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Aeolus451 said:
Soundwave said:

If they showed NX today, what do you think would happen to Wii U and 3DS sales for the holiday? They'd be right at the bottom of this:

That's why they can't show NX right now even if they wanted to. Wii U and 3DS have enough problems as is this holiday season. 

Besides the whole "lets show a system 2 years before release" is a stupid and outdated policy. No one wants to see a game system/smartphone/tablet etc. and then by told, "now please wait 18 months for this". 

It's not 1997 anymore, that doesn't fly with modern consumers. 3DS was also announced, revealed, and released in under 12 months, so even for Nintendo it can be done. 

As probably the senior resident here on these boards I remember when the freaking N64/Project: Reality was announced in October 1993 ... that was almost THREE FULL YEARS before launch, lol and the SNES was barely 2 years old in the US at that time. Things change, just because Nintendo has done things one way for a period of time doesn't mean it will stay that way. 

The wii u sales are already down in the pipes swirling around to be honest. It really depends on what it is if it will affect either home console or handheld or both. When you do you thnk it will be fully revealed and released?

I think they will wait until the holidays are over, obviously. No sense in damaging what holiday sales they can get for no logical benefit but for us the public to know a little earlier. 

I would guess a NX hardware conference or something around March next year at the fiscal year end, so it can't damage Wii U/3DS fiscal year totals, followed by a full unveil at E3, and launch in November 2016.