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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why is there so much hope for NX?

Because after the Wii U, it can only go up from there :P

Only kidding, I think the Wii U has some awesome games and will be looked on back with fondness much like the Dreamcast, N64, Gamecube etc in that it provided very unique gameplay and of course the magical Nintendo polish.

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teigaga said:
ps3-sales! said:

Obviously I'm not the biggest Nintendo fan. But I have owned and enjoyed their consoles like the Wii, Gamecube, Snes, N64, and the DS. 


With that said. Obviously the WiiU is (as of now) a financial failure. 


I just don't get why there should be all this realistic optimism for the NX. Third parties have obviously already abandoned Nintendo and currently the PS4 is so dominant that it doesn't even need games to sell. 


The Xbone is also quite popular. 

Third parties operate on a platform by platform basis, they aren't going to ignore a platform just because its Nintendo branded, they didn't ignore the wii or even the gamecube. 3DS has had very strong third party support in Japan and if Nintendo manages to merge the japanese console/handheld market they'll have a lot home console software support coming in from Capcom, Square and Level 5.

Yes, the Xbox is fairly popular but I don't see why that means Nintendo can't also be. Lets imagine the home console gaming market is 200m big. Theres no reason why Nintendo can't steal a higher fraction of that pie or potentially expand it with new ideas. Until we know what the NX is, theres more reason to hope that it'll be a success respective to what they want to achieve then there is to doubt it and believe it'll fail like the Wii U.

what model of Wii did you have? I am pretty sure aprt from shovelware and a few bones here and there, Wii pretty mich missed all the big AAA games.



I think there's a lot of hope because I assume most people are expecting that Nintendo have learnt from their mistakes they made with the Wii U: Not marketing well enough or really at all, making it underpowered compared to competition, losing almost all 3rd party support, and in return of that having very bad droughts with no games releasing.

I think most people are looking at it as a sort of comeback from the Wii U failure and hoping for Nintendo achieve another success like the Wii, as long as they don't make the same mistakes. This is assuming it is a console after all, we still don't know yet.

teigaga said:
ps3-sales! said:

I just don't get why there should be all this realistic optimism for the NX. Third parties have obviously already abandoned Nintendo and currently the PS4 is so dominant that it doesn't even need games to sell. 

Third parties operate on a platform by platform basis, they aren't going to ignore a platform just because its Nintendo branded, they didn't ignore the wii or even the gamecube. 3DS has had very strong third party support in Japan.

Both false statements. Third parties withdrew from the Wii as soon as they realized their audience had in fact PS3 and 360. Also, 3rd party support for 3DS is weakening faster than you think. In the 2nd half of 2015 in Japan, there are more than 20 Vita 3rd party games scheduled already whereas 3DS has less than 10. It's a question of months before the 3DS gets abandonned like the WiiU.

That's why NX has all the attention, it's Nintendo's last resort to avoid Sega's fate. 

ps3-sales! said:

With that said. Obviously the WiiU is (as of now) a financial failure. 


I just don't get why there should be all this realistic optimism for the NX. Third parties have obviously already abandoned Nintendo and currently the PS4 is so dominant that it doesn't even need games to sell. 

So why so much hope? I doubt Nintendo will be successful with the NX. 

That's me just being logical. Not trying to be biased or hateful. 

There have been like 20 threads the last few days about the NX. It makes me chuckle a bit. 

Beacuse Wii U is Nintendo biggest flop and after that they will try hard to have much more successful console and correct Wii U mistakes, we saw similar thing with GC and Wii.

Nintendo with Wii U go wrong all that could go wrong (bad revival, bad name, bad marketing, bad timing, bad gamepad utilization, bad launch titles, software drouths, not very competitive price..), if with NX they correct just half of this mistakes it will much be susceful console, but I think they will correct almost all of them.

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ryuzaki57 said:

Both false statements. Third parties withdrew from the Wii as soon as they realized their audience had in fact PS3 and 360. Also, 3rd party support for 3DS is weakening faster than you think. In the 2nd half of 2015 in Japan, there are more than 20 Vita 3rd party games scheduled already whereas 3DS has less than 10. It's a question of months before the 3DS gets abandonned like the WiiU.

That's why NX has all the attention, it's Nintendo's last resort to avoid Sega's fate. 

Wow, that's insane. So the PS Vita is actually the platform with more releases this year???  shocking.

And if it is true that the Wii U has had only seven releases this year (and some of them not even in the west), then things are a lot worse than I thought.


PS: You really should make a thread with that graph.

Yes the Wii U was a failure. But are people forgetting about the 3DS. So far it sold 1/3 of what the DS did <--- and that is pretty amazing, especially with competing the Smartphone Market. And comparing with the PSVITA which so far has done 1/8 of what the PSP did.

So if the NX will ALSO be a replacement for the 3DS, then were pretty excited for what Nintendo will do with it. And Unlike Sony, they havent given up yet. There are still more games on its way. (both Wii U and 3DS)

And expect more threads coming. Especially how a new CEO is on its way, which could change some few things.

Pocky Lover Boy! 

PS4 is dominant and XOne is doing well, so NX cannot do well. Yes, I see the logic in that. Like how PS2 was dominant, causing Wii to fail.

The games console market is far too volatile and unpredictable to take anything for granted. Especially when it comes to future systems that haven't even been unveiled yet. T_T

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


There's a disproportionately large Nintendo fanbase here probably as a result of the Wii/DS days.

So there's going to be an enthusiastic bent towards Nintendo, any time even in this gen when they've had some modicum of success (like Splatoon sales, MK8 boost, early 3DS sales), it tends to get a little overblown.

That said, whether we are optimistic or pessimistic about it really doesn't matter. It's not like that will determine anything, the general marketplace will decide. 

teigaga said:

Why not? Improving upon on the the Wii U is not a hard task, there are so many things Nintendo done wrong that the logical step is for Nintendo to improve upon it. Normally when someone has an unexpectedly successful generation (PS2, wii, 360) they become complacent and make poor, ill thought out decisions. When they perform more modestly or fall below expectation (gamecube, Xbox, PS3) they tend to come back with a thoroughly well thought out console and business plan.

Nintendo has shown in the last year that they're ready to move with the times a bit with the plan to enter the mobile market and their acquisition of DeNA, which indicates a goal to greatly expand their online service and capabilities. They're no longer banking on the Wii audience which is all round good new for gamers. And the rumours of a shared library between console/handheld will certainly result in a more robust gaming platform then the Wii U.

I haven't heard anyone say that they expect NX to sell 100m units, people just think that it will be an improvement on what we're currently seeing from Nintendo and a far more profitable venture then the Wii U. A new system is always exciting, especially one where we don't really know what to expect.

Everything you just said was also said about Wii U. I will be on the side of caution. And not buy, till I see it do actually good.  Because the mobile market could do good. Since cheap games to make. But than the system market falls a part again, for the same reasons.