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Forums - Sony Discussion - Frostbite Dev: The PS3 CELL Retarded The Industry Significantly

fatslob-:O said:
Lawlight said:

And now there are less delays, right? And we've advanced so much since then gaming wise, right?

Well it's certainly a good sign that there's not more delays due to some hypothetical idiotic decision at Sony trying to make a technical successor to the PS3 ...

Games delayed:

Uncharted 4

The Witcher 3

Batman Arkham Knight

The Order 1886


The Division

Dying Lights

Homefront 2

Quantum Break

Mad Max

Looks like it's worse this gen.

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ArchangelMadzz said:
walsufnir said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

Why ask for sources then if you don't care? You said Sony spend more on first party titles, I showed you that's incorrect. 

GT5 isn't an example of PS3's power and quality which is what we're talking about here. I chose the best looking PS3 games. 
But GT5 costs so much because it had over 1000 cars and it's their biggest IP. 

Unfortunately I didn't have many First Part IP to choose from fir 360 when I was selecting my comparisons for 360/PS3 titles.

And I showed you that you are incorrect.

The part after it is "I hereby change the discussion so that it fits with what I'm saying. This means GT5 isn't a valid argument because although I didn't define before which games are valid, it's contradicting the point  I was going to make. And of course choose to end this discussion with a non-related hit against 360's first party games. Not that it has to do anything with what I was going to say when I wanted to "win" this discussion

In fact GT5 completely invalidates your argument as the reason for it's budget is not it's visuals. Which this entire discussion is about (or at least what you started this discussion to be about)

Hmm? So you say that in other games the costs are just for visuals? And sure, GT5 wasn't praised for its visuals, nor is it among the best looking games on PS3... It has many performance problems but saying visuals are not important for GT5 and they weren't top notch for the console is ridiculous.

walsufnir said:
ArchangelMadzz said:
walsufnir said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

Why ask for sources then if you don't care? You said Sony spend more on first party titles, I showed you that's incorrect. 

GT5 isn't an example of PS3's power and quality which is what we're talking about here. I chose the best looking PS3 games. 
But GT5 costs so much because it had over 1000 cars and it's their biggest IP. 

Unfortunately I didn't have many First Part IP to choose from fir 360 when I was selecting my comparisons for 360/PS3 titles.

And I showed you that you are incorrect.

The part after it is "I hereby change the discussion so that it fits with what I'm saying. This means GT5 isn't a valid argument because although I didn't define before which games are valid, it's contradicting the point  I was going to make. And of course choose to end this discussion with a non-related hit against 360's first party games. Not that it has to do anything with what I was going to say when I wanted to "win" this discussion

In fact GT5 completely invalidates your argument as the reason for it's budget is not it's visuals. Which this entire discussion is about (or at least what you started this discussion to be about)

Hmm? So you say that in other games the costs are just for visuals? And sure, GT5 wasn't praised for its visuals, nor is it among the best looking games on PS3... It has many performance problems but saying visuals are not important for GT5 and they weren't top notch for the console is ridiculous.

That is was YOU said. I started off saying that PS3 exclusives were consistently better looking, and you said you need to factor in budget and costs which Sony spend more on(according to you). Meaning you're saying that more money = better visuals, which we know isn't the case. 

Also, when did I say it wasn't a good looking game? I'm saying you could at the time make a game that looks at as good as GT5 with half the budget, you just wouldn't have over 1000 cars. Actually there's many things in your comment which I never said, I've taken the liberty of bolding it all.

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Yeah, I feel Sony should've been punished much harder for the PS3, but it still ended up selling over 80 million.

ArchangelMadzz said:
walsufnir said:

Hmm? So you say that in other games the costs are just for visuals? And sure, GT5 wasn't praised for its visuals, nor is it among the best looking games on PS3... It has many performance problems but saying visuals are not important for GT5 and they weren't top notch for the console is ridiculous.

That is was YOU said. I started off saying that PS3 exclusives were consistently better looking, and you said you need to factor in budget and costs which Sony spend more on(according to you). Meaning you're saying that more money = better visuals, which we know isn't the case. 

I don't say money = better sales. But budget is part of the equation and almost always left out when arguing. That's what I said initially.

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sergiodaly said:
with the industry moving to GPGPU and using ACEs on PS4 and XB one, the cell was a nice way to get ready for this. in a way the SPUs had a similar computing behavior to the ACEs used this generation. The different memory pools were the thing that made it so hard to use the CELL to help graphics and advanced physics IMO. Don't we have more skilled devs now because of what they learned from the CELL? or all that knowledge is useless now?

How exactly is the CELL similar to a GPU? Or especially the PS4 CPU.

walsufnir said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

That is was YOU said. I started off saying that PS3 exclusives were consistently better looking, and you said you need to factor in budget and costs which Sony spend more on(according to you). Meaning you're saying that more money = better visuals, which we know isn't the case. 

I don't say money = better sales. But budget is part of the equation and almost always left out when arguing. That's what I said initially.

Phew, because I didn't say you said that either. This is now the second time you're rebutting things I haven't said.

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ArchangelMadzz said:
walsufnir said:

I don't say money = better sales. But budget is part of the equation and almost always left out when arguing. That's what I said initially.

Phew, because I didn't say you said that either.

Hah, yes, that was a typo. I meant graphics, of course.

walsufnir said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

Phew, because I didn't say you said that either.

Hah, yes, that was a typo. I meant graphics, of course.

Oh, my bad man. So you're saying you want budget to be factored in as people often forget. But then say that more money doesn't mean better visuals, so even if you were right and Sony spent more consistently on first party titles. It wouldn't matter? 

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

walsufnir said:
sergiodaly said:
with the industry moving to GPGPU and using ACEs on PS4 and XB one, the cell was a nice way to get ready for this. in a way the SPUs had a similar computing behavior to the ACEs used this generation. The different memory pools were the thing that made it so hard to use the CELL to help graphics and advanced physics IMO. Don't we have more skilled devs now because of what they learned from the CELL? or all that knowledge is useless now?

How exactly is the CELL similar to a GPU? Or especially the PS4 CPU.

the SPUs in the CELL are closer to GPU cores than CPU cores. CELL CPU was used to help the GPU and this time around we have GPGPU helping the CPU. The multitasking and addressing the instructions to the best place to be quickly processed is what is similar between last generation and this generation of playstation consoles.

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