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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Exclusives - Bad for the consumer?

Reasonable, at first I disagree'd with you, but after a few of your replies I can see where your coming from and I completly agree...

Big exclusives like Halo, MGS, FF, GT, SSB, all push hardware, and its a good to have these type of exclusives

But what about games like Haze, LO, and other decent selling exclusives...---

Well, I guess I'm just completly repeating what your saying lol, so ill just stop and say I completly agree with you :D

But the DLC really bugs me, and I'm still on the bench deciding on which one to get... Its a very cheap trick on MS's side and sadly, a smart one for them

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okr said:
Exclusives are not bad for the customer, the mere imagination of the possibility of possessing all games you want is bad for the customer.

Many People want too much things too fast.
For example, right after a good game is released (exclusive or not), the discussions about a sequel are starting (e.g. "Mass Effect was great all in all, bought it last week, finished it today - and here's my wishlist for ME2").

In another thread someone asked - only a few days after SSBB release - if a Super Smash Brothers version for DS wouldn't be great and most of the answering members agreed, I was one of the few (if not the only one) who disagreed. So the people are even asking for non-system-exclusiveness within a company. No wonder the companies bring nearly every series from handheld to console and vice versa.

I would be interested in games like Eternal Sonata, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and upcoming White Knight Story, but I only own a Wii, not a PS3, not a 360, not a PC (Mac instead). Either I have to buy the two other consoles or a PC or I have to wait for good RPGs on Wii.

I would also be interested in some great PSP games, but I decided to purchase a DS instead and I'll stay with only one handheld (the DS already takes enough of my money).

Patience & modesty are the key - and for the unpatient, inmodest ones too much money & enough time are the key.

Do we really want
- ALL games on ALL consoles
- ONE world console run by MS/Sony/Nintendo/EA with ALL games on it?
I wouldn't want either of these possibilities.

If you want a system where you can play nearly all games and genres from all companies (except Nintendo) on, choose the PC.

Strange how the fact you have Hobbes as an Avatar makes me want to agree with you instinctively... I obviously read way to much C&H when younger.

Funnily enough I am more of a PC gamer recently getting more into consoles, so perhaps that why exclusives seem strange to me - in that people get all excited about what is often simply a ploy to get them to buy a particular brand, nothing more.

Still, I think from the replies there is a general feeling that exclusives are good if they deliver (i.e. really use the chosen platform well and are a great game) while more general exclusives are recognised for what they are.

Still, with a PC, PS3, PSP and DS and with a Wii to come later I guess in truth the only exclusives I might have to miss are those on 360 which don't come to PC... and I strongly suspect that for the most part that likely means I wouldn't be interested in them anyway.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

It's a sad thing for gamers. Take my recent purchase Lost Odyessey. I'm on Disc 3 31:29 hours in and can honestly say it's the best RPG I've ever played by some way. Alot of RPG's fans will miss this. But that's life.

ALL GAMES SHOULD BE EXCLUSIVE. I rarly buy any multiplat games just due to the shear crap they turn out to be. Their are of course exeptions, but the occurance of a good MP is so low that I see them as a waste of time for the industry. Of course you have the uneducated gamer that will pick them up, but I think it leaves a bad image on video games as a whole when these crap titles rake in tons of cash, and get highly recognized.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Exclusives allow Consoles to enable businesses to achieve productive differentiation and offer unqiue selling points , without this ther'd be no competition which would be terrible for the consumer.

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Reasonable - in general what you fail to consider is that exclusivity is the reason that some games exist in the form that they do. Others have already pointed out that you tend to end up with lowest common denominator games when third parties go multiplatform.

However, exclusivity is even more of an advantage for first party titles. Your original post asks whether or not Nintendo should have to make SSBB a multiplatform title. The real question, though, is whether or not Nintendo would have made SSBB in the same way were it going to be a multiplatform title. As it is, it's a 'system seller'. It's one of the biggest games of the generation and was one of the most anticipated games on the Wii. Would the profit maximizing development strategy have been the same if the game's quality didn't also boost the Wii's mindshare? Wouldn't it have been in Nintendo's interest to not try quite as hard, still assured of selling millions of copies across all systems?

The exclusivity of first party games is the only reason why first parties have an incentive to produce better games than the average developer.

As well, the way things are currently seems just fine.  Isn't there near-universal agreement that you can play almost all of the best games of any previous generation with a single console?  The market tends to very quickly marginalize all but one of the consoles in a given generation, so savvy consumers need only buy one.

Exclusives are a sign of healthy competition. Healthy competition breeds better products, and this is key innovative products. The reality is no gamer is wasting away, because of exclusives. The mere existence of exclusives benefits the consumer. They help smaller developers into the market. They cause the manufacturers to develop high end games. They tax large developers preventing complete market dominance. Without the competition. Exclusives of all colors bring better games to market period.

Basically the premise is without exclusivity you could play all of the games you really want that might be on different platforms. The reality is without exclusivity these games probably wouldn't make it to market, and originality would be sorely missed. Instead you would have a few large third party developers who could throw their weight around in a market with no competition.

Exclusives are part of what makes the market competitive. There are also by the way no altruistic exclusives. When money isn't changing hands its strategic alliances at play. Which is all about doing the thing that will make you more money. No third party developers president is going home to sleep with the manufacturers top honchos. They are doing what they are doing, because it makes financial sense to them.

Exclusives are often an indicator of a certain level of quality, especially in terms of glitches. There's a lower level of quality I typically expect from multiplatform titles due to them being crippled by the weakest capabilities of all the consoles they support. Of course, (COD4 being a good example) it's possible to get a good multiplatform title but it seems like that could be thought of as more like developing an exclusive game on two platforms rather than a typical "multiplatform" title. It's obvious that with COD4 much more care than usual was taken in making sure it worked well on both the PS3 and 360. Then again, no matter how well GTA4 runs, we already know the size of the game is being limited by the DVD on the 360 even when it's being played on the PS3.

Yes competition is good however that is not always the case for consumers. In most aspects competition brings the prices down and in that way empowers consumers, but in certain circumstances a standard is what consumers want. The best example is the recent HD format wars between HD-DVD and Blu-ray, each having their exclusives movies. So why was this competition not acceptable for most consumers? I think that video games should be the same, one console for all. I'm going to disclose that I favor Nintendo, and this is due to what I believe is that they are the most innovative of all three. Of course Sony and MS have done a good job in advancing the graphical technologies and that is great but in the video game area innovation is a better approach as it is a bit of an art form in certain aspects. My dream team machine would be a Nintendo-Sony console. Great graphics powerhouse + game innovation and interface. My two cents.

"¿Por qué justo a mí tenía que tocarme ser yo?"

Exclusives in my opinion are not bad for the consumer. It actually helped me out this generation. I couldn't decide whether I should have only a PS3 or Xbox 360. I eventually went through a phase just owning one but couldn't be without the other and bought both consoles. I also did the same thing with the Nintendo DS and PSP.

I have all consoles this generation except the Nintendo Wii. It helps me out, it prevents console wars so that I don't segregate between one or the other. And I have a chance to play all those games that are exclusive to that console. I feel as though it was worth buying all consoles :D

On top of that if there weren't exclusives then consumers would just pick one console this generation and it would of been the Nintendo Wii of course :D

But with each console maker releasing content aboard, it actually helps the market continue and grow :)