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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: Consoles will be getting a lot bigger in Europe than PC and Mobile in this generation


Euro to Dollar price


this is based on my opnion, but i think that given how weak the euro is and how everytime you hear Hardware being increased in price for graphicscards or Mobile devices its not a dumb argument that the PS4 will be a lot more competive in Euroland for the upcoming years. Sony decided to drop the price here in europe to 350€, and you allready can buy a PS4 for 330€ on which is their official price, 370€ for the newer model and 1TB model.

Graphicscard on the other hand they stay the same price or even increase in price, same for smartphones. The great thing about consoles is that Sony isnt depented on selling the console to make a profit. All what they care about is to break even with the manufactering costs of the console and make the money with software royalties of games, exclusive Sony published games with no royaltie fee and PS+ subscriptions.


meanwhile looking at the PC side a GTX 970 costs now as much, or more than a PS4 console itself and it  gives you not that much more performance as a PS4 if you look at Witcher 3 benchmarks for example. Nvidia, Intel and AMD and the manufactors for Motherboards, Graphicscards etc. they all have to do profit from the hadrware to make their money. Same is true for PC and mobile manufactors like Apple and HP.

I think PC gaming will have a hard time in the upcoming years for its traditional gaming market, Europe. Espacially with a huge flow of kickass exclusive coming for PS4 in the next year, the exclsuive library gets bigger and bigger for the PS4.  And Nintendo maybe has some plans as well with the NX which could make consoles even more competive against mobile and PC in Europe

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Ka-pi96 said:
Pretty sure the majority of people that game on PC do it simply because they prefer gaming on PC. That isn't going to change.

As for mobile? Unless all those crappy microtransaction games that people get addicted to disappear over night that won't be happening either. And saying people are going to game less on mobiles because mobiles might become more expensive is the worst reasoning I've ever heard. Firstly, the majority of people don't buy mobile phones outright anyway (largely because they are massively overpriced), instead they get them on contract, so the prices won't really change. Secondly, even if the price of new mobile phones did shoot up for some random reason it wouldn't change the fact that everyone already has one anyways.

yeah but there are mobile consoles and all kind of stuff trying to compete with consoles. Those stuff will fail obviously. I am not saying smartphones or tablets wont sell at all but you will see more PS4 sales growth than you will see the mobile stuff. And yes you wills see PC slowing down again.

You can see that on Amazon, retail PC gaming is still huge in germany but now even the wiiu is getting bigger than PC retail sales.

No I don't think that's going to happen this gen or the next to be honest.

I know you dislike PC a lot but it's been here for decades and it;s here to stay for years to come. Others have claimed countless times that it's dying or that it will vanish completely and yet it's been growing a lot over the years to a point where it's outgrown consoles completely in terms of userbase and global revenue, Tablets have also outgrown consoles in terms of both. I just flat out don't see consoles surpassing both this gen or the next.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Ka-pi96 said:
Ruler said:

yeah but there are mobile consoles and all kind of stuff trying to compete with consoles. Those stuff will fail obviously. I am not saying smartphones or tablets wont sell at all but you will see more PS4 sales and growth than you will see the mobile stuff. And yes you wills see PC slowing down again.

You can see that on Amazon, retail PC gaming is still huge in germany but now even the wiiu is getting bigger than PC retail sales.

If PS4 sales grow it will be because of the price cut and upcoming games (mainly COD/Fallout 4/Battlefront) rather than because other markets are shrinking. People that play games on mobile are just a completely different market. They like to have cheap, or better yet even free games, and aren't likely to spend a large amount of money on a PS4. There is some overlap, yes, but they aren't just going to stop playing mobile games. Not unless you can take a PS4 on the train/to work or wherever and keep playing it there.

Don't think you can really say PC gaming is declining based on retail sales. Even in countries where retail sales are typically strong it could just be that digital sales grew at the same rate that physical ones fell.

yeah but in germany we get plenty of physical releases for PC even if its just a steam key like with the pc version of MGS5

Chazore said:

No I don't think that's going to happen this gen or the next to be honest.

I know you dislike PC a lot but it's been here for decades and it;s here to stay for years to come. Others have claimed countless times that it's dying or that it will vanish completely and yet it's been growing a lot over the years to a point where it's outgrown consoles completely in terms of userbase and global revenue, Tablets have also outgrown consoles in terms of both. I just flat out don't see consoles surpassing both this gen or the next.

i dont hate PC i was a PC gamer my self last gen

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Ruler said:

i dont hate PC i was a PC gamer my self last gen

And you made a thread ages back detailing why you left and how tedious it was for you, since then you've focused on reasons why you don't ever want to jump back onto the platform along with news about it that's usually negative focused with only the odd time or two when you've said something but only when it benefits you or the platform you're ucrrently on vs the other platforms.

PC gaming just isn't going to shrink while console gaming is going to magically soar above all else.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Consoles already are a lot bigger than PC

It's the usual cycle, consoles hit their stride, gain a bit in popularity, get old, PC gets more attention.

Euro? Weak? Isn't one euro more valuable than one dollar?

So why hasn't this happend in 1985 or in 2000-2002, when the dollar was much stronger than now?

And a decent gaming PC costed 4x - 6x of a home console in the 90s and 3x - 4x of a home console a decade ago. Now you get a decent gaming PC for 2x - 3x of a console. The price gap between console hardware and PC hardware is shrinking over the years.

This is not an issue of pricing, but rather culture. We are in a trend now where gaming is transitioning and home console will be one source for gaming, but only one among many. This generation has so far been a complete failure compared to the last. And anyone saying the Wii was an anomaly; it wasn't, but it rather represented the kind of growth the console market needs to stay relevant. Sadly it didn't manage that growth but luckily they are starting to look at ways of into mobile and PC in some clever ways.