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Forums - Sales Discussion - August 2015 NPD Thread! PS4, XBO, Wii U estimates up!

You will not see a PS4 price cut this year. It's not happening.

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MoHasanie said:
Normchacho said:
I have no doubt Halo will win October for the Xbox One. The real question, is will Halo win it November and December?

I think it all depends on if the PS4 gets a pricecut. 

Given PS4 is up YoY I've gone from being pretty sure PS4 will get a price cut this year to pretty sure it won't. There deosn't seem to any comercial imperative in favour of a price cut.

On a possible MS price cut I would think saving things up for a big ole $100 price cut (along with a slim/remodel) next year might be a better move than a $50 cut this year and another one next year. If Halo 5 kills it in October then don;t expect a price cut IMO. If Halo only leads to a modest October NPD win for Xb one, then a price cut could be on the cards. MS seems to be determined to win Oct, Nov and Dec in the USA because the only narrative they have is "the holiday period is the most important period." and if they can't claim wins at that time of year they really have nothing to work with from a PR perspective. You can only squeeze mileage out of references to performance against 360 for so long before it starts wearing thin because you are always running behind your main competition.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


If Sony ARE going to play the price game then my thinking would be: Announce a $100 price drop at the start of October that is a one off deal for one month only to create panic buying for October. But when they then increase the price they only increase it by $50, making the PS4 still $50 cheaper than it was originally. Then in march, when Uncharted 4 releases, drop it by that $50 permanently.


The PS5 Exists. 

MoHasanie said:
Wow, surprised to see PS4 #1. I really thought X1 would win since it had Gears and Rare replay.

I think that Gears and Rare Replay are great offerings.  But they will still be there during the holiday.  I know someone who really wants Rear Replay and Killer Instinct but wil be waiting for the inpending 'Black Friday Super Deal'. This is how people are thinking.  PS4 does better becasue people want it and the games, but there is far less emphisis on waiting for the holiday.    When you compare this to last gen, Sony is doing so much better that it really makes you want to take a look at exactly they are doing.  I invite you to read Sony's PR:

“We would like to thank our fans and partners for their ongoing support of PlayStation and for making PS4 the top-selling console and No. 1 in software sales in North America in August. We continue to demonstrate our commitment to delivering the best content line-up with the launch of first-party exclusives like Until Dawn and third-party titles like Madden NFL 16, which sold more on PS4 than any other platform. In August we also saw the most successful beta in PS4 history with Call of Duty: Black Ops III, marking a significant milestone in our new partnership with Activision. We look forward to furthering momentum with the launch of Destiny: The Taken King next week.”


They are associating major 3rd party games with PlayStation in their PR.  They included Madden, BO3 amd Destiny.  They win because they have taken what Microsoft has taught them and amplified it.   Its 'very effective' in Pokemon terms. 

They're up yoy, I mean 24 months without a price cut is pretty intense but they really don't need to do one. Sony will sell a but tonne in the holidays and win single handedly world wide they don't need to drop the price and loss some profit margins for a territory they win in without doing anything for most of the year.

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2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

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CosmicSex said:
MoHasanie said:

“We would like to thank our fans and partners for their ongoing support of PlayStation and for making PS4 the top-selling console and No. 1 in software sales in North America in August. We continue to demonstrate our commitment to delivering the best content line-up with the launch of first-party exclusives like Until Dawn and third-party titles like Madden NFL 16, which sold more on PS4 than any other platform. In August we also saw the most successful beta in PS4 history with Call of Duty: Black Ops III, marking a significant milestone in our new partnership with Activision. We look forward to furthering momentum with the launch of Destiny: The Taken King next week.”


They are associating major 3rd party games with PlayStation in their PR.  They included Madden, BO3 amd Destiny.  They win because they have taken what Microsoft has taught them and amplified it.   Its 'very effective' in Pokemon terms. 

Damn, that is some good PR. They just keep saying the names of the big upcoming games as close to "PS4" as possible. This holiday is going to be crazy.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

CosmicSex said:
MoHasanie said:
Wow, surprised to see PS4 #1. I really thought X1 would win since it had Gears and Rare replay.

I think that Gears and Rare Replay are great offerings.  But they will still be there during the holiday.  I know someone who really wants Rear Replay and Killer Instinct but wil be waiting for the inpending 'Black Friday Super Deal'. This is how people are thinking.  PS4 does better becasue people want it and the games, but there is far less emphisis on waiting for the holiday.    When you compare this to last gen, Sony is doing so much better that it really makes you want to take a look at exactly they are doing.  I invite you to read Sony's PR:

“We would like to thank our fans and partners for their ongoing support of PlayStation and for making PS4 the top-selling console and No. 1 in software sales in North America in August. We continue to demonstrate our commitment to delivering the best content line-up with the launch of first-party exclusives like Until Dawn and third-party titles like Madden NFL 16, which sold more on PS4 than any other platform. In August we also saw the most successful beta in PS4 history with Call of Duty: Black Ops III, marking a significant milestone in our new partnership with Activision. We look forward to furthering momentum with the launch of Destiny: The Taken King next week.”


They are associating major 3rd party games with PlayStation in their PR.  They included Madden, BO3 amd Destiny.  They win because they have taken what Microsoft has taught them and amplified it.   Its 'very effective' in Pokemon terms. 

And there it is. Quite possible that Xb one actually got more copies of Madden into houses, but as NPD doesn't count official bundles Sony gets to use Madden as a PR win instead of MS. Though perhaps if Madden sold more on Xb one when counting the bundle MS could come out with PR along those lines. But in this situations it's a case of early bird gets the worm rather than second mouse gets the cheese.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


binary solo said:
jason1637 said:

Uncharted bundle isnt doign well on Amazon while Halo bundle was in the top 10 during the week it was announced. Alos the Halo hype will push sales before it launches.

A remaster collection vs a brand new the USA? No contest man, Halo wins every time. I don;t see the UC collection doing much more for PS4 than Gears Ultimate did got Xb one in August. According to Amazon the Halo 5 bundle is out 20 October. Given it's a digital copy you can get the hardware early and then the software becomes downloadable on the 27th. In any case a game like Halo only needs 2 or 3 days of the NPD month to have the large bulk of its effect. Heck within the first 24 hours Halo will do huge numbers.

The question will be, as Gribble says, what the winning margin will be. If Halo doesn't push Xb one to have a realy big lead over PS4 for October then that is not going to be a very good look for Xb one's prospects in the USAfor the remainder of the generation. IMO 2015 is the last year when MS can hope to reverse things and become the biggest selling console in the USA. If PS4 still has a lead come 1 January 2016 I think you can safely say PS4 will end the generation on top in the USA. At the outside, you could give Xb one until March when UC4 comes out to establish itself as the permanent number 1 console.

I agree with you there.

Will we get numbers for ps4 soon?

jason1637 said:
binary solo said:

A remaster collection vs a brand new the USA? No contest man, Halo wins every time. I don;t see the UC collection doing much more for PS4 than Gears Ultimate did got Xb one in August. According to Amazon the Halo 5 bundle is out 20 October. Given it's a digital copy you can get the hardware early and then the software becomes downloadable on the 27th. In any case a game like Halo only needs 2 or 3 days of the NPD month to have the large bulk of its effect. Heck within the first 24 hours Halo will do huge numbers.

The question will be, as Gribble says, what the winning margin will be. If Halo doesn't push Xb one to have a realy big lead over PS4 for October then that is not going to be a very good look for Xb one's prospects in the USAfor the remainder of the generation. IMO 2015 is the last year when MS can hope to reverse things and become the biggest selling console in the USA. If PS4 still has a lead come 1 January 2016 I think you can safely say PS4 will end the generation on top in the USA. At the outside, you could give Xb one until March when UC4 comes out to establish itself as the permanent number 1 console.

I agree with you there.

Oops, I meant to quote the person who was suggesting the UC collection might compete against Halo 5. Oh well, at least your post was on the same subject

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix