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Are Gamers Actually to Blame for Star Wars Battlefront’s Insulting Business Model?

November 18, 2015

"If we want things to change, we have to make it happen. Not by complaining, not by giving the game poor scores, but by simply not giving EA -or any other publisher that follows the same model- the money. If everyone who was not okay with this type of DLC abuse stopped forking over money, publishers would be forced to rethink their business models."

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My opinion: i hate EA, really.
For me is EA = the biggest "fake" in the videogames-historie. DLC DLC DLCs, half games, stupid updates, every year-politic, last gen version without singleplayer ect

I hope, the people buy in the future awesome/big games with a lot of content (Persona 5, The WItcher 3, Final Fantasy 15, Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, Last of Us, Metal Gear Solid 5 and something) and no EA-Games. the content of the new star wars-game sucks in my opinion. -.-

Well, I'd argue that people who are not OK with this business practice actually are NOT giving them money.
However, it seems that there are a lot of people that accept such business practice and that do not mind paying extra if they want to play a game they like. That is why such business practice exists, there obviously is a market for such games and season passes, there obviously is a lot of money to be earned, and EA and other publishers would be silly not to pursue those avenues.

I personally do not buy those games, but why should EA conform to me?

It's the same with Call of Duty; everyone seems to complain about the games and that they are rehashed and have no innovation or forward movement in creative aspects, yet they sell tens of millions every year.

Compared with its predecessors, BF III is looking worse than bare bones, but I have always prefered single player experiences. I won't buy BF III, but the amount of people that are going to buy this in droves will make this choice moot.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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I only buy PC games that are on Steam anyways so I'm safe. Either that or it comes to the Wii U but I don't think that is going to happen.

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Too bad the average gamer doesn't care enough and will support these companies and this will probably never end for quite awhile. I personally haven't bought a game from Activision of EA in years and don't plan to until they get their act together. I even stopped buying one of my favorite franchises, Assassin's Creed, because of how Ubisoft ruined it with DLC and microtransactions (and the fact that they are now usually buggy messes).

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Well, that is easier said than done. Most people are going to buy into these things anything, so simply boycotting it isn't going to help.

However, if people are loud enough, that could cause some developers to change, but a large group of people have to complain to possibly make a change.

But, seeing how it is EA, prolly nothing the audience can do to change it.



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Yeah sure. The first thing publishers are gonna do when they're not getting enough money is stopping DLC and microtransactions.

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Mummelmann said:
It's the same with Call of Duty; everyone seems to complain about the games and that they are rehashed and have no innovation or forward movement in creative aspects, yet they sell tens of millions every year.

Yeah, I remember people complaining about Call of Duty's lack of innovation since Modern Warfare 2.