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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Knowing the big titles coming next year, do you still think the NX will be coming out holiday 2016?


Will the NX launch 2016?

Yes 232 40.07%
No 286 49.40%
See Results 61 10.54%

I always thought it would be a 2017 release.The point is that is debeatable is that if the NX handheld will be a 2016.Now that could be possible.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

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Aeolus451 said:
Soundwave said:

If they showed NX today, what do you think would happen to Wii U and 3DS sales for the holiday? They'd be right at the bottom of this:

That's why they can't show NX right now even if they wanted to. Wii U and 3DS have enough problems as is this holiday season. 

Besides the whole "lets show a system 2 years before release" is a stupid and outdated policy. No one wants to see a game system/smartphone/tablet etc. and then by told, "now please wait 18 months for this". 

It's not 1997 anymore, that doesn't fly with modern consumers. 3DS was also announced, revealed, and released in under 12 months, so even for Nintendo it can be done. 

As probably the senior resident here on these boards I remember when the freaking N64/Project: Reality was announced in October 1993 ... that was almost THREE FULL YEARS before launch, lol and the SNES was barely 2 years old in the US at that time. Things change, just because Nintendo has done things one way for a period of time doesn't mean it will stay that way. 

The wii u sales are already down in the pipes swirling around to be honest. It really depends on what it is if it will affect either home console or handheld or both. When you do you thnk it will be fully revealed and released?

I think they will wait until the holidays are over, obviously. No sense in damaging what holiday sales they can get for no logical benefit but for us the public to know a little earlier. 

I would guess a NX hardware conference or something around March next year at the fiscal year end, so it can't damage Wii U/3DS fiscal year totals, followed by a full unveil at E3, and launch in November 2016. 

Hiku said:
Miyamotoo said:
Hiku said:
Aeolus451 said:

To get people hyped for it. Isn't that what marketing is for? Nintendo home consoles  don't really sell all that well in general and they haven't devaited from the 5 year cycle. Even with the wii being as successful as it was, nintendo didn't lengthen or shorten the 5 year schedule. Why would they change with the wii u? Believe what you will and we will see what happens. 

Actually, Wii first released in Nov 2006, and WiiU in Nov 2012. That's 6 years. Also, this 5 year cycle as a standard for the industry is a miconception. Nintendo home console cycles have been 5,9 years on average. And 6,3 years for PlayStation.
And regarding what you said earlier about Nintendo not saying what NX is yet, both Reggie and Tanabe (Metroid producer) have refered to it as a home console. Reggie said "We’ve also said publicly that we are already hard at work on our next home console and that’s another element we’ll be talking about much later". The only public announcement they've made about working on new hardware is the NX announcement. Tanabe also went on to say that production of a new console Metroid would at this point likely be moved to the "NX console".
I don't think this means that NX will only be a home console though. But one part of that platform will be, from the sound of it.

Actually only Wii and NES had 5 year cycle, all other Nintendo consoles had life cycle of 5 years, and with worst sells ever for any Nintendo console, Wii U will certainly not have 6 year cycle, I dont think it will have 5 year cycle.

I think you meant to say 6 years+?
And actually, NES was out for 7,4 years in Japan before being replaced. I'm counting Japan releases for consistency, and because that is when most of their consoles first released, rather to mix and match release dates from different regions. But even if I do, and only chose the earliest release date each time, you still get an average closer to 6 years than 5 years.
Also, because NES had already released in Japan, NES in the west got a stronger launch lineup, etc.

Anyway, here's the list:

SNES -7y4m
N64 - 5y7m
GC - 5y5m
Wii - 5y3m
WiiU - 6y

I'm not rounding the months down or up. But I am considering the months. 5,5 or 5,7 isn't simply 5 years.

Also, I was not in any way implying that WiiU would have 5 or more years. It will definitely lower Nintendo's average. I was just adressing the comment about Wii being out for 5 years, and the standard cycle.

Yes, I meant 6 years. And I looked West markets because Japan is only one and smallest market.

Nautilus said:
I always thought it would be a 2017 release.The point is that is debeatable is that if the NX handheld will be a 2016.Now that could be possible.

They might as well not even bother with the console in that case, what exactly is it going to do in 2017? Sell to the same group of Wii U owners? Forget Sony, Nintendo won't even touch Microsoft. That's just completely sent to die. 

I think the era of the discreet Nintendo console is over anyway. It's just going to be portable components in a box ... there's your "console". 

I'm starting to feel more and more that NX is basically a portable console.

Maybe they were experimenting with different form factors, and probably some of those form factors will eventually be released, but I think in the end the realization they came to was that a portable console is the most intriguing way to go.

At least that would be different from the PS4/XB1 in some tangiable way. 

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Soundwave said:
Nautilus said:
I always thought it would be a 2017 release.The point is that is debeatable is that if the NX handheld will be a 2016.Now that could be possible.

They might as well not even bother with the console in that case, what exactly is it going to do in 2017? Sell to the same group of Wii U owners? Forget Sony, Nintendo won't even touch Microsoft. That's just completely sent to die. 

Realeasing in 2016 has its share of problems.First and foremost, it may piss people off because of its low cicle life.Second is that the PS4 is the cool guy now, and i believe it still hasnt reached its peak.If they release it in 2016, with most people convinced that the PS4 is still the best choice, specially with the price cut that will probably come from japan to the rest of the world, and unless it has something that will blow people minds away, the NX will just fail.Another important point is that, if Nintendo really just started showing the NX to the other developers this E3, it would mean they would just have one year and a half to learn its software AND develop games for it.Thats would just be a dumb move to make.2017 would be better, not just because this PS4 momentum by then may pass, but that would give developers to port games for it, or even make exclusives, and also would give nintendo time to get more experienced with the internet service that it is probably developing with DENA.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Nautilus said:
Soundwave said:

They might as well not even bother with the console in that case, what exactly is it going to do in 2017? Sell to the same group of Wii U owners? Forget Sony, Nintendo won't even touch Microsoft. That's just completely sent to die. 

Realeasing in 2016 has its share of problems.First and foremost, it may piss people off because of its low cicle life.Second is that the PS4 is the cool guy now, and i believe it still hasnt reached its peak.If they release it in 2016, with most people convinced that the PS4 is still the best choice, specially with the price cut that will probably come from japan to the rest of the world, and unless it has something that will blow people minds away, the NX will just fail.Another important point is that, if Nintendo really just started showing the NX to the other developers this E3, it would mean they would just have one year and a half to learn its software AND develop games for it.Thats would just be a dumb move to make.2017 would be better, not just because this PS4 momentum by then may pass, but that would give developers to port games for it, or even make exclusives, and also would give nintendo time to get more experienced with the internet service that it is probably developing with DENA.

They're probably screwed either way, but 2017 ... forget even talking about Sony. Sony will be laughing at the finish line. 

Even catching Microsoft is basically a non-starter. 

If it is a traditional console, then it's basically gaurunteed third place. And a distant third place at that, it won't be even close like the GameCube third place was. 

Fall 2017 November, you're probably talking

PS4 - 60+ million, 1200+ titles

XBox One - 30+ million, 1200+ titles

NX - 0 userbase, 10-15 launch titles

I'm sorry but there's no amount of spin in the world that can convince me this is some kind of sane, sound strategy.  

Soundwave said:
Nautilus said:

Realeasing in 2016 has its share of problems.First and foremost, it may piss people off because of its low cicle life.Second is that the PS4 is the cool guy now, and i believe it still hasnt reached its peak.If they release it in 2016, with most people convinced that the PS4 is still the best choice, specially with the price cut that will probably come from japan to the rest of the world, and unless it has something that will blow people minds away, the NX will just fail.Another important point is that, if Nintendo really just started showing the NX to the other developers this E3, it would mean they would just have one year and a half to learn its software AND develop games for it.Thats would just be a dumb move to make.2017 would be better, not just because this PS4 momentum by then may pass, but that would give developers to port games for it, or even make exclusives, and also would give nintendo time to get more experienced with the internet service that it is probably developing with DENA.

They're probably screwed either way, but 2017 ... forget even talking about Sony. Sony will be laughing at the finish line. 

Even catching Microsoft is basically a non-starter. 

If it is a traditional console, then it's basically gaurunteed third place. And a distant third place at that, it won't be even close like the GameCube third place was. 

Fall 2017 November, you're probably talking

PS4 - 60+ million, 1200+ titles

XBox One - 30+ million, 1200+ titles

NX - 0 userbase, 10-15 launch titles

I'm sorry but there's no amount of spin in the world that can convince me this is some kind of sane, sound strategy.  

Well, Nintendo did prove us with the Wii for example,That it can pull off a miracle once in a while, but yeah, i agree with you that it is an uphill battle, to say the very least.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Aeolus451 said:
Miyamotoo said:

What hole!? Wii U is disaster, they certainly not do same thing for NX.

Fun how you looked out PS4/Xbox One examples like perfect revealed, marketed and launch consoles, there is now reason why Nintendo want do something similar, especially after Wii U.

Actually all things points that NX will be released next year and not in 2017.

Nothing points to NX being released in 2016 except for some of the nintendo fans pointing to it and hoping for it to be so. I'm close to posting a gif about beating a dead horse. We will see what happens in 2016 and 2017.

Actually all points for 2016. launch:

-Nintendos constant talk about NX and new platform, they started doing that in January of 2013. but this year we had lots of informations about NX. Why they talk so much about NX when Wii U still dont have 3 years if they don't planning to release NX next year!?

-No more big new Wii U or 3DS titles, we are getting mostly spinoffs, smaller games or games that don't require too much development time or resource or games that are earlier announced.

-SQ alaredy annuced DQ 10 and 11 for NX.

-All these recent Nintendo patents.

-Digitimes report that saying Nintendo is gearing for hardware manufacturing that be launch next year.

Nautilus said:
Soundwave said:

They're probably screwed either way, but 2017 ... forget even talking about Sony. Sony will be laughing at the finish line. 

Even catching Microsoft is basically a non-starter. 

If it is a traditional console, then it's basically gaurunteed third place. And a distant third place at that, it won't be even close like the GameCube third place was. 

Fall 2017 November, you're probably talking

PS4 - 60+ million, 1200+ titles

XBox One - 30+ million, 1200+ titles

NX - 0 userbase, 10-15 launch titles

I'm sorry but there's no amount of spin in the world that can convince me this is some kind of sane, sound strategy.  

Well, Nintendo did prove us with the Wii for example,That it can pull off a miracle once in a while, but yeah, i agree with you that it is an uphill battle, to say the very least.

Every console Nintendo released has done worse than the last except for the Wii and that's only because it captured the casual market who doesn't even play games.  Nintendo isn't going to do well just because an amazing stroke of luck, they need people out there who will purchase their product, and there are really very few parties out there who are interested unless they do something unique.

If it's not a hybrid console, Nintendo is going to be third place no matter what.  Releasing in 2016 or 2017 is what will determine how far back they'll actually be.  Will they sell as bad as the Gamecube, the Wii U, or worse? 

What Nintendo should do is start releasing exclusives on the New 3DS and force 3DS owners to upgrade to that console if they want to play these new games to sell atleast 20-30 million more(I'd certainly like to own more than just Xenoblade Chronicles.)  Push an exclusive on the Wii U here and there for the next couple years.  Then announce their new console first, something twice as powerful as the PS4 for the same price or less than the PS4 cost at launch.  Launch this new console when the PS4 hasn't even been five years on the market so the new Nintendo console will have atleast two years to themselves as the only next gen console on the market.  Nintendo would be selling to those who want the better performing and maybe better looking game with multi console releases, and maybe console exclusives that look better than the PS4s best looking games while also performing better.  Being the sole console out there with the most powerful specs might still not get it much exclusive third party support, but it'll get Nintendo console sales for years before the other two launch their next console, and then Nintendo atleast has a large userbase and has the chance of gaining more support and more sales through that.  I'd like to see them keep the gamepad too since it can be a unique feature, and by that time it should cost little to manufacture.