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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The danger of autosaving-only.

Seems like you didn't consume enough items to get your "Insight" high enough to know that this could and would be happening. Next playthrough, level them up more.

Soon you'll be able to join the world of more doomed hunters. Bloodborne baby.

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Ultrashroomz said:
Well that sucks, at least you beat the game, right?

Yeah, but...

Only noobs depend on auto-save. Noobs.

I often save manually even after I see the auto-save indicator, just in case.

pokoko said:
Only noobs depend on auto-save. Noobs.

I often save manually even after I see the auto-save indicator, just in case.

You can't manually save in Bloodborne. In fact, exiting the game is just another autosave.

sethnintendo said:

I also had a really bad experience with a little cousin... I put 200+ hours into Phantasy Star Online on GC and my friends had characters with 50-100+ hours. My little cousin played the game while I was out with friends. I loaded up the game and all characters were deleted and replaced by his level one character with 5 mins played. I wanted to kick his ass so bad...

Damn, dude.  It didn't happen to me and somehow,  I felt your pain.

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Wright said:
pokoko said:
Only noobs depend on auto-save. Noobs.

I often save manually even after I see the auto-save indicator, just in case.

You can't manually save in Bloodborne. In fact, exiting the game is just another autosave.

That's just an excuse.  An elite gamer would find a way.

Auto-save-only or one-slot-only systems are pretty lame, though.

Can't you get one of those things that keeps your devices running for a time if required. It's a step up from surge protection but I think it might not be cheap.

PS, PS2, Gameboy Advance, PS3, PSP, PS4, Xbox One

Feel for you man. So I guess you won't be going for the plat then? I lost about 40 hours of save data in Demon's Souls. Was pissed off enough that I didn't go back to restart it for 2 years.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

Wright said:

I don't think I had the data uploaded to the Cloud, guys. Unless the console does it automatically, I never use that thing.

So you didn't care to check if that savegame is still there?

If you have PS+ and didn't turn the auto-upload off, it should be on by default (settings / application save data management):

If the auto-upload is turned off: TURN IT ON! NOW! THIS MINUTE! And check the Power Saving Settings!

If you don't have PS+, you can also copy your save games to USB-devices:

I would advise you to save your most precious save games now and then to USB-devices even if you use the auto-upload: two backups are better than one!

To restore the broken/deleted save games:

Conina said:

If the auto-upload is turned off: TURN IT ON! NOW! THIS MINUTE! And check the Power Saving Settings!

To restore the broken/deleted save games: