Dark_Feanor said:
Lol I know, and I'm sure Dark Feanor will gladly point out MS playing the "pretending" exclusive card.
Well, well, well...
Other than COD I don´t remember Microsoft doing anything close to what Sony did with GTA-V next gen, Destiny and Watchdogs, a little less with Batman Arkhan Knight.
For the record, there is nothing wrong in playing that card and moneyhatting developers and publishers. But hey, MS was bashed when they had a true console exclusive like Titanfall.
PS: Metal Gear Solid is another topic where Sony didn´t have to do any effort to make the game look like a exclusive.
GribbleGrunger said:
Oh, I'm sure there will be something slightly different with the way MS do it. Or they'll go for the 'well Sony did it' or 'If that had been Sony, you guys would have no problem with it.' I love the way these people instigate the argument and then instantly turn it around when PS4 fans point out the hypocrisy.
Lol this is too funny! You were spot on!
Please, explain your point. Have you been here in the last 2 years?
May be this particular SW add was nothing diffente from every other hollyday add that just include the particular bundle at the end.
However, this is the behevour Sony´s droids have with every PS4 bundle. It´s always the talking how a particular bundle AND co-marketing will push PS4 far above the competition.
It wouldn´t be that evident if PS4 had real exclusives or timed exclusives every hollyday.
And yes, it pisses me off how people are supper ok with Sony PR BS when there are duzens of threads on how Titanfall (p. ex) is not a real exclusive. Or worst every second part IP also is just a money grab and not a real investiment.
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