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Forums - Sony Discussion - Frostbite Dev: The PS3 CELL Retarded The Industry Significantly

ArchangelMadzz said:
walsufnir said:

Hah, yes, that was a typo. I meant graphics, of course.

Oh, my bad man. So you're saying you want budget to be factored in as people often forget. But then say that more money doesn't mean better visuals, so even if you were right and Sony spent more consistently on first party titles. It wouldn't matter? 

No, more money means generally more production value. Whether it shows on scale or dlc or graphics, variety, better models and so on is different dependant on the actual game and how the money is spent, of course.

I don't know why several people here lately only think in extremes, seriously.

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sergiodaly said:
walsufnir said:
sergiodaly said:
with the industry moving to GPGPU and using ACEs on PS4 and XB one, the cell was a nice way to get ready for this. in a way the SPUs had a similar computing behavior to the ACEs used this generation. The different memory pools were the thing that made it so hard to use the CELL to help graphics and advanced physics IMO. Don't we have more skilled devs now because of what they learned from the CELL? or all that knowledge is useless now?

How exactly is the CELL similar to a GPU? Or especially the PS4 CPU.

the SPUs in the CELL are closer to GPU cores than CPU cores. CELL CPU was used to help the GPU and this time around we have GPGPU helping the CPU. The multitasking and adressing the instrutions to the best place to be quily processed is what is similar between last generation and this generation of playstation consoles.

But in which way exactly? I mean the CELL already has an emulator for the SPUs because they were indeed CPUs itself but not really conventional ones. I know CELL helped the GPU but that is too abstract to me. Go on and tell us how exactly CELL is similar to the PS4 GPU and where it's not :)

No, that's mean. I know what you are trying to say but seriously, they are not that similar, in my opinion. Yes, if you have a coarse look, they are similar but at a finer look they really are different and not much can be used in terms of written code.

walsufnir said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

Oh, my bad man. So you're saying you want budget to be factored in as people often forget. But then say that more money doesn't mean better visuals, so even if you were right and Sony spent more consistently on first party titles. It wouldn't matter? 

No, more money means generally more production value. Whether it shows on scale or dlc or graphics, variety, better models and so on is different dependant on the actual game and how the money is spent, of course.

I don't know why several people here lately only think in extremes, seriously.

But the best looking franchise on PS3 is cheaper than the best looking franchise on 360. Reason for that being difference in power and that ND and other developers know how to use Cell. Cell was a bad idea but it is by no mean unconquerable.  

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ArchangelMadzz said:
walsufnir said:

No, more money means generally more production value. Whether it shows on scale or dlc or graphics, variety, better models and so on is different dependant on the actual game and how the money is spent, of course.

I don't know why several people here lately only think in extremes, seriously.

But the best looking franchise on PS3 is cheaper than the best looking franchise on 360. Reason for that being difference in power and that ND and other developers know how to use Cell. Cell was a bad idea but it is by no mean unconquerable.  

While this is again subjective, it doesn't negate the point that money is crucial. How do you think the best looking franchise would look with $500.000?

walsufnir said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

But the best looking franchise on PS3 is cheaper than the best looking franchise on 360. Reason for that being difference in power and that ND and other developers know how to use Cell. Cell was a bad idea but it is by no mean unconquerable.  

While this is again subjective, it doesn't negate the point that money is crucial. How do you think the best looking franchise would look with $500.000?

Money is important but is not the reason why PS3 exclusives to most people looks better than 360 exclusives.

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ArchangelMadzz said:
walsufnir said:

While this is again subjective, it doesn't negate the point that money is crucial. How do you think the best looking franchise would look with $500.000?

Money is important but is not the reason why PS3 exclusives to most people looks better than 360 exclusives.

No, there are many, many other reasons for this, no point in arguing this.

walsufnir said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

Money is important but is not the reason why PS3 exclusives to most people looks better than 360 exclusives.

No, there are many, many other reasons for this, no point in arguing this.

Sorry I'll stop arguing a point that you brought in and argued to the bone for a considerable amount of time. 

In my opinion reasons for this is more powerful hardware, Sony do like to put Visuals higher on the tier list of importance cause makes marketing easier and a good bit of dev talent and art directions. 

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So on one hand, Xbox held games back because they weren't on blu Ray. On the other, PS held games back because it was tough to develop for.

Obviously Nintendo was the one driving the industry forward!

PS3 was more powerful than the 360. Of course its exclusives by developers dedicated solely to making PS3 games looked better than 360 games. It doesn't change what this 3rd party developer of multiplatform games is saying.

Actually, when you bring up the exclusives, you're kind of proving his point, because you're purposely ignoring the enormous amount of 3rd party titles that again, even though the PS3 was more powerful, almost always looked or performed better on the 360. Yes, we all know Naughty Dog and GG games looked good. But that's irrelevant. I'm sure if DICE were given years to dedicate solely to PS3, they'd have gotten better looking and performing games onto PS3 easier. But they had other platforms to worry about as well.

d21lewis said:
So on one hand, Xbox held games back because they weren't on blu Ray. On the other, PS held games back because it was tough to develop for.

Obviously Nintendo was the one driving the industry forward!

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