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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumor: Twilight Princess possible HD release, not virtual console.


Which one do you think it is?

HD Remake 231 57.18%
Port to eShop 126 31.19%
Nothing 47 11.63%
fleischr said:
DanneSandin said:
It'll be interesting to see the updated graphics, but what will this mean for Zelda U? Will it even be released on the Wii U? And I'm damn tired of this Zelda milking from Nintendo as of late!

Yeah it looks as though Zelda is now an annualized franchise. I think in future years we'll get more spin-offs instead of remasters though. I think the big focus is maintaining a strong base of fans for a more successful platform in the future to do something awesome like Legend of Sheik.

I would appreaciate spinn off games so much more than remasters! Have it set in Hyrule, but focusing on a different character and different gameplay elements.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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DanneSandin said:
Paatar said:

Zelda is coming to the Wii U 100%. The question is is it coming to the NX.

Still, this could men that we get two Zelda games for the Wii U in a single year. Thats a bit much...

Well we getting two 3DS Zelda games this year, also TP HD maybe will arrive this year.

Given the Wii U's lineup between now and next year... It could use all the big games it can get before NX arrives.

Pavolink said:
Nogamez said:

Oot and MM use the same engine as you well know so that's why there is a shorter tome span. We do not want a yearly annulized zelda. Give me new engines/ experiences every few years please

TLOZ: Ocarina of Time 3D (2011)

TLOZ: Skyward Sword (2011)

TLOZ: The Wind Waker HD (2013)

TLOZ: A Link Between Worlds (2013)

Hyrule Warriors (2014)

TLOZ: Majora's Mask 3D (2015)

TLOZ: Triforce Heroes (2015)

TLOZ: Twilight Princess HD (2015-2016)

Hyrule Warriors Legends (2016)

TLOZ HD (2016)


Yeah, it's not an annual franchise.

 Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule legends aren't even zelda games.  Triforce heroes is a spin off. Twilight princess HD isn't even confirmed.  So we haven't had a Loz game since 2013. Handheld vs homeconsoles are so different you can't even compare them as similar games ( excluding remakes off course) so no Loz isn't a annual franchise

The funny thing is I made a thread once, one of the few I made, about whether or not Zelda was now an annual franchise. Most people said "nah".

And Triforce Heroes is not a spin-off, it is called 'TLoZ'. I wish it were. Aonuma said as early as 2007 that they were in "the planning stages" and he and his team were working on several ideas for what would become Skyward Sword.

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S.Peelman said:
The funny thing is I made a thread once, one of the few I made, about whether or not Zelda was now an annual franchise. Most people said "nah".

And Triforce Heroes is not a spin-off, it is called 'TLoZ'. I wish it were.

True, but to me it's a bit like that four swords adventure, more multilayer focused then the single player adventure, so offers a unique and different playstyle compared to a mainstream game. 


Games like AC are annual, the playstyle remains the same, slightly updated graphics etc.

Samus Aran said:
VaultDweller said:
Pavolink said:
Skullwaker said:
Pavolink said:
They are milking more than Mario.

I hate that. Zelda is not even an annual franchise, but they are releasing 2 games per year.

Nope. Mario will have had 4 games by the end of the year, while Zelda has 2.

Not as if any of them are alike anyways, so it doesn't matter honestly.

No, it matters and a lot. Zelda has to come in a steedy cycle with new ideas, not full of remakes, spin-offs and delays.


There too many Zelda games for one gen only. I mean, > FOUR < remakes. And people keep blaming Sony

Sony does remasters of games that have aged rather well (GoW III (2010), Uncharted Trilogy (2007, 2009, 2011) (, TLOU (2013)).

Nintendo did full remakes for OoT (1998) and MM (2000) and a remaster for WW (2002).

The original Uncharted game hasn't aged "very well". It was in as much need of a visual (and some other stuff) update as Windwaker was. Realistic graphics age faster than unrealistic graphics, and especially cel-shaded games.

Calling OoT3D and MM3D "full remakes" is an insult to full remakes. While there haven't been that many full remakes that I know of lately, there is the recently announced FFVII (though we haven't really seen anything of it), and Ratchet & Clank (which is made by Sony, yet you didn't mention it).

Teeqoz said:

Calling OoT3D and MM3D "full remakes" is an insult to full remakes. While there haven't been that many full remakes that I know of lately, there is the recently announced FFVII (though we haven't really seen anything of it), and Ratchet & Clank (which is made by Sony, yet you didn't mention it).

They are the most literal interpretation of the word 'remake' a game could ever be. They literally remade those exact games; remade the engine, models, textures all from scratch... A remake doesn't need to add content or have a different script by definition.

S.Peelman said:
Teeqoz said:

Calling OoT3D and MM3D "full remakes" is an insult to full remakes. While there haven't been that many full remakes that I know of lately, there is the recently announced FFVII (though we haven't really seen anything of it), and Ratchet & Clank (which is made by Sony, yet you didn't mention it).

They are the most literal interpretation of the word 'remake' a game could ever be. They literally remade those exact games; remade the engine, models, textures all from scratch... A remake doesn't need to add content or have a different script by definition.

I just don't see how we can classify them as the same when the difference is immense. OoT3D is a graphical remake or whatever we should call it, R&C and FFVII are full remakes.

Teeqoz said:
S.Peelman said:

They are the most literal interpretation of the word 'remake' a game could ever be. They literally remade those exact games; remade the engine, models, textures all from scratch... A remake doesn't need to add content or have a different script by definition.

I just don't see how we can classify them as the same when the difference is immense. OoT3D is a graphical remake or whatever we should call it, R&C and FFVII are full remakes.

Depends on personal definition then I guess.