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Hiku said:
Miyamotoo said:
Hiku said:
Aeolus451 said:

To get people hyped for it. Isn't that what marketing is for? Nintendo home consoles  don't really sell all that well in general and they haven't devaited from the 5 year cycle. Even with the wii being as successful as it was, nintendo didn't lengthen or shorten the 5 year schedule. Why would they change with the wii u? Believe what you will and we will see what happens. 

Actually, Wii first released in Nov 2006, and WiiU in Nov 2012. That's 6 years. Also, this 5 year cycle as a standard for the industry is a miconception. Nintendo home console cycles have been 5,9 years on average. And 6,3 years for PlayStation.
And regarding what you said earlier about Nintendo not saying what NX is yet, both Reggie and Tanabe (Metroid producer) have refered to it as a home console. Reggie said "We’ve also said publicly that we are already hard at work on our next home console and that’s another element we’ll be talking about much later". The only public announcement they've made about working on new hardware is the NX announcement. Tanabe also went on to say that production of a new console Metroid would at this point likely be moved to the "NX console".
I don't think this means that NX will only be a home console though. But one part of that platform will be, from the sound of it.

Actually only Wii and NES had 5 year cycle, all other Nintendo consoles had life cycle of 5 years, and with worst sells ever for any Nintendo console, Wii U will certainly not have 6 year cycle, I dont think it will have 5 year cycle.

I think you meant to say 6 years+?
And actually, NES was out for 7,4 years in Japan before being replaced. I'm counting Japan releases for consistency, and because that is when most of their consoles first released, rather to mix and match release dates from different regions. But even if I do, and only chose the earliest release date each time, you still get an average closer to 6 years than 5 years.
Also, because NES had already released in Japan, NES in the west got a stronger launch lineup, etc.

Anyway, here's the list:

SNES -7y4m
N64 - 5y7m
GC - 5y5m
Wii - 5y3m
WiiU - 6y

I'm not rounding the months down or up. But I am considering the months. 5,5 or 5,7 isn't simply 5 years.

Also, I was not in any way implying that WiiU would have 5 or more years. It will definitely lower Nintendo's average. I was just adressing the comment about Wii being out for 5 years, and the standard cycle.

Yes, I meant 6 years. And I looked West markets because Japan is only one and smallest market.