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MoHasanie said:
Normchacho said:
I have no doubt Halo will win October for the Xbox One. The real question, is will Halo win it November and December?

I think it all depends on if the PS4 gets a pricecut. 

Given PS4 is up YoY I've gone from being pretty sure PS4 will get a price cut this year to pretty sure it won't. There deosn't seem to any comercial imperative in favour of a price cut.

On a possible MS price cut I would think saving things up for a big ole $100 price cut (along with a slim/remodel) next year might be a better move than a $50 cut this year and another one next year. If Halo 5 kills it in October then don;t expect a price cut IMO. If Halo only leads to a modest October NPD win for Xb one, then a price cut could be on the cards. MS seems to be determined to win Oct, Nov and Dec in the USA because the only narrative they have is "the holiday period is the most important period." and if they can't claim wins at that time of year they really have nothing to work with from a PR perspective. You can only squeeze mileage out of references to performance against 360 for so long before it starts wearing thin because you are always running behind your main competition.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix