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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Windows 10 can search for and disable Pirated Games

Like MS, Google and Apple don't already know that i stream movies illegally from time to time.. Don't you go disable that otherwise i'm forced to roam the streets again looking for my illegal bootleg dvd's..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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Ruler said:
this is why Windows 10 is for free to push some BS policies, its like during the Don Matrick era if MS would give us an Xbox One for free to Xbox 360 Owner but still would have all these BS DRM policies. I am still sticking to Windows 7 and switch to Linux, this makes MS OS now the inferior Version.
I am not a pirate but if they do this whats next?

This DRM is great. It prevents people from stealing games and then they can buy it so the Devs can make more money. I wouldnt be upset about this unles im a pirate.

jason1637 said:
Ruler said:
this is why Windows 10 is for free to push some BS policies, its like during the Don Matrick era if MS would give us an Xbox One for free to Xbox 360 Owner but still would have all these BS DRM policies. I am still sticking to Windows 7 and switch to Linux, this makes MS OS now the inferior Version.
I am not a pirate but if they do this whats next?

This DRM is great. It prevents people from stealing games and then they can buy it so the Devs can make more money. I wouldnt be upset about this unles im a pirate.

Let me teach you a bit why DRM is absolute bs.

People assume piracy is some huge detriment to the entertainment industry as a whole. They picture millions of dollars being lost to those pesky pirates who chose to duplicate the product freely rather than pay for the original legitimately. They say that pirates are stealing and are taking sales away from developers. Of course, all of this ignores some pretty basic concepts.

1) Piracy is not theft. Theft is taking the original so that nobody else can use it any longer. Piracy is duplicating a product, maintaining the original, and taking a copy. Nothing is ultimately lost because nothing is actually taken except copied code. With that in mind, we're at the first level of why piracy is not lost sales.

2) People tend to assume that every pirated copy means one lost sale. What this doesn't acknowledge is that somebody who commonly pirates likely had no intention of buying the product to begin with. It isn't a lost sale if there was never intent to purchase. That's logic used to justify harsh DRM policies that people seem to think deter pirates. Having been a part of a couple of game system piracy scenes, I can safely say that a dedicated pirate will wait months for any anti-piracy efforts to be broken just so that they won't have to spend the money if they need to. In the end, all DRM really hurts is the people who legitimately purchase a game, being forced into an always online state or otherwise.

3) Piracy accounts for an exceptionally small percent of people. Such a small amount that even if every person who pirated a game purchased a physical copy instead, it would hardly impact sales. It would be hard to argue that anybody would notice the boost. Piracy is an insiginifcant part of the game and software industry that people are just really desperate to act as if it's something bigger because there is a lot of legal money in treating it that way.

In the end, piracy is blown way out of proportion and is used to justify terrible DRM policies by those that don't understand that it is completely and utterly pointless.


V-r0cK said:

AH HA! I knew there was a catch to the 'free upgrade' even for 'pirated versions' loll 

Exactly my thoughts hahah

Pirates will figure out a workaround to stop the OS from doing it. Wasted effort really.

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If they can search and disable pirated games. What else can they search for and detect?

Dont like it.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

So apparently, but quote me if I am wrong, the things that MS can disable and etc are limited to MS services!

"Sometimes you’ll need software updates to keep using the Services. We may automatically check your version of the software and download software updates or configuration changes, including those that prevent you from accessing the Services, playing counterfeit games, or using unauthorized hardware peripheral devices. You may also be required to update the software to continue using the Services. Such updates are subject to these Terms unless other terms accompany the updates, in which case, those other terms apply. Microsoft isn’t obligated to make any updates available and we don’t guarantee that we will support the version of the system for which you licensed the software."

And here are the services it is limited to:

Which to me is fine if it really is the case since all those are Microsoft applications/programs but lets see where it ends up at


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Captain_Yuri said:

So apparently, but quote me if I am wrong, the things that MS can disable and etc are limited to MS services!

"Sometimes you’ll need software updates to keep using the Services. We may automatically check your version of the software and download software updates or configuration changes, including those that prevent you from accessing the Services, playing counterfeit games, or using unauthorized hardware peripheral devices. You may also be required to update the software to continue using the Services. Such updates are subject to these Terms unless other terms accompany the updates, in which case, those other terms apply. Microsoft isn’t obligated to make any updates available and we don’t guarantee that we will support the version of the system for which you licensed the software."

And here are the services it is limited to:


Which to me is fine if it really is the case since all those are Microsoft applications/programs but lets see where it ends up at

Pretty sure this thread are for bashing MS not discussion for the truth.

Captain_Yuri said:

So apparently, but quote me if I am wrong, the things that MS can disable and etc are limited to MS services!

"Sometimes you’ll need software updates to keep using the Services. We may automatically check your version of the software and download software updates or configuration changes, including those that prevent you from accessing the Services, playing counterfeit games, or using unauthorized hardware peripheral devices. You may also be required to update the software to continue using the Services. Such updates are subject to these Terms unless other terms accompany the updates, in which case, those other terms apply. Microsoft isn’t obligated to make any updates available and we don’t guarantee that we will support the version of the system for which you licensed the software."

And here are the services it is limited to:

Which to me is fine if it really is the case since all those are Microsoft applications/programs but lets see where it ends up at

they gonna be open about third parties so they pay MS money to disable their programms for windows users for them

RolStoppable said:
Appalling. That's seriously anti-non-customer.

yes its anti costumer, people pay for windows 10 so they should except working like it did with windows 7