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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2015 (Your #1 Favorite Game)

OP has been updated so that there's no more confusion what day we're on. Hopefully that helps out folks who keep losing track (like me!)

Here comes a bunch of posts by Smeags to catch up!

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#43: Animal Crossing: New Leaf


The Animal Crossing series, New Leaf among it (as it is my favorite game in the series) is one that I hold dear to my heart for a number of reasons. One, it's a game that all of my family loves to play, and so I cherish the moments that we get to play together, visit each other's villages, or just chat about what shenanigans transpired. Secondly, it's a game that doesn't have an end, or really any overarching goals to accomplish. It's a game which progresses as quickly or slowly as you want it to. In that way it's just refreshing to spend either a few minutes or a few hours messing around in your quiet little village. Finally, the game is so charming and free spirited that you just fall in love with the cast of characters in your town. Fauna is definitely my favorite villager dearie! In a medium that's always pushing the boundaries for the sake of pushing boundaries, I find myself going back to the town of Shire to visit some old friends. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

#42: Super Smash Bros.


The game that started it all. For that alone I have a spot in my heart for this game. But even today it still has something to offer to anyone willing to pick up a controller. It's one of the reasons I think the series is so beloved, for the fact that each game has a unique feel compared to the rest. Smash 64 is different from Melee which is different from Brawl which is different than 3DS/Wii U, and all of them are a blast to play. But Smash 64 is still a great game, just as it was back in 1999 when us gamers were freaking out about the fact that we finally got to pit Mario and Link together in a battle of the ages. So many amazing memories, so many smiles. That's what it's all about. Oh, and my main is Link in Smash 64. He's pretty rad in this one!

#41: Bayonetta 2


Bayonetta 2 brought me much enjoyment even before I got my hands on it. When the game was announced for the Wii U back in the day, it caused such controversy and meltdowns. Definitely a highlight (or lowlight) of the 8th generation. As for me, action games aren't usually my forte, and I didn't put too much thought into the reveal. But as the game came closer and closer, I realized that this was a great time to jump in. After all I was getting two games with some cool Nintendo extras. Why not? So I played the first game and had a incredible time, despite some minor frustrations (Insta-death QTE sections, Route 666, and some annoying characters). I was an instant fan after that though, and immediate put in Bayonetta 2. And what a rush it was! The first level could be the final level in most games, and the game never takes its foot off the pedal. Incredible set piece after set piece, jaw dropping boss fights (the Masked Lumen fights are amazing!), and an experience that is honed and refined to utmost perfection (Plus Bayonetta's hair is so much better in this one!). The game is a roller coaster ride from minute one, and my on-ride picture was all smiles. Consider me a huge fan from here on out!

BasilZero said:

Whoops -so we are all a day ahead XD

Yeah it's easily to get ahead of ourselves, especially when we all want to talk about our games.

All good Brother Basil!

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#40: XenoBlade Chronicles


XenoBlade Chronicles was another game that I took a risk on getting. I've never been a traditional JRPG fan, so initially I was a little skeptical of the game. But the more I looked at the game, the more I realized that it wasn't your usual JRPG, and it offered some aspects that I really enjoyed in gaming (most notably the aspect of exploration, as the world of XBC was massive and ripe for discovery!). That combined with the issue of the game being a limited print in the states had me grabbing it day one. And boy, I sure am glad I picked this game up. Fantastic characters, an engaging story (even if it does go a bit overboard by the end), fun combat, an incredible soundtrack... but all of that pales in comparison to the absolutely incredible world that I had the privelidge to traverse. Even with the Wii's limited hardware, the world of Bionis and Mechonis was full of incredible sights and sounds. Even as open world games are becoming more and more popular, this game's world still remains one of my fondest out there. 11 days until X. Cannot wait.

#39: Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

Action Adventure

I look at that year, 2008, with a bit of sadness. You see, Order of Ecclesia will count as Koji Igarashi's final traditional IgaVania game. Ever since Symphony of the Night, the man has been slaying it (sorry) when it came to making an incredible legacy for the Castlevania franchise. So OoE is certainly a bittersweet release... but I only have to remember the game itself to realize how sweet it all was. It's a unique title from Koji because it's a mix of his usual Metroidvania style and also harkens back to the classic action oriented 'Vania games. These two styles actually compliment each other extremely well, and creates a game that stands on its own in a crowded field of excellent 'Vania titles (Also.. Shanoa. *swoon*). So with all that said, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night was my first ever kickstarted game. It put a smile on my face to see the master of Gothic Horror action games return from the grave! Can't wait! :D

#38: This guy dressed like a mammal deserved to be locked amongst the other loonies.

Another hint: He beat all the loonies single handed. Why? Because he's ___________.

Mr_No said:
#38: This guy dressed like a mammal deserved to be locked amongst the other loonies.

Another hint: He beat all the loonies single handed. Why? Because he's ___________.

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Signature goes here!

Mr_No said:
#38: This guy dressed like a mammal deserved to be locked amongst the other loonies.

Another hint: He beat all the loonies single handed. Why? Because he's ___________.

Chuck Norris?