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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Smash Ballot Charts *Updated* Completely Closed!



See Results (if you do really?) 5 100.00%

About 30 until the poll closes. Depending on the situatin however, I may redo this one based on my own bluster

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Poll closed!... sort of


The poll is pretty much at a stale-mate, that being said, if it had to be done now, it could go to controversial/unlikely. With that said, I will hold off putting this in for now due to my own mistake, until perhaps later or if this would be redone.

EDIT: For now I'll put it in controversial/unlikely


Next character poll will begin shortly.

Dravenet7 said:
Platina said:
Rune Factory is, in this case, an actual spin off of the Harvest Moon franchise, which in RF4, finally dropped the 'A Fantasy Harvest Moon game' as the subline.
Harvest Moon is the parent series, which is a simulation farming game. You grow crops, raise animals, compete in contests, expand your farm and build relationships with villagers where you can eventually marry them.
Rune Factory takes this already good farming aspect and builds on it, turning the game into a RPG with fighting against monsters, crafting and increasing skill to up your HP and RP. So I guess Rune Factory characters would be a better choice for Smash, but they were able to make Villager from Animal Crossing work so a character from Harvest Moon isn't ruled out.

I would be fine to have the MC from Rune Factory 3/4 as they are diverse enough to customize. Like Robin/My Unit in the Fire Emblem series, the MC is basically a blank slate, allowing you to customize your character in terms of skills and weapons used. The MC can also use spells so they can do a lot with them.

However, though I would love to see a character from Rune Factory or Harvest Moon in Smash, it's really unlikely, as there is a possibility that they would be too similar to Villager or Robin..

Aww man I'm sorry. When I typed up your choices I accidentally merged the two titles, so when I looked back at it, it looked like it was just referring to the spin-off. If possible I can either bring out the Harvest Moon for another poll or both at the same time if that's cool with you. I ran out of characters faster than I thought in any case, so there would be room to spare.

It's fine ;)

They're similar enough to be merged, especially since you don't have enough time to run through all the characters you want..

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Platina said:
Dravenet7 said:

Aww man I'm sorry. When I typed up your choices I accidentally merged the two titles, so when I looked back at it, it looked like it was just referring to the spin-off. If possible I can either bring out the Harvest Moon for another poll or both at the same time if that's cool with you. I ran out of characters faster than I thought in any case, so there would be room to spare.

It's fine ;)

They're similar enough to be merged, especially since you don't have enough time to run through all the characters you want..

Oh ok that's good to here.

That being said I do have was planning to continue the poll until the end of 3 days before the Smash Ballot ends, but I really only have two left, maybe 3 including the one I'm about to do. I was going to ask post that if anyone had one they wanted to put down later on as well

Sorry for the delay, my computer was being wack so I had to write most of this on mobile. Main reason why I don't play on Steam currently.


Alright next up is the Shin Megami Tensi Series


Which one you might ask?



All of them



All of them




The series is all over the place spinoff-wise and console-wise. In fact, the last mainline Shin Megami Tensei game takes place in an alternate world separate from the prequels.

The reasoning is a bit tough to explain, but rather clear when removing a lot of the clutter around the franchise.

One thing to note is that many (at least the series shown above) have had at least one game on a Nintendo platform. I’ve said this before in a previous thread, but Atlus and their parent company, Sega and Nintendo currently have a strong relationship. The games on the Nintendo’s 3DS prove it.

But more than absolutely any other thing going for their relationship, and the ability for anyone of the Shin Megami franchise to be in Smash Bros in general, is the collaboration between SMTXFE: Genei Ibun Roku #FE

Though there is varied reception of the game, this works in putting almost any SMT character in the Smash roster. This is because the upcoming game is a unique mash up that takes elements from both titles rather than huge specific parts (I also wager that if it's successful enough, it will be its own series rather than just one collaboration but that’s perhaps a thread for another day).

Thus, it would be easy to take any huge character (maybe except Persona since P5 is a PS exclusive, but that may have been predetermined) and use them as reminder for the upcoming game, similarly to what Fire Emblem did in Melee.

I can’t speak for all their combat. Not even most.

The SMT games seemed like a JoJo X Yokai thing: the maturity and individual stands of the former, the collecting of other spirit beings of the latter.

I’ve only played P4A and P4AU, but judging to when he was playing (golden I think) on his vita, and I saw that green phallus chariot thing… they may want to tone it down to P4A’s level.

A lot of their specials can be done like Zelda's Phantom, summoning a creature to change the tide of battle


With all this said, surrounding the series, I'm not entirely sure it would be a perfect fit as I may have made it out to be. So I'm going with pretty reasonable

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I feel like Jack Frost fits with the cute and cuddly but badass mascot theme of Smash...
I think he's one of the more recognizable demons from the series...

Have a nice day...

Alright 30 minute until the poll is closed!

Judging by the poll its heading for debatable.

Only played a couple of hours for both SMT II and SMT IV so I can't really say.. probably will go with debatable for this

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Ok poll closed!

It was a little tight, but SMT ended up in debatable.


Next character(s) are the Fire Emblem group! Yep pretty much out of characters :P

Up Next

Alright next is Fire Emblem

However before continuing I want to say that this won't be a about Chrom. This is about new characters not in the game currently.

Now I know a lot of people say too much Fire Emblem, and before anyone says that, please hear me out

I always thought the Fire Emblem characters in Smash were good, but Robin entering the scene unlocked so much potential for fighting. Not only is Robin very different from other Fire Emblem characters in Smash, he's one of the most unqiue fighters.

Fire Emblem has a lot of potential to bolster high skill and high creativity.

Some characters may be similar to characters in the game to a degree such as assasins to Shiek, but fundamentally, they would have different sets of attacks.

This would also go for Micaiah, being a light mage, to Robin: where they would have similar specials, but Micaiah would be overall spell based.

Those who would be different would make a big difference such as the lance weilding Cain and Caeda

As a Pegasus Rider they could potentially let her call her steed momentarily for battle.

What's more is that Sakurai loves the Fire Emblem series so its still quite possible that he may take from the series again. It would be a good oppertunity to because as I mentioned in an earlier poll, SMTXFE is coming soon and it would be a great way to endorse the game in the same way Fire Emblem did with Melee so long ago.

In fact some of the characters that would be a great fit, such as the aformentioned Cain are going to make an appearance in SMTXFE.

ADDED: Another direction to go would be with Kamui from the latest installment of Fire Emblem, Fates

The ability to use dragon based attacks in addition to sword ones would be a cool combination. That said, full transformations wouldn't really be do-able outside of final Smash (thanks 3DS)

However, would be probably be the best choice is Tikki
This is mainly due to the fact that not only is she going to be a major player in SMTXFE, not only would her moveset be the most unique to implement, she is a huge part of the Fire Emblem universe. Here time in the games literally spread across thousands of years. What's more she is very signifcant to protecting and using the Fire Emblem and the Shield of Shields. That being said, (thanks to the 3DS) transformations my just be left for a final smash with more subtle yet till unique attacks remaining.
Overall I say they any would be pretty reasonable.
I didn't play much of FE aside from bits and peices of chapters of Awakening. 
Thanks to Platina for bringing much of the initial information over.
Thanks to RingoGaSuki for bringing the information on Fates over.
I continued to gather and use information in order to form my opinon