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Exclusives are a sign of healthy competition. Healthy competition breeds better products, and this is key innovative products. The reality is no gamer is wasting away, because of exclusives. The mere existence of exclusives benefits the consumer. They help smaller developers into the market. They cause the manufacturers to develop high end games. They tax large developers preventing complete market dominance. Without the competition. Exclusives of all colors bring better games to market period.

Basically the premise is without exclusivity you could play all of the games you really want that might be on different platforms. The reality is without exclusivity these games probably wouldn't make it to market, and originality would be sorely missed. Instead you would have a few large third party developers who could throw their weight around in a market with no competition.

Exclusives are part of what makes the market competitive. There are also by the way no altruistic exclusives. When money isn't changing hands its strategic alliances at play. Which is all about doing the thing that will make you more money. No third party developers president is going home to sleep with the manufacturers top honchos. They are doing what they are doing, because it makes financial sense to them.