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Forums - Sales Discussion - The OFFICIAL Apr 2007 NPD Thread

The one thing that im noticing in all this is how slow the next gen take up is , if you account for all the ps2 + xbox +gc owners you have a huge market adding the wii 360 and ps3 doesnt even go for 10% i think most people will wait at least a year except for wii people as it is much more wallet friendly .

Proud owner of Ps4/3ds xl/pc/vita/wii u and others.

Gamer till I die

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PS3... 82k?? Jeezus!

That is far worse than I though. The media are going to have a field day with this one...

Wii:PS3 (US) -  4.3:1

Wii:PS3 (Japan) (70k:12k) - 5:1

And to top it off, Nintendo take the top 4 (5?) spots in the software charts...

Well done Ninty!


Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

IMO ioi, your numbers are getting tons better, but a quick sugguestion: If you want a simple, easy answer as to why/how your numbers are off, let me give you a one word explanation: Canada As we saw in the NPD Canada thread(s), the sales were extremely different than the US. For example: The Wii sold 11.6% of the NPD Wii total. However, the X360 sold only 7.1%. The PS3 was about 10.5% of the Canadian numbers. The DS was in a similar situation as the 360. It was only around 7% of the totals. IMO, the DS numbers will always be suspect, as there's no easy rhyme or rhytmn to explain their numbers, as it's odd that canada had such a large Nintendo discrepancy. However, I do feel that you'll need to edit your formula based for those numbers. I have no idea what stores you use to extrapolate your data in Canada. However, I would take into consideration, the various percentages of the Canadian market. Most criticism for your numbers was due to the 10% add-on you have always given NA data vs. the USA NPD numbers. IMO, you need to make sure that you try to find, over the next few months, a more valid formula, as the Canadians do not have the same tastes as we do.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

People also need to remember that the PS2 sold over 120mil due to consoles breaking. I was playing my PS2 the other day and 25% of my games work for it and it won't play DVD's anymore. If i didn't have a PS3 i would go out and but another PS2. $130 to $700 its just insane for any normal person to buy a PS3 until it comes down another $200. if i never got mine for $200 under retail i wouldn't own one. There's only about 70mil PS2 owners in the world. and half of the american ones will buy a Xbox, I don't expect PS3 to ever sell over 40mil.

I dont even have anything to say man. Drop the prices MS and Sony, consumers are speaking loud and clear with their wallets. 360 has a stellar line up and with the elite and its library deserves 250k sales per month minimum and its falling short. It has to be the price. PS3? More of the same.


Now we just have to wait and see how long the suits at MS and Sony ignore the sales before they cut the prices. 

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WOW! :D What an awsome month for Nintendo (software & hardware). WOOOOOOOOO!!!

WiiFit will be 2008 #1 selling game in NORTH AMERICA!  
End of '08 Predictions: Wii - 48m X360 - 25m  PS3 - 19m
Wii monthly NA sales will top 400k every month in '08. *Jan sales ruined it. Grrrr!*
WiiFit will top 1m in sales in its first month of release in North America.
MGS4 will NOT be released in '08. *Darn it!* FF13 will NOT be released in '08.
Rockband Wii will top 600k in first month sales in North America.
WiiFit will pass the PS3 WW sales by Xmas '09.

This data support my old arugemnt, Xbox 360 pretty much satisfy demand at the $400 dollar level. if these system selling ratio continues, I can be sure MS will announce a price cut to counter the Wii before it reach the 10mil mark. if ms drop $50 to $100 this will put the preminium at wii price range. when that happens, it'll put a serious threat to nintendo.

On a side notes; I predict this from sony tomorrow anouncement:

april is a slow month for videogame

The PS3 having supply constraint, The one mail man isnt moving the 1.9 million of PS3 out of the warehouse fast enought(LoL)

PS2 continues to beat our competitor.

NPD only account 60% stores in NA


PS3owner said:
People also need to remember that the PS2 sold over 120mil due to consoles breaking. I was playing my PS2 the other day and 25% of my games work for it and it won't play DVD's anymore. If i didn't have a PS3 i would go out and but another PS2. $130 to $700 its just insane for any normal person to buy a PS3 until it comes down another $200. if i never got mine for $200 under retail i wouldn't own one. There's only about 70mil PS2 owners in the world. and half of the american ones will buy a Xbox, I don't expect PS3 to ever sell over 40mil.

Hmm... sounds like the problem I had with my original PS2, which I took to the shop to fix twice. Mine was bought before it was officially launched where I live, so it wasn't covered by Sony's warranty, but the shop where I bought mine from did address the issue.

Basically, it should only be the laser head that is causing the problem. This seems to be the most common problem with PS2s, both original and slimline.

These laser heads should cost around 30 bucks or so, and you can repair it yourself (tons of guides online if you google it) or find an import/modchip game shop nearby and they should be able to repair it.

i doubt MS will do a price cut before they release Halo 3. There are many many people waiting to buy an xbox360 for this game and they would lose out on tons of money.

Pk9394 said:

This data support my old arugemnt, Xbox 360 pretty much satisfy demand at the $400 dollar level. if these system selling ratio continues, I can be sure MS will announce a price cut to counter the Wii before it reach the 10mil mark. if ms drop $50 to $100 this will put the preminium at wii price range. when that happens, it'll put a serious threat to nintendo.

On a side notes; I predict this from sony tomorrow anouncement:

april is a slow month for videogame

The PS3 having supply constraint, The one mail man isnt moving the 1.9 million of PS3 out of the warehouse fast enought(LoL)

PS2 continues to beat our competitor.

NPD only account 60% stores in NA


Actually, I don't think you'll hear anything from them. Maybe something about the games they had at gameday.

They can't use the supply contraint line - their financial report (release 1 day earlier) basically refuted this.

This might mention that the PS2 is outselling the 360, and that 4/10 (5/10?) titles in the top 10 were Sony titles.

There isn't much joy for MS at the moment.


And re: price cuts, I think it will go like this:

 - MS release Halo, then GTA comes out

 - MS cut price by $100 in November (just before Thanksgiving)

 - Sony follow suit matching $100 cut (they will not go first)

 - Nintendo leaves price alone (still selling out, supply constrained)

Then Nintendo have an option of dropping the price next year ($50)... if they like. Or they may just add "value" to the package - was thinking a "1000 Wii Points" card with the pack would be a great move (force more people to get online).


Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099