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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which developer should Sony buy, Konami or Capcom?


Which developer should Sony buy, Konami or Capcom?

Capcom, because.. 110 51.89%
Konami, because.. 43 20.28%
see results. 59 27.83%

Which developer should Sony buy, Konami or Capcom? In my opinion: Konami and Capcom are dead with big/awesome games.

Sony may develop "Zone of the Enders 3, Silent Hill or P.T., Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania and Suikoden"-Games for PS4.

Or a big Monster Hunter with amazing graphic/details, Onimusha and survival-horror games ala Clock Tower/Haunting Ground?

the people in japan ask Sony for it. We should do the same. Your thoughts ? I'm curious about your opinion.

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Why buy Konami? They have no game developers left. Only thing you could buy is an IP from them, and you'd still have to give it to someone that might not do the IP justice
Capcom needs to move..whether it's getting bought or something else. They're barely doing anything, someone needs to jolt their collective butt.

capcom would be a much better buy... but not sure if worth? would have to be at a decent price for sony to do it.

Should? Neither. They're both albatrosses that would bring too much baggage. They just aren't worth the price tag. I wish someone would buy Suikoden away from Konami, though.

I can't imagine any of the big three buying whole publishers when there are quality one or two team studios out there for much less of a financial hit.

pokoko said:
  I wish someone would buy Suikoden away from Konami, though

Yes : ( you are right. but not only suikoden, please silent hill (or onimusha/haunting ground) too *-*

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Why Konami? Without Kojima they are nothing...
They should buy Capcom imo.





asqarkabab said:

100% approval

Dr.Vita said:
Why Konami? Without Kojima they are nothing...
They should buy Capcom imo.

your are right, but the silent hill, suikoden and zone of the enders ip are very cool. And the best, Metal Gear Solid - of course. But wait.. Zone of the Enders and MGS are Hideo Kojima-Games, so.. only suikoden and silent hill now  xD

But i have vote for Capcom too, because the japan industrie is stronger then in the future.. and because the surival horror-games :)

Holy crap! Why would anyone want to buy Konami? Just to have the IP names?! Theres no need for that.

Unless they want to expand into fitness centres and pachinkos they won't consider Konami.

Capcom makes the most sense but it's cheaper to just do exclusive game deals. I guarantee you capcom is more productive when they've to fight for their lives instead of under the financial reassurance of Sony.

So I'd say neither but focus on getting capcom exclusives for their platforms. That's the smartest business.