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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U 2016 lineup looking solid

Goodnightmoon said:
KingdomHeartsFan said:

I don't think anything you say has any strength after saying Zelda is better than all those games combined and then you had to edit except uncharted because you heard how ridiculous that sounded lol.

I changed the entire coment to make it more clear, my point with Zelda is that you give too much importance to the quantity while Nintendo consoles have always had quality instead, and you are making a highly unreasonable comparison, obviously the console with all the third party support is gonna have more games, but WiiU has to rely on first party games alone, and if all those games and some unnanounced more are released next year, than it is a pretty solid first party line up, wich makes a big contrast with what a ton of people has been saying for months, that WiiU was going to be completely dead on 2016 and has nothing more than Zelda for the next year. Well, now it looks like it has seven and 2016 is still far away. Nobody needs a list of Ps4 games to know if the WiiU line up is good or bad.

Oh so you wanna lower the bar for the Wii U to make it look good, gotcha.

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Kresnik said:


Miyamotoo said:

Much better than what everybody assuming just few months ago that we will have only Zelda U in 2016, but it looks we will have lineup almost on pair with previous Wii U lineups.

When the bar is that low, getting some more stuff doesn't always make it better.

How so!? How having 7 or more games instead only one game doesn't make it better!?

IF the NX really is a portable first, it would make sense if we could get these games on the NX first rather than the console.

KingdomHeartsFan said:
Miyamotoo said:
KingdomHeartsFan said:
Miyamotoo said:
KingdomHeartsFan said:

That looks like crap...I'm sorry but 7 games, which includes Mario and Sonic, and a F2P game Project Treasure, and one game which isn't even confirmed for the Wii U.  I think Q1 on the PS4 blows that away, GR: R, Mirror's Edge, Deus Ex, Uncharted 4, Star Ocean, The Division, SF 4, Dark Souls 3 and I'm sure I'm forgetting something.  

Here is talk about Wii U lineup, and 2016 lineup doesnt look much worse than previous Wii U lineups and people thought we will have only Zelda U in 2016, that whole point of this thread not if PS4 have much better lineup.

And the Wii U has been critisized about having droughts and bad support in the past.  If this "doesn't look much worse" then how can it be solid.

Yes, Wii U had droughts and bad 3rd party support in the past, but had pretty good (solid) Nintendo support, and next year looks it will be on pair with previous Wii U years with Nintendo support, even people thought it will have only Zelda U.

I'm confused, before you said it was worse and now your saying its on par.

Little worse, almost on par or on pair, not huge difference really, important is that is comparable with previous Wii U lineups.

EpicLight said:
IF the NX really is a portable first, it would make sense if we could get these games on the NX first rather than the console.

Well Nintendo said they want to satisfy Wii U owners first.

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I'm sorry, but that is NOT a good lineup. It's not even a mediocre one, really.

Miyamotoo said:

How so!? How having 7 or more games instead only one game doesn't make it better!?

Yeah, it kinda does.  Especially if you like variety.

To use another example closer to home for me - say Vita got a Last of Us spinoff in 2016.  Developed by Bend; overseen by Naughty Dog; reviews really well and is a great game.  And then the rest of Vita's lineup is the usual niche stuff and indies.  Does Vita suddenly have a solid 2016 lineup because of one game?

I certainly wouldn't say so.

It's only a good lineup because of delays in 2015. :(

I hope Nintendo still has more in store, including Pikmin 4, before they move away from the Wii U.

I honestly don't care about any of them except maybe Pikmin 4 if it's confirmed wii u.

I'm seriously looking forward to Fire Emblem Fates though.

Hum no, it's not even decent, even more considering some wont be Wii U exclusives or not on Wii U at all( Pikmin ? ), especially for the final year

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