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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Fire Emblem Fates over sexualization is really off putting imo (pics)

The_Sony_Girl1 said:
ToraTiger said:

I'm not denying that part, but a lot of them don't. 

And like I said the point of this thread isn't to call out sexualization in RPGs, I'm just calling it out in this particular RPG which went 20 years without having to resort to these sleezy tactics. 

There are WRPGs without sexualized characters? Really? Even Fallout has sexualized characters, and the only thing you're complaining about is Fire Emblem.

I'm not complaining about sexualization in games in general, I'm calling out Fates because Fire Emblem literally never had any sexual or suggestive themes or half nudity in any of the games.  I know most WRPG are far more sexual than FE, and that's become an expected trait of RPGs, but Fire Emblem has always been an execption to that thread.  Like I said in the OP, I liked Fire Emblem because it didn't have sexual elements or typical anime cliches characters like you see in most JRPG.  The direction it has gone literally kills all the wholesome authenticity that the originals had.  And what makes it worse is that it wasn't a gradual progession, it's boom, one game it's clean, decent, deep characters, original art, next game it looks like a moe-anime, with anime stereotypes for most of the characters, poorly done perverted fanservice and weak easily digestable plots. 

A large portion of why me and many others enjoy FE has been completely changed, and imo not for the best

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

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Kotastic said:
Well now we know why it's taking over 6 months to be localized in America...


hatmoza said:
honestly. I have a bigger issue with the fans who genuinely get sexually aroused by anime/video game characters.

As some stated... it's absolutely directed towards the lonely men and/or virgins. And as I've stated in previous threads countless times. These people see no wrong in it since they're so out of touch to what a real intimate relationship is.

It's more sad than anything, and playing off of lonely kids.  

Acevil said:
ARamdomGamer said:
I'm going to ask this, is anybody here a fan of the series, and doesn't mind either "style" of the franchise?
I'm fan of Fire Emblem since PoR I have played all the ones that have gotten a western release and enjoy them all, my favorite being RD on Wii. Yet I still fail to see the problem some of you have with the "tasteless fanservice" of the recent titles, Also with the different artstyle, they are different artists for different games in the series, it's how they draw.

I don't care, namely when the franchise was saved from introducing the new style. Cannot hate something that allowed the franchise to exist and still have the core stuff still in it. 

You kinda can? 

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew

WolfpackN64 said:
If they do the same thing for male characters, I don't see a problem.

The problem isn't that it's unequal; the problem is that is there are all.

generic-user-1 said:
OnlyForDisplay said:
WhiteSky said:

is that for you too much? 

Sadly, for me, this answer truly depends on ones personal views White-San. This issue is constant throughout multimedia entertainment. Even some people viewed StarFire from the New 52 a form of artistic freedom. The big question still is "Where do both devs. and gamers draw the line between artistic freedom and over sexualization?"

there is no line because over sexualization IS artistic freedom.  if the artist would choose to make everybody naked, thats totaly fine, its his vision and not the vision of some hardliners of the victorian age...  go to saudi arabia if you cant stand half naked women.

I do understand generic-san, but my point is more directed from a morality standpoint of what is considered acceptable and vise versa. Some people do find over sexualization offensive and sexist. Others find it a work of art. From my point of view, in terms of morality, said question sadly does not have a concrete answer.

" It has never been about acknowledgement when you achieve something. When you are acknowledged, then and only then can you achieve something. Always have your friends first to achieve your goals later." - OnlyForDisplay

This shoulb be on Wii U because HD porn is better

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Are there any more pictures that you could post?

RolStoppable said:
outlawauron said:

Her being a morph is pretty irrelevant, but I think a Sage class enemy that was evil would fall into a dark mage categorization. We're just arguing semantics though.

Her being a morph means that she is an enemy and that's the key point. It changes the context and how she is viewed. For example, a protagonist who kills innocent people can be morally unacceptable to some players, but an antagonist who kills innocent people would be acceptable. It's a matter of a character being a good fit for their designated role and that's why nobody has ever had a problem with Sonia. She looks like a bitch, but that's fine because she is one. Actually, there would be a problem if she didn't look like one.

But when it comes to protagonists, a lot of people would rather see classy women, not girls that are dressed up like sluts.

I doubt that. If people wanted to see classy women, female characters would look like church ladies. Attactive women for the most part these days don't dress classy (doesn't mean that they can't but rather they choose not to).

Aeolus451 said:
RolStoppable said:

Her being a morph means that she is an enemy and that's the key point. It changes the context and how she is viewed. For example, a protagonist who kills innocent people can be morally unacceptable to some players, but an antagonist who kills innocent people would be acceptable. It's a matter of a character being a good fit for their designated role and that's why nobody has ever had a problem with Sonia. She looks like a bitch, but that's fine because she is one. Actually, there would be a problem if she didn't look like one.

But when it comes to protagonists, a lot of people would rather see classy women, not girls that are dressed up like sluts.

I doubt that. If people wanted to see classy women, female characters would look like church ladies. Attactive women for the most part these days don't dress classy (doesn't mean that they can't but rather they choose not to).

How very extreme.  Class does not automatically mean nun.  But I'm not even arguing that; I prefer women that dress with self respect/dignity.  A woman can be attractive in a t-shirt and capris.  Why is it impossible for a girl to be sexy or fan service without wearing see-though blouses and bikinis?  

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

IkePoR said:
Aeolus451 said:

I doubt that. If people wanted to see classy women, female characters would look like church ladies. Attactive women for the most part these days don't dress classy (doesn't mean that they can't but rather they choose not to).

How very extreme.  Class does not automatically mean nun.  But I'm not even arguing that; I prefer women that dress with self respect/dignity.  A woman can be attractive in a t-shirt and capris.  Why is it impossible for a girl to be sexy or fan service without wearing see-though blouses and bikinis?  

I know exactly what you guys mean by class or modesty but that way of thinking is old fashioned and a bit judgemental. I believe that a woman can wear anything (or nothing) with dignity and pride. I just don't get hung up on seeing some skin. I'm no different with video game or anime characters. 

OnlyForDisplay said:
generic-user-1 said:
OnlyForDisplay said:
WhiteSky said:

is that for you too much? 

Sadly, for me, this answer truly depends on ones personal views White-San. This issue is constant throughout multimedia entertainment. Even some people viewed StarFire from the New 52 a form of artistic freedom. The big question still is "Where do both devs. and gamers draw the line between artistic freedom and over sexualization?"

there is no line because over sexualization IS artistic freedom.  if the artist would choose to make everybody naked, thats totaly fine, its his vision and not the vision of some hardliners of the victorian age...  go to saudi arabia if you cant stand half naked women.

I do understand generic-san, but my point is more directed from a morality standpoint of what is considered acceptable and vise versa. Some people do find over sexualization offensive and sexist. Others find it a work of art. From my point of view, in terms of morality, said question sadly does not have a concrete answer.

i cant imagine a good moral system that is against adult persons in sexy pose. sure there are some, but i dont care about the stupid ideas of some people who used the desert as toilet... the important civilisations had all no problem with boobs and wieners. (its hard to find greek, roman or indian(india) art without boobs and/or wieners.)

and how can oversexualization be sexist if both genders are sexualized?