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Alright next is Fire Emblem

However before continuing I want to say that this won't be a about Chrom. This is about new characters not in the game currently.

Now I know a lot of people say too much Fire Emblem, and before anyone says that, please hear me out

I always thought the Fire Emblem characters in Smash were good, but Robin entering the scene unlocked so much potential for fighting. Not only is Robin very different from other Fire Emblem characters in Smash, he's one of the most unqiue fighters.

Fire Emblem has a lot of potential to bolster high skill and high creativity.

Some characters may be similar to characters in the game to a degree such as assasins to Shiek, but fundamentally, they would have different sets of attacks.

This would also go for Micaiah, being a light mage, to Robin: where they would have similar specials, but Micaiah would be overall spell based.

Those who would be different would make a big difference such as the lance weilding Cain and Caeda

As a Pegasus Rider they could potentially let her call her steed momentarily for battle.

What's more is that Sakurai loves the Fire Emblem series so its still quite possible that he may take from the series again. It would be a good oppertunity to because as I mentioned in an earlier poll, SMTXFE is coming soon and it would be a great way to endorse the game in the same way Fire Emblem did with Melee so long ago.

In fact some of the characters that would be a great fit, such as the aformentioned Cain are going to make an appearance in SMTXFE.

ADDED: Another direction to go would be with Kamui from the latest installment of Fire Emblem, Fates

The ability to use dragon based attacks in addition to sword ones would be a cool combination. That said, full transformations wouldn't really be do-able outside of final Smash (thanks 3DS)

However, would be probably be the best choice is Tikki
This is mainly due to the fact that not only is she going to be a major player in SMTXFE, not only would her moveset be the most unique to implement, she is a huge part of the Fire Emblem universe. Here time in the games literally spread across thousands of years. What's more she is very signifcant to protecting and using the Fire Emblem and the Shield of Shields. That being said, (thanks to the 3DS) transformations my just be left for a final smash with more subtle yet till unique attacks remaining.
Overall I say they any would be pretty reasonable.
I didn't play much of FE aside from bits and peices of chapters of Awakening. 
Thanks to Platina for bringing much of the initial information over.
Thanks to RingoGaSuki for bringing the information on Fates over.
I continued to gather and use information in order to form my opinon