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The_Sony_Girl1 said:
ToraTiger said:

I'm not denying that part, but a lot of them don't. 

And like I said the point of this thread isn't to call out sexualization in RPGs, I'm just calling it out in this particular RPG which went 20 years without having to resort to these sleezy tactics. 

There are WRPGs without sexualized characters? Really? Even Fallout has sexualized characters, and the only thing you're complaining about is Fire Emblem.

I'm not complaining about sexualization in games in general, I'm calling out Fates because Fire Emblem literally never had any sexual or suggestive themes or half nudity in any of the games.  I know most WRPG are far more sexual than FE, and that's become an expected trait of RPGs, but Fire Emblem has always been an execption to that thread.  Like I said in the OP, I liked Fire Emblem because it didn't have sexual elements or typical anime cliches characters like you see in most JRPG.  The direction it has gone literally kills all the wholesome authenticity that the originals had.  And what makes it worse is that it wasn't a gradual progession, it's boom, one game it's clean, decent, deep characters, original art, next game it looks like a moe-anime, with anime stereotypes for most of the characters, poorly done perverted fanservice and weak easily digestable plots. 

A large portion of why me and many others enjoy FE has been completely changed, and imo not for the best

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew