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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will Twilight Princess HD look like the E3 2011 Tech Demo?



It will be equal 31 14.83%
It will look better 37 17.70%
It will look worse 83 39.71%
It won't be a remake, just an eShop port 28 13.40%
TP HD isn't happening 29 13.88%

No, nope, nonono, no way, uh-uh. I bet my ass it won't!

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

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I expect a brand new good looking link modal. There are a lot of characters though. They're unlikely to do half as much for most of them.

Worse. I really doubt they would put this much effort into a remaster when they really don't have to to get it to sell.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

If it was, wouldn't it be have to be made from ground up?

That would be amazing if it was. First though we need confirmation of it happening :P


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If it happens it wouldn't look anywhere near that level. Those who believe it would are just asking to be disappointed.

The question is, will the long-awaited WiiU installment of Reel Fishing look like this?

TP HD could look like this only on NX, Wii U couldnt handle this kind graphics with good framerate, and in case of this graphic it wouldn't be just HD version or remaster, it would more remake because basically they would making graphic from scratch.

But maybe we could see this kind of graphic for brand new Zelda on NX.

That would be amazing but I think it will just be Twilight Princess in 1080p / 60fps and higher res textures. They'll probably improve some effects and give the game a "Hero Mode" (which it needs badly in my opinion). 

I'm more interested in them fixing some flaws in the game: Twilight Princess gave you like a million rupees whenever you entered a secret area and later in the game your rupee bag would always be maxed out, making you think twice about entering a secret cave. It also played a "you got one rupee! You pay with this stuff in Hyrule!"-cutscene whenever you turned off the system between play sessions and then collected a rupee. Having a bigger focus on horseback combat would be cool, too. And Hyrule Field felt really empty. So yeah, there's some stuff to fix. And I'm sure there are some other flaws that broke the flow of the game.

It will look worse, nothing from the first 3 years of the wii u has come close to the beauty of that tech demo.