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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Paris Game Week Thread

Watching on my PS4, everything seems to be running fine, looks like it's about to start.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Around the Network

The Wait is nuthin but a hype-tool, works everytime

I cannot imagine toilet-free life.

Kebabs have a unique attribute compared to other consumables. To unlock this effect you need to wolf down a big ass kebab really fast, like under 10 minutes or so and wait for the effect to kick in. If done correctly your movements should feel unbelievably heavy to the point where you literally cannot move at all.

-Downtown Alanya Kebab magazine issue no.198

pokoko said:
What's the creeping penis game?

think its the same as that one with the owl -> shark -> octopus (eating humans on a ship).

The music makes me sick

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


pokoko said:
What's the creeping penis game?

What remains of Edith finch

If I'm not mistaken the game from the Katamari damacy creators?

Around the Network

Dammit start already!

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Aerys said:
The music makes me sick

Been pretty great for the past couple of songs.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

5 mins left til it starts.

God I love this twitter account, it's the gift that keeps on giving.

In 5 minutes? You're telling me Sony are going to be on time?!? No chance!