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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why is there so much hope for NX?

Soundwave said:

Improving doesn't necessarily guarantee better results either though.

The Dreamcast improved on the Saturn in several ways (easy to program for, 3D Sonic from launch, great 1st year roster of games, etc.). 

The GameCube improved on the N64 in a lot of ways (easy to program for, optical disc format, third party games, Japanese RPGs, Resident Evil exclusivity, etc.).

External factors have influence but the things you mentioned are required for sucess either way. It's sad to see those external factors limiting the sucess of consoles like  GC, DC, XBOX and Wii U.

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Miguel_Zorro said:
traveler72 said:

That was at launch. do you think the dev costs remain unchanged for almost 3 years now? they weren't even losing that much per unit at launch, of course it's profiting now.

I agree that they *probably* got the costs down, but if they were making positive variable margin per console, I feel like that's the kind of thing they would have announced.

I don't think that's the kind of thing that gets announced. costs are simply expected to get down naturally.

For me it's because I love handhelds and NX is like mankind's last hope for it.

traveler72 said:
archer9234 said:
teigaga said:

Why not? Improving upon on the the Wii U is not a hard task, there are so many things Nintendo done wrong that the logical step is for Nintendo to improve upon it. Normally when someone has an unexpectedly successful generation (PS2, wii, 360) they become complacent and make poor, ill thought out decisions. When they perform more modestly or fall below expectation (gamecube, Xbox, PS3) they tend to come back with a thoroughly well thought out console and business plan.

Nintendo has shown in the last year that they're ready to move with the times a bit with the plan to enter the mobile market and their acquisition of DeNA, which indicates a goal to greatly expand their online service and capabilities. They're no longer banking on the Wii audience which is all round good new for gamers. And the rumours of a shared library between console/handheld will certainly result in a more robust gaming platform then the Wii U.

I haven't heard anyone say that they expect NX to sell 100m units, people just think that it will be an improvement on what we're currently seeing from Nintendo and a far more profitable venture then the Wii U. A new system is always exciting, especially one where we don't really know what to expect.

Everything you just said was also said about Wii U. I will be on the side of caution. And not buy, till I see it do actually good.  Because the mobile market could do good. Since cheap games to make. But than the system market falls a part again, for the same reasons.

None of that was said about Wii U.

"Improving upon on the the Wii U is not a hard task, there are so many things Nintendo done wrong that the logical step is for Nintendo to improve upon it. Normally when someone has an unexpectedly successful generation (PS2, wii, 360) they become complacent and make poor, ill thought out decisions. When they perform more modestly or fall below expectation (gamecube, Xbox, PS3) they tend to come back with a thoroughly well thought out console and business plan."

This is basically what people where saying about Wii U, before launch.

Idk, I'm not sure what's it's gonna do.

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chakkra said:
ryuzaki57 said:

Both false statements. Third parties withdrew from the Wii as soon as they realized their audience had in fact PS3 and 360. Also, 3rd party support for 3DS is weakening faster than you think. In the 2nd half of 2015 in Japan, there are more than 20 Vita 3rd party games scheduled already whereas 3DS has less than 10. It's a question of months before the 3DS gets abandonned like the WiiU.

That's why NX has all the attention, it's Nintendo's last resort to avoid Sega's fate. 

Wow, that's insane. So the PS Vita is actually the platform with more releases this year???  shocking.

And if it is true that the Wii U has had only seven releases this year (and some of them not even in the west), then things are a lot worse than I thought.

PS: You really should make a thread with that graph.

I had one but a lot a Nintendo fans were coming saying I'm mean and stuff.

Might do the graph, sounds a lot of fun

archer9234 said:
traveler72 said:
archer9234 said:

Everything you just said was also said about Wii U. I will be on the side of caution. And not buy, till I see it do actually good.  Because the mobile market could do good. Since cheap games to make. But than the system market falls a part again, for the same reasons.

None of that was said about Wii U.

"Improving upon on the the Wii U is not a hard task, there are so many things Nintendo done wrong that the logical step is for Nintendo to improve upon it. Normally when someone has an unexpectedly successful generation (PS2, wii, 360) they become complacent and make poor, ill thought out decisions. When they perform more modestly or fall below expectation (gamecube, Xbox, PS3) they tend to come back with a thoroughly well thought out console and business plan."

This is basically what people where saying about Wii U, before launch.

If it's before launch, it would have to be said about improving over the Wii. But the wii was very sucessfull, therefore people weren't saying those things about it (not to mention Wii U improved on what wii lacked anyway).

Miguel_Zorro said:
traveler72 said:

1. Wii U is no financial failure. Nintendo doesn't take a loss on hardware and the software sells great as usual.

2. We don't know what NX is, so it's being optimistic has the same value as being pessimistic about it: none. third parties proved more than once that they can come and go. ps4 is far from being "so dominant that it doesn't even need games to sell".

3. Not really and not relevant to the subject.

4. Why do you doubt? as I said, we know notjing about NX.

The last information I have was that Nintendo does that a loss on the WiiU and requires one game sale to break even.  Do you have more up to date information? 

That information was from launch.

Ka-pi96 said:
Miyamotoo said:

Beacuse Wii U is Nintendo biggest flop and after that they will try hard to have much more successful console and correct Wii U mistakes, we saw similar thing with GC and Wii.

Nintendo with Wii U go wrong all that could go wrong (bad revival, bad name, bad marketing, bad timing, bad gamepad utilization, bad launch titles, software drouths, not very competitive price..), if with NX they correct just half of this mistakes it will much be susceful console, but I think they will correct almost all of them.

Virtual Boy?

Virtual boy is more a bad experiment, it was discontinued only after 6 months.

There's nothing that exists that suggests the NX will be successful. Truth be told, it has many many disadvantages that lead me to believe the NX will be a failure (if it's a console). However the console market is completely unpredictable. No one would have predicted the PS4 would win Gen 8 -people expected the Wii U to be #1 due to price and name brand or the X1 to be #1 because of popularity of the brand in NA and 3rd party deals. This time the strongest and most expensive console is winning (never happened). When it comes to gaming, anyone's guess is valid due to the complete unpredictability of it all