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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The danger of autosaving-only.

Such a beautiful story to tell my grandkids one day. Conina, the hero in the clouds.

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Glad things worked out. Cloud saving is a feature I wish was even more widespread. The loss of so many hours of gameplay can be really devastating. I know very well first hand. I had 3 ps3s die on me before there was cloud saving and only once did it work enough to get a few save files off of it. Vs when my ps vita broke all my saves were secure in the coud.
Good luck on your platinum

This happened to me a few times. It sucks... fills ya with rage and sadness.

beeje13 said:
Can't you get one of those things that keeps your devices running for a time if required. It's a step up from surge protection but I think it might not be cheap.

a UPS, they've become a lot cheaper now but still, happy ending by redownloading the last cloud save. good guy psn confirmed.

Could be handy at some stage tho if you're doing mission critical work and relying on that power supply that can go out when it rains Wright.

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ganoncrotch said:

a UPS, they've become a lot cheaper now but still, happy ending by redownloading the last cloud save. good guy psn confirmed.

Could be handy at some stage tho if you're doing mission critical work and relying on that power supply that can go out when it rains Wright.

I've never seen one of those things before!

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Conina said:
Wright said:

I don't think I had the data uploaded to the Cloud, guys. Unless the console does it automatically, I never use that thing.

So you didn't care to check if that savegame is still there?

If you have PS+ and didn't turn the auto-upload off, it should be on by default (settings / application save data management):

Does that mean, you can't use the Cloud if you don't have PS+?

Signature goes here!

You're aware of this thing called the cloud right? All of your saves are autimatically uploaded. If you use cloud saves, the most you should lose is whatever you did that day, which, while annoying, is better than having an entire save file corrupted.

This happened to me with Dark souls 1. Lost well over 100 hours worth of gameplay. I though everything was cool, but it turned out that my cloud was full so my dark souls saves weren't uploading (these were the days where you only got 300mb). One of the worst moments in gaming for me. I couldn't even look at dark souls for 3 or 4 months without freaking out. 

TruckOSaurus said:
Conina said:
Wright said:

I don't think I had the data uploaded to the Cloud, guys. Unless the console does it automatically, I never use that thing.

So you didn't care to check if that savegame is still there?

If you have PS+ and didn't turn the auto-upload off, it should be on by default (settings / application save data management):

Does that mean, you can't use the Cloud if you don't have PS+?

Naw you can't, well ... you can download the uploaded save files without + but you can't upload saves without it.

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Danman27 said:

You're aware of this thing called the cloud right? All of your saves are autimatically uploaded. If you use cloud saves, the most you should lose is whatever you did that day, which, while annoying, is better than having an entire save file corrupted.

This happened to me with Dark souls 1. Lost well over 100 hours worth of gameplay. I though everything was cool, but it turned out that my cloud was full so my dark souls saves weren't uploading (these were the days where you only got 300mb). One of the worst moments in gaming for me. I couldn't even look at dark souls for 3 or 4 months without freaking out. 

Should read the thread! Cloud was first mentioned on page 1 and Wright has gotten his save file back from the cloud on page 3-4 can't recall.

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Wright said:
ganoncrotch said:

a UPS, they've become a lot cheaper now but still, happy ending by redownloading the last cloud save. good guy psn confirmed.

Could be handy at some stage tho if you're doing mission critical work and relying on that power supply that can go out when it rains Wright.

I've never seen one of those things before!

Handy little pieces of kit if you live somewhere with dodgy power supply, some of them even come with a usb out to the PC so you can monitor the power they've stored much like your PC having a laptop battery, just run the PC/Monitor into this lil box and from the box into the wall, as soon as you get a black/brown out the UPS kicks in and starts to feed stored power to the PC/Monitor.

Nice too if you can get one you can rig your home Modem into for power since the phone line is seperate to your power supply so you can even continue working online if your power goes out... most of the time, unless all the lines into your house are damaged.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at