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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - So Xenoblade X has an 84 on metacritix because there is too much to do and the world is too big?

my favorite game on wii U scored just a 83, maybe X could become my favorite game on system!

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LuckyTrouble said:
To be fair, from what I gather, the shortfalls of XCX are:
- Weak/Unimportant Story
- Soundtrack that doesn't seem to fit the game
- Shallow side quests

Those are all very good reasons to rate a game closer to 8 than 10, especially an RPG where all three of those aspects play a very important role in the overall experience. What I'm really tired of is people bitching over numbers. Just read the reviews. If you disagree, fine, whatever, but god damn it, don't just read a number and two lines of the conclusion and say "THIS REVIEWER IS SO BIASED AND HORRIBLE I NEED TO GO MAKE A BLANKET STATEMENT ABOUT THE BIAS OF GAMING MEDIA!"


well said

You havent even playe dthe game first play it and then critize reviews

just the industry bias, its not new

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

DivinePaladin said:
Lawlight said:
Or maybe while everything is good in the game, it's not great?

Something tells me that's probably not it since from what I've seen from more neutral sources, it's very, very solid. The only major complaints I've seen are nitpicks and admitted as such. For once I'd say a Nintendo game is under-scored so far, considering this is the sequel to the game that pretty much saved the classic-style JRPG. 

I just skimmed the Gameinformer review. The complaints seem legitimate to me - lots of grinding, some design flaws, things get repetitive. I dunno, it seems to me that if you focus on the nit picks, you'd only see those.

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This game is not helping Nintendo's case.

Media Bias?

Big doesn't always mean good.

Let's be subjective here.

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Lawlight said:
DivinePaladin said:
Lawlight said:
Or maybe while everything is good in the game, it's not great?

Something tells me that's probably not it since from what I've seen from more neutral sources, it's very, very solid. The only major complaints I've seen are nitpicks and admitted as such. For once I'd say a Nintendo game is under-scored so far, considering this is the sequel to the game that pretty much saved the classic-style JRPG. 

I just skimmed the Gameinformer review. The complaints seem legitimate to me - lots of grinding, some design flaws, things get repetitive. I dunno, it seems to me that if you focus on the nit picks, you'd only see those.

Repetition and grinding are a given in JRPGs, and moreover I've barely seen talk of grinding being a problem if you're not running solely through the main campaign. There are clear design flaws with the side missions, but the other two are nothing if not nitpicks with this genre. If the repetition is truly excessive, okay, but from what I've seen it's not unlike finding the Eagle views in AC games. 


I haven't gone through the GI review but from what I've read and seen from Xenoblade players the game is very solid. The key to experiencing X correctly, and the key to apparently seeing the story as more than shallow, is to do the side content. Discovering each map segment, doing affinity missions, etc. all seem to flesh out an otherwise bland main campaign, because these are the focus of the game. Many reviews seem to ignore this fact, and I think that's arguably the big issue right now. The reviewers that did do a sizeable amount of side content besides the basic fetch missions have discussed this; it's very similar to Majora's Mask - if you're only gonna do the dungeons, don't bother playing it. 

You should check out my YouTube channel, The Golden Bolt!  I review all types of video games, both classic and modern, and I also give short flyover reviews of the free games each month on PlayStation Plus to tell you if they're worth downloading.  After all, the games may be free, but your time is valuable!

What's really disgusting about many of these sites is that there's no integrity to their review system. They will review and big budget 3rd party game that launches broken with bugs and forgive many of its shortcomings. Then they will review something else and nitpick it apart for the same or similar things that they let slide on that big budget 3rd party title. People are to easily bought in journalism for their reviews these days and all it takes is perks being given, free games or hands on first time to see or play future titles.

AEGRO said:

This game is not helping Nintendo's case.

Media Bias?

Well, this wasn't a good Nintendo year. They released some great games like XCX, SMM, Yoshi, Kirby and Splatoon, but some not-so-great games (even awful) like Mario Tennis and Amiibo Festival. I don't think it's bias. It's just that reviewers these days are harsher and the input was not great. Some people are freaking out when we're talking about a 84. C'mon, I wish I was so good in college! I tend to form my own opinion on buying the game reading the reviews and I try not to pay attention to scores. I only discuss about them because I found it fun xDD.

I think it's a fact that the cons of this game were shared by a lot of reviewers. Some might find them enough to give it a low score, and others might think it's awesome despite of this. Nothing bad about that.