outlawauron said:
And if you don't outsource, you're wasting your top talent on porting old games that have already made money. I'd rather the time and resources be spent on new projects for their hardcore fans. We're talking about XSEED, NISA, Aksys, etc. These are tiny studios. :-/
Even then, there's no information to really show that it helps. Certainly didn't help Legend of Heroes SC, which sold pretty terribly.
Why not use top talent for doing a job that was already easy for them to do years ago to show a new market that they care?, why screw the new waters over?.
I'd rather a lot of games be tailored to my platform but at the end of the day new people are wanted for plenty of games and that helps sell these days than simply not bothering with new markets people have never ventured to before.
Saying there's no information to show that having the real deal working on a game is better than a no name doesn't really mean getting a no name group is better.
I took a gander over to Steam and it looks fine to me: http://store.steampowered.com/app/251290/, or are you reffering to the console sales?, because afaik digital sales for that game on Steam haven't been made concrete or fully public like many games on Steam.
Again I'd rather not be given a shit port at the end of the day, I want my Disgeae fix and they are offering me the first game and they want to prove to a new market that they can do a good job (like anyone would naturally aspire to, you don't sell to a market with a desire to do a shit job), I;d rather not have the odd fan of two telling and demanding I get a shit version so they can get their game faster (rushed games hardly work out well on any platform at all).
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"