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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U 2016 lineup looking solid

Would love Pikmin 4, let's hope it is a WiiU-game.

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KingdomHeartsFan said:
Miyamotoo said:
KingdomHeartsFan said:

That looks like crap...I'm sorry but 7 games, which includes Mario and Sonic, and a F2P game Project Treasure, and one game which isn't even confirmed for the Wii U.  I think Q1 on the PS4 blows that away, GR: R, Mirror's Edge, Deus Ex, Uncharted 4, Star Ocean, The Division, SF 4, Dark Souls 3 and I'm sure I'm forgetting something.  

Here is talk about Wii U lineup, and 2016 lineup doesnt look much worse than previous Wii U lineups and people thought we will have only Zelda U in 2016, that whole point of this thread not if PS4 have much better lineup.

And the Wii U has been critisized about having droughts and bad support in the past.  If this "doesn't look much worse" then how can it be solid.

Yes, Wii U had droughts and bad 3rd party support in the past, but had pretty good (solid) Nintendo support, and next year looks it will be on pair with previous Wii U years with Nintendo support, even people thought it will have only Zelda U.

Nogamez said:
PIkmin 4 and zelda u only interesting games for me so yeah not great so far. Maybe they should smash out a Twilight princess HD or Mario Sunshine HD around April/May time, that may help the release drought and shift some consoles

Don't expect any Wii HD game on Wii U.

KingdomHeartsFan said:
Goodnightmoon said:

I know what you are doing and you are making my point stronger.

I don't think anything you say has any strength after saying Zelda is better than all those games combined and then you had to edit except uncharted because you heard how ridiculous that sounded lol.

I changed the entire coment to make it more clear, my point with Zelda is that you give too much importance to the quantity while Nintendo consoles have always had quality instead, and you are making a highly unreasonable comparison, obviously the console with all the third party support is gonna have more games, but WiiU has to rely on first party games alone, and if all those games and some unnanounced more are released next year, than it is a pretty solid first party line up, wich makes a big contrast with what a ton of people has been saying for months, that WiiU was going to be completely dead on 2016 and has nothing more than Zelda for the next year. Well, now it looks like it has seven and 2016 is still far away. Nobody needs a list of Ps4 games to know if the WiiU line up is good or bad.

I would have hoped for a Paper Mario game, but I'm happy enough with that lineup.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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For Wii U standards it's pretty good I guess. Outside of Zelda, there's not a heavy hitter.

iceland said:
For Wii U standards it's pretty good I guess. Outside of Zelda, there's not a heavy hitter.

Sorry but I can´t imagine Pokken not being a heavy hitter, at least in terms of sales.

Goodnightmoon said:
iceland said:
For Wii U standards it's pretty good I guess. Outside of Zelda, there's not a heavy hitter.

Sorry but I can´t imagine Pokken not being a heavy hitter, at least in terms of sales.

be careful, you know people that don't follow nintendo news would assume the only games it sell is mario, zelda, mk, smash, and now they'll add splatoon. other than that, everything is niche for nintendo. shhhhh. 

And no multiplats/retail third parties really...

It is pretty solid, but if Zelda and Star Fox weren't delayed in the first place it would not be looking so good.