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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony Executive Weighs in on the Possibility of a Future Release of a PS4 With Improved Performance

I'm not sure many developers would invest the extra $$$ to improve a game's resolution to 4k and have better effects, etc. on the "same" platform. A higher end PS4 alongside the original one would just split the userbase, and piss current owners off. Not to mention the disadvantage of playing the inferior version of an online game. 

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Might depend on how well NX does and whether it affects PS4 sales. If they can do a 4.1 and bring performance up to NX level it might be worth doing. If not then might as well just keep working towards a PS5 for 2018/19 release.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


I've posted about this before, but it's perfectly possible for them to make a "PS4 Plus" and make current PS4s forward compatable with PS4 Plus games.

All they need to do is exopand the arm processorr and disable apps in current PSr while playing PS4 plus games. A lot like how 3DA goes into a specila mode while playing Smah, meanwhile New 3DS handles it just fine.

Source: I'm a rparnd dev on thes styypetem.

All this would be is the PS5 with full backwards compatibility and upgraded resolution support/improved frame rate since it will use the same architecture.

The overacting in this thread is entertaining.

zero129 said:
Ruler said:
Chazore said:

Or PC since, especially since this is the most recent and brand new topic where it's apparently ok to dream and instantly achieve full on 4k/60fps but since PC users are striving for that at the moment it apparently doesn't matter and is way too expensive and non viable, totally viable and ok when Sony does it though.

I honestly wouldn't be dreaming of a 4k console since it's highly unlikely that a PS5 would even manage full 4k at even 60fps let alone 30, this gen every game isn't full on 1080/60 without some sort of sacrifice being made in one form or another (someone's damn well gonna argue me being wrong but I'm really not because noted sacrifices have been made for both Xbox and PS4, it's just a fact given to us by the hardware itself).

Because some people dont want to deal with PCs, graphicscards and drivers but still get that performance. Not to mention about exclusives which arent avaible on PC but run at 30fps on the PS4. 

Its a double standed simple as.

Console fans excuse against PC's is that they need to be upgraded every so often. Well geez i guess when it comes to PS4 now Console fans suddenly dont mind having to keep upgrading every few years to have the best looking games? Dont give me the excuse about exclusives as that was never the issue when Sony fans was using "Upgrading" as a reason for not wanting a PC. Plus 4k wasnt such a big deal to the sony fans same as 1080P wasnt lastgen but as soon as it comes to a sony console its ok?.

Anyway I hope this does happen since no longer will Sony fans be able to say "well at least we dont have to buy new hardware every 2-3 years" and before someone says "no one is forcing a user to upgrade" yes the same way as no one forces a PC gamer to upgrade.

Also upgrading your gpu drivers is no harder then upgrading your console so thats a mute point...

Yes upgrading to play games is an issue for console gamers but upgrading to get better performance is a different thing. I dont see where we are hypocriticals here espacially me since i was always for it. Its not comparable to PC but rather Apple Macs.

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zero129 said:
Ruler said:
Justagamer said:
Why do I get the feeling if ms said this about the x1, this would be crapped on? There's a large double standard in these forums.

Because MS releases their games on PC so its not needed. Even Halo 5 will come for PC i heard

And like you said what about people that dont wanna deal with "GPUS" and wants just a console? what about people that wants to play games such as Halo 5 on their release and not a year or 2 or maybe never after its console release??/ Oh wait that doesnt matter to xbox fans i guess its only ok for Sony right??.

Yeah that does matter to Xbox fans but not to Microsoft, they rather promote Windows if you want to play Halo or Gaers in better graphics

The only updates to performance would be through Firmware.

zero129 said:

Its a double standed simple as.

Console fans excuse against PC's is that they need to be upgraded every so often. Well geez i guess when it comes to PS4 now Console fans suddenly dont mind having to keep upgrading every few years to have the best looking games? Dont give me the excuse about exclusives as that was never the issue when Sony fans was using "Upgrading" as a reason for not wanting a PC. Plus 4k wasnt such a big deal to the sony fans same as 1080P wasnt lastgen but as soon as it comes to a sony console its ok?.

Anyway I hope this does happen since no longer will Sony fans be able to say "well at least we dont have to buy new hardware every 2-3 years" and before someone says "no one is forcing a user to upgrade" yes the same way as no one forces a PC gamer to upgrade.

Also upgrading your gpu drivers is no harder then upgrading your console so thats a mute point...

All aboard the long post train. Choochoo.

I don't think it's really a double standard. Firstly, let's remember that the average console fan has nothing inherently against upgrading. That this thread is about a console called the PlayStation 4 should make that pretty obviously. The primary difference between console and PC fans (at least as far as hardware goes) is simply the why and when.

If you build a great PC in 2015/16, by 2018/2019 it will likely have been demoted to good or just decent. You aren't obligated to upgrade, but if you want to continue to get that 'great' experience from new releases (which you likely do if you invested in a great PC in the first place), then you will have to upgrade ever few years. To a PC gamer, this isn't seen as a much of an issue most of the time. To those that aren't interested in perpetual progression though, it might seem rather silly.

With consoles, you're investing in a static standard. You're rarely going to experience top tier graphics or performance (and never at the same time), but you can be safe in the assumption that those initial standards will at minimum continue to be met for several years, since developers will make tailored versions of their new games for you. It's for that same reason that console gamers tend to be slower to start caring about stuff like higher resolutions or frame-rate, and why generation transitions can be so slow. Yes there are hypocrites, but for the most part it has more to do with the way consoles progress. PC gamers are similar (e.g. i never cared much for 1440p, and instead have been waiting for 4k), the 'generations' are just more personalized, and tend to happen more like every 2 - 4 years rather than every 4 - 8.

Given how slow even generation transitions can be, i can't see .5 versions of consoles dramatically changing the buying habits of console gamers. There will certainly be those that upgrade, but the average console gamer will likely be content with their present system, just as many still are with the PS3/360. If the 'New 3DS' is anything to go by, the primary purpose of such 'upgrades' would be to extend the life of the system by keeping it relevant with new customers, more than trying to get pre-existing ones to buy the system for a 2nd time. On that note, i actually don't think there's much point in such upgrades. I think they'll be better served by simply having 5~ year generations, and now that they've moved to x86, ensuring each system is backwards compatible. That way each generation is functionally the same as the 'upgrade', but while better maintaining that comfy console feeling. I suppose it could work well if done properly though.

While i do prefer PC gaming overall, i personally think some of the above is why consoles are still so popular. Regardless to arguments of complexity, the long-term consistency of consoles often just makes them feel comfortable. They'll never be a gourmet meal, but you almost always get what's on the tin. They're the instant ramen of gaming, and honestly, there isn't anything wrong with that.

Anyway, that's my rant done. Sorry if this comes across as a bit aggressive (or littered with typos, i'm about to go to bed so i'm not going to bother proof reading :p), that's not my intention. I know it can be frustrating sometimes to debate with people from an 'opposing' fandom, but at the end of the day both sides are just gamers with different perspectives, and while it's easy to focus on those that are hypocritical, It's important to remember that those people don't define a fandom, they're just a unfortunate by-product.

zero129 said:
Ruler said:
zero129 said:
Ruler said:
Chazore said:

Or PC since, especially since this is the most recent and brand new topic where it's apparently ok to dream and instantly achieve full on 4k/60fps but since PC users are striving for that at the moment it apparently doesn't matter and is way too expensive and non viable, totally viable and ok when Sony does it though.

I honestly wouldn't be dreaming of a 4k console since it's highly unlikely that a PS5 would even manage full 4k at even 60fps let alone 30, this gen every game isn't full on 1080/60 without some sort of sacrifice being made in one form or another (someone's damn well gonna argue me being wrong but I'm really not because noted sacrifices have been made for both Xbox and PS4, it's just a fact given to us by the hardware itself).

Because some people dont want to deal with PCs, graphicscards and drivers but still get that performance. Not to mention about exclusives which arent avaible on PC but run at 30fps on the PS4. 

Its a double standed simple as.

Console fans excuse against PC's is that they need to be upgraded every so often. Well geez i guess when it comes to PS4 now Console fans suddenly dont mind having to keep upgrading every few years to have the best looking games? Dont give me the excuse about exclusives as that was never the issue when Sony fans was using "Upgrading" as a reason for not wanting a PC. Plus 4k wasnt such a big deal to the sony fans same as 1080P wasnt lastgen but as soon as it comes to a sony console its ok?.

Anyway I hope this does happen since no longer will Sony fans be able to say "well at least we dont have to buy new hardware every 2-3 years" and before someone says "no one is forcing a user to upgrade" yes the same way as no one forces a PC gamer to upgrade.

Also upgrading your gpu drivers is no harder then upgrading your console so thats a mute point...

Yes upgrading to play games is an issue for console gamers but upgrading to get better performance is a different thing. I dont see where we are hypocriticals here espacially me since i was always for it. Its not comparable to PC but rather Apple Macs.

Like i said double standeds. Macs are pretty much PC's (Personal computer) anyway only you cant upgrade them and they are over priced for what they do.

And isnt that the main reason why PC users upgrade to get better performance?, so how is it any different?. Anyway i think something like this would ruin console gaming. The main selling point of a console is you get that console and it plays all the same games looking exactly the same as everyone else who owns that console and will continue to do so till the end of that console gen. All this does is make other users feel like they have to upgrade so they can keep up with their mates. And before you know it that thing about consoles being cheaper then PC's become a mute point..

So switching from ps3 to ps4 is also hypocritical? The main selling point of a console is that it works out of a box, it doesnt matter if there is a better version out there as long as all the games for the system work on all hardware versions.

Consoles will always be cheaper than PCs because Sony, Nintenbdo and MS get 10% roaylties from each game sold. Thats why the PS4 is so cheap because Sony doesnt try to make money from the units.

Even the launch model of the PS3 cost them 900$ to produce and they sold you it for 600$, it had blueray, the cell cpu both expensive technologies at the time and it had a built in PS2 for BC.

If Sony would make a PS4K you probably wouldnt pay more than 600$, and you would get the same results in horsepower like paying 1000$ for PC hardware. With PC hardware its different, you have to pay each company money so they are profitable for each component in your computer. While Sony would produce them in mass production for one single Console, making all the deals with the hardware manufactors. Plus they wont try to make any money from the hardware itself like i have mentioned above.

Normally the PS4 counting the built-quality in, it should cost 600$ but Sony isnt Dell or Apple. They make money from the software sales thats why its 350$. So worrying about sony becoming like  Apple is groundless.