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Sorry for the delay, my computer was being wack so I had to write most of this on mobile. Main reason why I don't play on Steam currently.


Alright next up is the Shin Megami Tensi Series


Which one you might ask?



All of them



All of them




The series is all over the place spinoff-wise and console-wise. In fact, the last mainline Shin Megami Tensei game takes place in an alternate world separate from the prequels.

The reasoning is a bit tough to explain, but rather clear when removing a lot of the clutter around the franchise.

One thing to note is that many (at least the series shown above) have had at least one game on a Nintendo platform. I’ve said this before in a previous thread, but Atlus and their parent company, Sega and Nintendo currently have a strong relationship. The games on the Nintendo’s 3DS prove it.

But more than absolutely any other thing going for their relationship, and the ability for anyone of the Shin Megami franchise to be in Smash Bros in general, is the collaboration between SMTXFE: Genei Ibun Roku #FE

Though there is varied reception of the game, this works in putting almost any SMT character in the Smash roster. This is because the upcoming game is a unique mash up that takes elements from both titles rather than huge specific parts (I also wager that if it's successful enough, it will be its own series rather than just one collaboration but that’s perhaps a thread for another day).

Thus, it would be easy to take any huge character (maybe except Persona since P5 is a PS exclusive, but that may have been predetermined) and use them as reminder for the upcoming game, similarly to what Fire Emblem did in Melee.

I can’t speak for all their combat. Not even most.

The SMT games seemed like a JoJo X Yokai thing: the maturity and individual stands of the former, the collecting of other spirit beings of the latter.

I’ve only played P4A and P4AU, but judging to when he was playing (golden I think) on his vita, and I saw that green phallus chariot thing… they may want to tone it down to P4A’s level.

A lot of their specials can be done like Zelda's Phantom, summoning a creature to change the tide of battle


With all this said, surrounding the series, I'm not entirely sure it would be a perfect fit as I may have made it out to be. So I'm going with pretty reasonable