this to some degree, Steam and GoG for example are the middle men that give you a plethora of different games from different companies. With Origin, Uplay, and bethesda's client, you only get games that were funded or owned by them directly which means you only access their library of games and not others, I don't mind that much since I love Blizzard's client quite a bit (though their region lock on who can add who annoys me like Origin's and possibly the other clients do) and Origin's looks pretty slick but lacks a good amount of features that Steam uses. Apart from that little tangent I find that making someone jump through hoops and limiting the library you can gather from said company is likely to drive that person away or sometimes to piracy (I don't pirate games but I certainly won't play Ubisoft games as long as they sell on Steam but force you onto Uplay which technically calls for double layered DRM and is the worst client to date).


Also forgot to add the video Gabe talks about the service in general:

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

BasilZero said:
In terms of popularity and exposure gaming wise - Pewdewpie.

The guy has even done TV interviews:

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because: