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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - A Devil's Third positive Euro vid! Sexy, Freaky, Million times better than Splatoon.

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Wright said:
Goodnightmoon said:

Better than Splatoon... my ass.

That said the multiplayer doesn´t look so bad, so it´s something but I don´t trust this guy, specially after that stupid Splatoon statement.

What can I say. I'm a sucker for Itagaki's works, so I'm confident this will be the best WiiU game to date in terms of having some gruesome, unadulterated fun while playing.

So yeah, I agree with the dude there. :P

You want to see half naked hot dudes with big guns and swords kicking their asses Wright, and that´s fine, if that´s what you understand for unadulterated fun you are gonna have a great time :P

But I doubt it will come close to the level of fun that one of the most addictive Nintendo games ever made can provide you, that and the abysmal diference between the level of polish of both games, makes me think that his statement is a big BS.

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Nem said:
DerNebel said:
Nem said:

Oh noes... but its too late. People already decided its crap without even giving it the benefit of the doubt.

Its ok though, they likely don't deserve to play fun games. Let them enjoy all those AAA snooze fests instead and pretend that is great gaming.

And meanwhile you apparently decided the game is great and to ignore all sign that say otherwise, sounds like you don't deserve to play good games.

OT: The game will be bad and since some people seem to still be hellbend on proving that it won't be it will be all the more fun to see the outcome of this. Personally I also hope we get a couple "all those reviewers are crazy, this game is actually great"-threads.

Is there anything in the footage gameplay wise that tells you the game is bad? All we've heard is occasional fps drops that i cant notice in the footage and oh noes PS3 graphics. That doesnt make a game bad... therefore i will assume its good until proven otherwise.

Added to that i trust Itagaki's work more than i trust random people on the internet.

Generally, the game gets picked apart for it's gameplay footage rather than poor framerate.

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Wright said:
Goodnightmoon said:

Better than Splatoon... my ass.

That said the multiplayer doesn´t look so bad, so it´s something but I don´t trust this guy, specially after that stupid Splatoon statement.

What can I say. I'm a sucker for Itagaki's works, so I'm confident this will be the best WiiU game to date in terms of having some gruesome, unadulterated fun while playing.

So yeah, I agree with the dude there. :P

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