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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Unverified dev guesses: NX might more powerful than PS4/XBONE, based on a PC demo...

Well this was a wii u graphics demo


Also this does look better as almost everything we got on ps4 now. Doesnt mean wii u is stronger as ps4. Those demos do use all the potential power of a console at thei maximum. Its impossible to make games like this.

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Hmm... Based on Core i7-6700T/Core i7-6700TE?

Edit: TDP is 35W.

JNK said:

Well this was a wii u graphics demo


Also this does look better as almost everything we got on ps4 now. Doesnt mean wii u is stronger as ps4. Those demos do use all the potential power of a console at thei maximum. Its impossible to make games like this.

Exactly my point. Thanks.

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Pavolink said:

Exactly my point. Thanks.

That was what the original WiiU could do, though, it was quite indicative of the original specs and machine. The 11th hour change was multi-facetted in why it ocurred and I wouldn't expect such an end-result again. Several of the reasons for it just don't even exist anymore.

97alexk said:

As all these NX news, should maybe taken lightly, but one Dev who got an NX dev kit thinks the NX has a Corei7 Skylake, watch the link to get more info :)

NOTE: Don't keep your expecations too high for an all powerful console. I will believe when i see it

No that isn't what was said, it was this:

"One software demo included with the kit crunches so many polygons that it’s currently impossible to run at 60fps using a current-generation Intel (we’re assuming a Core i7 Skylake) CPU and a nearly top-of-the-line graphics card…"


Someone is assuming that the polygon pushing performance of that software demo was beyond a Skylake i7 and a GPU that s nearly top of the line, bare in mind this is the Dev Kit, not the actual console. Also I've read that the Dev Kit is software based (, not a physical hardware one, so developers are using their own hardware and running the Nintendo NX's software dev kit on that, which probably means it's Nintendo's testing ground for what's possible with their development tools that they have written right now, all experimentation until they settle on exactly what the specs for the platform will end up being.

An I7 6700k costs around $370, a GTX 980 is about $500, so we're talking almost $900 for the GPU and CPU alone, well over a grand for the final build and with more power consumption than PS3 or 360 when they were released years ago.

Even half that level of performance and taking into consideration that Nintendo wouldn't pay that much for parts NX would cost well over PS4's launch price, most likely in the ballpark of $500.

AMD have been linked to making another console's SOC, which is most likely Nintendo's NX.


Ultimately this article doesn't really tell people anything about NX's level of performance, the only thing this shows us is that Nintendo are playing around with tools for the new platform and seeing what developers can do with this level of hardware developers already had in their hands.

NX won't be even remotely close to an I7 or a high end Nvidia graphics card or even a high end AMD one.

Even if Nintendo were shooting for a higher end machine than the competition to be seen as competition for Sony and Microsoft again, they still wouldn't want to release a machine that costs a fortune to buy, nor would they want to have a platform the size of a tower PC. I doubt Nintendo would be interested in a system even as big as PS4, maybe 2/3rds of that in size, whatever that TDP allows in performance, within a reasonably priced package to keep Nintendo's tech accessible to a wide range of gamers.

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This is personally how I would design the NX, not saying this is what Nintendo will do though.

Make a new version of the Wii U chip. Dump the IBM cores with newer 14/16nm AMD CPU cores that can mimic/emulate the PowerPC cores. Die shrink the GPU to 14/16nm. Maybe strip the eDRAM and replace with 32MB of HBM2 RAM if its cheaper/more power efficient.

There's your mobile NX chip for the portable at 7-8 watts. Can run Wii U ports easily, and by "absorbing" the Wii U chip, it should be able to run Wii and GCN ports and all VC stuff easily too. Mobile can run Android apps too.

Console, I'd take the cheap redesigned Wii U chip mentioned above and marry it to modern off-the-shelf AMD PC parts. Zen CPU + mid-range Arctic Islands 14/16nm GPU (2.5 TFLOP?). 8GB HBM2 RAM. Very, very easy to port PC games to, in fact I'd make the console dev environment tailored towards allowed for easy porting of Windows PC games so much so that developers don't even have to really make a seperate NX version, they can take their existing PC game and fine tune for the NX very, very quickly.

So the home console can run basically PC ports + has that redesigned Wii U chip so it can run all the portable NX games (at higher res) + handle easy Wii U ports + VC stuff + Android apps.

So that's a setup that basically works for every developer. If you're a Japanese studio and making a portable game that's also playable on portable is appealling to you, well just make the game primarily around the new Wii U-type chip, then on the console version you can simply just use all that extra horsepower to bump it up to 1080P/60 fps/8x AA or maybe even 2K/4K resolution for the NX console. 

If you're a high end Western dev this works, as you can easily adapt your PC games and ignore that propietary Wii U type chip if you want. If you're a low end Western dev this works, because you can easily port your Android apps. 

So, the source is someone from the Nintendo forums? Seems legit.

jlmurph2 said:
It would be pretty embarrassing if it wasn't.

Yeah, but nooooooooooooo lol. 

Core i7 Skylake!? Rally!? I say BS.

If it is, that would be great, but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't

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