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Yes competition is good however that is not always the case for consumers. In most aspects competition brings the prices down and in that way empowers consumers, but in certain circumstances a standard is what consumers want. The best example is the recent HD format wars between HD-DVD and Blu-ray, each having their exclusives movies. So why was this competition not acceptable for most consumers? I think that video games should be the same, one console for all. I'm going to disclose that I favor Nintendo, and this is due to what I believe is that they are the most innovative of all three. Of course Sony and MS have done a good job in advancing the graphical technologies and that is great but in the video game area innovation is a better approach as it is a bit of an art form in certain aspects. My dream team machine would be a Nintendo-Sony console. Great graphics powerhouse + game innovation and interface. My two cents.

"¿Por qué justo a mí tenía que tocarme ser yo?"