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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Direct November 12th Discussion thread

BlkPaladin said:
lonerism said:
Does anyone know if I can stream the direct from my iphone? Any links?


If you  have to youtube app they always have a stream there. I think they also have one on twitch.. I will look for the links.

Oh duh: (currently is down.....)

Oh, thanks!!

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Three and a half hours more. :)

Miyamotoo said:
Three and a half hours more. :)

I was just about to ask how long.  Given the length of time since their last direct I'm super hyped!! 

Not expecting anything major (so no Zelda U) but it'll be nice to see Satoru II again.

^I can't see.

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spemanig said:
Pavolink said:

Yep. They also experimented with Skyward Sword artstyle.

The new one looks like a mix of Skywards Sword, Twilight Princess and The Wind Waker HD.

No, it doesn't. Not even a little bit. It may have a similar color palette to Wind Waker, but that's literally the only similarity it shares with any of those games. It doesn't even use the same degree of cel-shading as WW. It's completely removed from any of them.

I can see the WW and TP inspiration.  Realistic forms and proportions more reminiscent of TP's more "serious" style + use of realistic textures selectively (flora, rocks, etc).  But then the color palette, lighting, and weather look very similar to WW + the use of "drawn" effects selectively  (thes smoke effects in the first trailer).  

But the SS similarity I don't really get.  I'm playing it right now (been enjoyable so far BTW) and it's very different and goes all in on the painting aesthetic.  And pretty successfully I might add, though a touch more draw distance before the impressionist look starts taking effect would do it good.  The painting aspect of SS is probably its most defining feature and it's not at all present in Zelda U.

SJReiter said:
IMO there hasn't been a good Direct since the November one last year (MM3D reveal), so maybe this year's November Direct will be good too?

I personally thought April 1st of this year was amazing.

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Paatar said:
SJReiter said:
IMO there hasn't been a good Direct since the November one last year (MM3D reveal), so maybe this year's November Direct will be good too?

I personally thought April 1st of this year was amazing.

The micro direct was also surprisingly good.  Nintendo actually did well the first part of this year before crashing at E3.  Kinda their own doing; many of those announcements and first looks should have been saved for the Digital Event.

Nuvendil said:

I can see the WW and TP inspiration.  Realistic forms and proportions more reminiscent of TP's more "serious" style + use of realistic textures selectively (flora, rocks, etc).  But then the color palette, lighting, and weather look very similar to WW + the use of "drawn" effects selectively  (thes smoke effects in the first trailer).  

But the SS similarity I don't really get.  I'm playing it right now (been enjoyable so far BTW) and it's very different and goes all in on the painting aesthetic.  And pretty successfully I might add, though a touch more draw distance before the impressionist look starts taking effect would do it good.  The painting aspect of SS is probably its most defining feature and it's not at all present in Zelda U.

I don't really see it tbh, it's like he says the colour palette is vaguely similar to WW but it's more it's own thing, it reminds me more of a Ghibli movie then anything but funny enough I can actually see a bit of SS influence in the new artstyle in the way some colours are used for different effects.

Paatar said:
SJReiter said:
IMO there hasn't been a good Direct since the November one last year (MM3D reveal), so maybe this year's November Direct will be good too?

I personally thought April 1st of this year was amazing.

All I remember from that Direct is Mario Kart 8 DLC, new Amiibo stuff, and a bunch of Splatoon stuff. Not really much in the way of big game reveals. That's why I loved the Direct that introduced MM3D. Was literally out of nowhere.